Worksheet Ch.12 – WATER POLLUTION
- Trace substances that are water pollutants are those which occur at concentrations of ……………. ..………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- The general types of water pollutantsmost likely to be involved with eutrophication are ………..
- Lead, cadmium andmercury are all examples of water pollutants called ______
______whereasarsenic is an example of a ______.
- One of these pollutants which ischemically similar to zinc is ______. One pollutant that potentially can getinto water from plumbing would be ______.
One pollutant that is converted by methylated organometallic forms by bacteria would be ______. Ametalloid pollutant that occurs with phosphate minerals and enters into theenvironment along with some phosphorus compounds is ______.
- Bactericidal, fungicidal, andinsecticidal tributyl tin chloride and related tributyl tin (TBT) compounds are ofparticular environmental significance because of their widespread use as ______
- A highly toxic inorganic water pollutant that is widely used in certain mineralprocessing operations is ______.
- A water pollutant that isthe initial product of the decay of nitrogenous organic wastes is ______and one produced by bacteria acting on sulfate is ______.
- Asubstance that causes lung cancer when inhaled, but which may not be particularlydangerous in drinking water is ______.
- Eutrophication describes acondition of lakes or reservoirs involving ______. Generally, thesingle plant nutrient that is generally named as the culprit in excessive eutrophicationis ______.
- The most common source of pollutant acid in wateris ……………………………………………….
…………………….. formed by the microbial oxidationof ______. - The recharging of water softeners canintroduce excessive amounts of ______into water.
- Biochemical oxygen demand is a measurement of …………………………………………………
- Primary and secondary sewagetreatment processes remove ………………………………………..
……………………………………… from water.
- A soapanion exhibits a dual nature because it consists of …………………………………………. that likes water and a ………………………………………... Soap’s primary disadvantage as a cleaning agent is …………………………………………………………………………………..…
The surfaceactiveagent, or surfactant, in detergents acts by …………………………………………
- The advantageof LAS surface active agent over ABS is that the former is ______.Most of the environmental problems that currently are associated with the use ofdetergents arise from the ______in detergents.
- A once common petrol additive that has been shown to pollute water is ______.
- Pesticides classified as“both the oldest and newest” kinds of pesticides are the ______and pyrethroids.Chemically, both parathion and malathion are classified as ______
but the latter is safer because …………………………………………………………………………..
- Although the toxicity of DDT to humans islow, it isenvironmentally damaging because of its……..
- What do mercury and arsenic have in common in regard to their interactions withbacteria in sediments?
- What are the two reasons that soap is environmentally less harmful than ABSsurfactant used in detergents?
- What is the primary detrimental effect upon organisms of salinity in waterarising from dissolved NaCl and Na2SO4?
- Give a specific example of each of the following general classes of waterpollutants:
(a) trace elements:
(b) metal-organic combinations:
(c) pesticides:
- Draw the general chemical formula of the compound designated as PCB?
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