Strategic Plan 2013 – 2016

Priorities May 2013-2014

Top Priorities highlighted in Yellow

Secondary Priorities highlighted in Green

PABC Strategic Plan 2013-16 Page 1


The past three years (2010 through 2012) have been incredibly successful ones for the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC). Our membership currently represents nearly 70 per cent of all practicing physiotherapists in BC.

Our association has been recognized for our leadership nationally in promoting our profession to fellow physiotherapists, other health care organizations and professionals, and to the general public. Our professional development and clinical librarian programs and services position PABC as a national leader in professional education and clinical excellence.This leadership is reflected in the results we’ve achieved over the past three years. Examples include:

  • A 2011 CPA member satisfaction survey that reported 92% satisfaction rating on the importance and relevance of communications received from PABC, a rating well above any other CPAbranches
  • A 2011 new graduate renewal rate of 86 per cent – the highest renewal rate ever, until 2012, where PABC enjoyed a 91% new graduate renewal rate;
  • An increase in both member awareness of and participation in PABC webinars;
  • Active use of social media to share PABC’s message through Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Facebook, including a near tripling of “likes” on the association’s Facebook page;
  • PABC won the 2012 Canadian Society of Association ExecutivesAward for Best New Program (for the Physio-4 Social Media Program.)

While PABC has accomplished a lot over the past three years, there’s much more we want to achieve, both for our members and on behalf of the physiotherapy profession. We want to grow the number of physiotherapists who are members of our association, with a focus on retaining student members and increasing our membership in public practice. We want to promote our work with the public and with other health care professionals. We want to strengthen our relationships with insurers and other strategic partners. And we want to provide our members with the information and resources they need to continue to lead the physiotherapy profession in Canada. All this in the pursuit of Keeping British Columbians Moving for Life.

This strategic plan – developed by our Board of Directors – is designed to guide the direction and priorities of our organization over the next three years.

Strategic Plan Directions for PABC (2013-2016)

PABC’s Board of Directors has determined four strategic directionswill guide the work of the association over the coming three yearsas the profession keeps British Columbians Moving for Life are:

  • To attract and engage members
  • To promote the value of the physiotherapy profession
  • To build progressive partnerships
  • To promote excellence and innovation in practice

Strategic Direction #1

Attract and engage members

The success of PABC in leading and providing support to our profession depends on attracting, retaining and engaging our membership on an ongoing basis. These efforts will be focused in a number of key priorities:

  • Attract and retain student andnew grads
  • Attract and retain regular members, and re-engage lapsed members
  • Provide QAP supports for members
  • Improve clarity on PABC representation with stakeholders
  • Support networking, peer mentoring and education
  • Encourage member engagement in the marketing and promotion of physiotherapy
  • Increase market share of public practice future members


Priority (4-6 in total) / Governance Needs / Operational Tasks / Strategies and Tactics / Targets and Measurement
Attract and retain student and new grads / Policy on active engagement between PABC leaders and students / Arrange for PABCrole models (President or Board Directors) to address classes
Request PABC members promote the value of membership when addressing students at Pizza & Practice, teach class, informational session on PABC
Create Virtual Forum for new grad classes
Webinar reunion for grad classes 2-4 years out to discuss practice learnings and challenges / Student Directors and NSA reps reinforce with class the value the role models have found in membership
Student Directors use a contest to reinforce with class that leading and influential physios are PABC members
Seek new grad thought-leaders to create a Virtual Forum discussion topic each quarter
Seek one new grad per class to solicit top 3 learnings from their class and present them
Assign a new grad to write a newsletter article highlighting the new grad learnings / Students report a recognition of the impact of membership on PABC leaders
70% of classes participate in the contest and report recognizing PABC membership
Each post receives 5 or more comments
New grad attendees report on exit survey that the session was informative and worthwhile
Attract and retain members / Policy on member satisfaction surveys
Policy on committing to an annual member education and networking day / Seek CPA analysis of non-renewed members (categories of membership) and IEPs
Establish IEP network for communications to raise awareness of PABC / Establish baseline for year-on-year growth
Work with UBC to reach current and graduated IEPs; circulate promotional materials; invite IEP members to contribute to newsletter and social media / Progressive increases year-on-year in each membership category (e.g. new grad, new professional, IEP, retiree)
Provide QAP supports for members / Develop policy to actively support members’ best interests / Identify resource and informationwants & needs for membership
Provide members with resources to keep current in the QAP competencies / Create task force of varied demographics to express member interests
Develop communications strategy for consistent, ongoing communication on resources available / A list of recommended resources is created
Usage survey indicate increase in member preparedness before/afteraccessing PABC resources
Improve clarity on PABC representation with stakeholders / Develop policy that PABC represents members’ best interests with insurers and interests of the patients
Develop policy on the role of the committees, the reporting relationship between the Board and its committees, including setting clear guidelines and goals for the liaisons, for the composition of the committee / Follow-up with committee members following development, communication and implementation of policies to assess effectiveness / Committee members report on being clear on their roles, expectations and perceived value to the organization
Support networking, peer mentoring and education / Enable members to connect with peers through the website / Create peer advisory and peer mentoring programs
Create Virtual Forum
Create peer connections and engagement through member profiles
Develop member networking through new social media (Pinterest and LinkedIn groups)
Build more networking opportunities into annual Forums / Year One: members report on feeling enriched/satisfied by their participation (by survey)
Year Two: Establish participation numbers targets in Year 2
15 per cent increase in followers/likes on various social networks
Encourage member interest and engagement in the promotion of physiotherapy / Policy to designate 14% of membership dues on public advertising and promotion, and to demonstrate wise and responsible use of the funds through annual reporting / Monitor feedback from members as to the value of the current campaign
Conduct a communications audit to assess the effectiveness of communications to member / Create year-end report of members’ reported use of the branding and promotional materials, and whether it has supported their practice
Initiate action on recommendations / Satisfaction rating of promotional campaign is 80% at year-end
Increase market share of public practice physios / Discuss with health authorities a membership fees cost-sharing model
Develop supports for practice leaders to communicate value of PABC to their network / Enlist physiotherapy leaders to advocate locally to advance the discussions
Host focus groups of future members to seek input on issues PABC initiatives
Increase the number/range of communications materials with focused content relevant to public practice audience / One health authority agrees to develop the idea
One new action is undertaken due to feedback
Future members report increased awareness of PABC communications and services

Strategic Direction #2

Promote the value of the physiotherapy profession

Feedback from our members tells us that one of the major challenges physiotherapists have is to differentiate physiotherapy from other disciplines (e.g. chiropractic and massage therapy) and communicate the value and benefit of the work physiotherapists undertake in both public and private practice. PABC is helping to address this challenge by framing and communicating that value to key stakeholders and the general public.

Our strategic priorities in promoting the value of the profession over the next three years are:

  • Define the value of physiotherapy in key messages
  • Gather and share information/evidence/statistics with members on the value and effectiveness of physiotherapy
  • Increase focus of communications to stories on how physiotherapy adds unique value to a patient’s physical well-being
  • Obtain external validation and testimonials to help promote value of physiotherapy
  • Promote physio specialization as indicator of the value of physiotherapy
  • Leverage CPA resources to collaborate on PABC initiatives for promotion of the profession


Priority (4-6 in total) / Governance Needs / Operational Tasks / Strategies and Tactics / Targets and Measurement
Define the value of physiotherapy in key messages for use in PABC and membercommunications / Create position statement/key messages on the value of physiotherapy, and on the value of the areas of practice
Include in our promotional materials of physiotherapy for our monthly conditions a joint statement, as appropriate, with strategic partners (ie arthritis month has message from the arthritis society, or cardo-respbyCOPD organization, etc) / Disseminate position statement and/or key messages for posting on websites at BCMA, Arthritis Society, ICBC, Heart & Stroke, SportMed, etc and in members’ workplaces
Ask strategic partners (e.g. Arthritis Society, sports clubs, etc.) to make joint statements on the value of physiotherapy / Members post the positioning statement in their workplace, and use key messages in their practice promotions
Members present materials to educate physicians (GPs, specialists, family physicians, champions of physio)
One joint statement with a strategic partner(s) issued each year
Gather and share information/evidence/statistics with members on the value and effectiveness of physiotherapy / Policy on collection, storage, privacy considerations, and type of information gathered
Positioning statement on why PABC believes members should use these tools / Create resource of Outcome Measures
Create “effectiveness of physiotherapy” key documents, research articles, alerts resource on the members side of the website / Post “effectiveness of physiotherapy” key messagesfor public site
Gather member feedback and usage experience to promote our value to stakeholders / Posts on public site show
progressive increase in hits each quarter
Members report using the information in their newsletters, blogs, SM posts, workplace postings
Members share whichmaterialsare effective in best practice
Increase focus of communications to stories on how physiotherapy adds unique value to a patient’s physical well-being / Policy on raising awareness and on educating the public and PABC stakeholders through existing and emerging technological platforms
Policy to clarify goals of promotional campaigns and focus/content of advertising
Member guidelines re: appropriate, responsible use of social media (respecting privacy, getting permission to use someone’s image, getting permission to share stories, guidelines around what is not ok to post, etc.) / Develop communications plan that aligns practice stories with promotional activities
Develop social media strategy
Identify need for
school outreach information kit for members to use in career planning events
Develop case studies of physiotherapy effectiveness / >pending: strategy to follow once plan is developed<
Provide members with form and process to tell their physiotherapy inspirations
Develop key messages and images for member download
Create form for members’ easy case-study reporting / Public opinion poll shows increase in public and physician awareness of the value of physiotherapy
Each week has a new inspiration posted
Quarterly hits show progressive increase
Members provide input on the kit and report satisfaction in its use
One case study a quarter posted to site
Obtainexternal validation and testimonials to help promote value of physiotherapy / Policy onwho and how we contact stakeholders / Solicit value testimonials patients, other recognized health care leaders and organizations
Share with insurers case studies/success stories with one of their clients to prove value of physiotherapy / Develop template for patient intake questions related to awareness of “value” campaign
Develop testimonial database/list and case studies
Develop campaign for members to identify a target population, share with them their testimonials or case studies, identify their preferred outcome. / Testimonials posted on the public site; organic testimonials uploaded and “hits” increase over the year
One testimonial case study shared at each liaison meeting; sent to adjusters/case managers
Members report on their target outcome
Promote physio specialization to the public as indicator of value of physiotherapy / Develop plan with CPA on promoting specialization
Keep in touch with College on name usage / Create section of marketing and communications plan focusing on specializations / Publish specialization stories in newsletter
Host specialization webinar
Leverage CPA resources to collaborate on PABC initiatives for promotion of the profession / Develop policy on the role CPA could support the promotion of the value of physio within PABC / Develop a new initiative on existing campaigns and gain support from CPA
Design a new option for collaboration on promotion of value of physiotherapy / Collaborate with CPA on member communications audit
Meet with CPA to discuss proposed opportunities for marketing and communications outreach collaboration / Branches and CPA seek PABC resources and ideas
4 new collaborations discussed with the CPA on future projects

Strategic Direction #3

Build progressive partnerships

One of the primary roles of the PABC is to take responsibility on behalf of our members for maintaining and improving relationships with our existing and potential strategic partners in BC. Key priorities over the next three years are to establish and maintain trust, credibility and positive influence with the following stakeholder groups:

  • Insurers and employers (WSBC, ICBC, etc.)
  • Regulators (College of Physical Therapists, Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators)
  • Physicians/BCMA
  • BC government (Ministries of Labour, Health) and health authorities
  • Researchers and educators (UBC)
  • CPA


Stakeholder / Governance needs / Operational Needs / Strategies and Tactics / Targets and Measurement
All key stakeholder/partner organizations / Develop policy on interfacing with partner organizations at level of authority to influence decision-making / Determine (by board) communications mechanism for addressing stakeholders
Selection of Board delegate representatives from each organization
Identify areas of improved service between PABC and stakeholder organizations / Seek stakeholder feedback; pilot the structure
Provide staff and Board supports to liaisons to ensure they are equipped with what they need to provide effective leadership for PABC
Create customer value proposition survey of stakeholders to determine satisfaction on our timeliness, responsiveness, and on their preferences and requirements (meeting frequency, style or form of communication, etc.) / Track progressive improvement in communications with target stakeholders
Liaisons and representatives report being better skilled and prepared to undertake PABC business.
Survey administered; Baseline satisfaction identified
Insurers and employers / Increase recognition of our brand, establish the credibility of our members and achieve recognition of the value of our services in terms of access and remuneration/funding / WSBC:
Advocate to establish qualified practitioner status;
Collaborate on a new mutually beneficial contract
Initiate discussions with the insurer to establish market rate fees / Progress closer to achieving qualified practitioner status in 2013; achieve status within 5 years
Achieve written or verbal intention from government to provide QP status
Achieve signed contract for 2-5years
Begin discussions of a new contract establishing market rate fees in private practice: 2-5 years
Regulators (College of Physical Therapists, Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators) / Promote and support competence in practice and assist members to meet and exceed the regulatory standards.
Attain level of engagement that indicated collaboration in discussions and decision-making / Provide education and practice tools for areas of competency identified by the College as requiring support
Identify goals to be met at Consortium and Triumvirate meetings / Members identify competence supports identified as helpful
Following each meeting, CEO & President assess progression on goals
Physicians/BCMA / Greater collaboration with physicians in patient/client care
Advocate with physicians to be the first referral for MSK / Initiate two collaboration with BCMA on common initiatives (e.g. Osteoporosis public education & treatment)
Provide members with materials to provide physicians on why they should refer / Two formal communications from BCMA in 2013
Members report a positive response in referrals from physicians
BC government (Ministries of Labour, Health) and health authorities / Review policy on partisanship / Attain a level of credibility that supports participation at the “influence” level in order to achieve recognition of the value of our services in terms of access and remuneration/funding
Collaboration with HAs on providing education funding for members / Encourage members to attend constituency meetings leading to election.
Create regular communications with the Ministers of Labour and Health
Create survey of public practice physios asking what they want/need to make membership valuable; track number of new members after implementing new initiatives that were suggested on the surveys / Members report attending meetings and provide update on feedback received from elected representatives
Provide (either upon request or by initiative) our feedback on healthcare initiatives
Receive regular invitations to government tables on key issues affecting the profession
Increase in the number of public practice members in the PABC
Researchers and educators (UBC) / Collaborate with UBC and CPTBC on the establishment of the QAP support phase
Collaboration with UBC on improving the private practice student placements / Create QAP support task force to form recommendations for support
Create virtual study
Launch a campaign to solicit members support / Members access materials and report them as helpful
New sites commit to placements
CPA / Promote the CPA suite of insurance products, with CPA assurance it is the best value for members, and to promote its value to members (malpractice, clinic, extended health)
Increase recognition of the PABC brand, and seek evidence of CPA recognition of the value of our services on a national level / CPA & PABC circulate joint promotion
Regular communications to and from our organizations on President and CEO levels / Members report on increased assurance of best value
PABC President and CEO report high level of satisfaction with “general operations”
CPA promotes PABC’s successes nationally twice

Strategic Direction #4

Promote excellence and innovation in practice

At PABC, the foundation of our purpose as a professional association is to work with our members to promote excellence and innovation in professional practice, and to set and uphold the highest professional standards in our field. Not only is this approach in the best interests of our patients, it also supports all of PABC’s other strategic priorities and helps to position British Columbia’s physiotherapists as the leading professionals in our field.