Spring Week 9 2017


This week our world travel topic has taken us to India. On Thursday, we welcomed Sunnita from The Indian Experience to school, when Diamond an Emerald class took part in Bollywood dancing, dressed up in traditional Indian clothes and created Rangoli patterns and designs.

Maths - All children have explored direction and movement, learning about whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns. We have also learnt what ‘clockwise and anti-clockwise’ mean and used this positional language to describe the movement of objects. Further consolidation opportunities are attached. In response to parent’s feedback, homework sheets are available in both PDF and Word format.

*Children are rewarded for completing homework and he/she will receive signatures from their teachers in this respect.

Please encourage your child to read regularly, it makes such a difference. It’s great to see you writing short comments in their reading diary too. Your time in supporting your child’s learning is greatly appreciated.

Mrs Simpson, Mrs Lucking, Miss Saxby and Miss Kitchinson.


Compare each object to their start position. Underneath each picture write the turn and direction each object has made.

Words you should use: whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, clockwise; anti-clockwise.


Look at the start position of these objects each time.

Then draw them in their new position.

Start / A half turn / Start / One quarter turn clockwise
Start / One quarter, turn anti-clockwise / Start / Three quarter turn clockwise