Name ______class______

UNIT TWO – Chapter 3

Intervention Worksheet

Directions: Use your UNIT 2 packet/chapter 3 notes to answer the questions as they relate the Intervention Episode ( season 11 Episode 8 (S11:E8)


1. What is Skyler’s addiction?

2. What events have triggered his issues?

3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (chapter 3 lesson 1)

Identify which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs has not been met for Skyler?

From whom does Skyler seek this need?

In relation to the theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, what is playing a large role in Skyler’s addiction?

How can Skyler make his situation better even without his needs being met?

4. Traits of good character (chapter 3 lesson 2)

Which of the 6 traits of good character do you feel Skyler does not exhibit and give an example?

Which of the 6 traits of good character do you feel Skyler’s mom does not exhibit and give an example?

Which of the 6 traits of good character do you feel Skyler’s dad does not exhibit and give an example?

5. What defense mechanisms do you see him using (chapter 3 lesson 3)?

Identify the defense mechanism(s) –

Explain how you see him using the defense mechanism(s) in his life -

Analyze how the defense mechanism(s) are an obstacle for him -

6. Is there someone enabling Skyler? If so who?


1. What is Jessa’s addiction?

2. What events have triggered her issues?

3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (chapter 3 lesson 1)

Identify which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs has not been met for Jessa?

From whom does Jessa seek this need?

In relation to the theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, what is playing a large role in Jessa’s addiction?

How can Jessa make her situation better even without his needs being met?

4. Traits of good character (chapter 3 lesson 2)

Which of the 6 traits of good character do you feel Jessa does not exhibit and give an example?

Which of the 6 traits of good character do you feel Jessa’s mom does not exhibit and give an example?

Which of the 6 traits of good character do you feel Jessa’s dad does not exhibit and give an example?

5. What defense mechanisms do you see her using (chapter 3 lesson 3)?

Identify the defense mechanism(s) –

Explain how you see her using the defense mechanism(s) in her life -

Analyze how the defense mechanism(s) are an obstacle for her -

6. Is there someone enabling Jessa? If so who?

7. In Unit 1 we discussed factors that are not within our “control”. List those factors (look in your notebook in your unit 1 packet)

8. Jessa’s environment has a big effect on her. What do you think she struggles with the most in her environment?

9. What happened to Jessa’s military career that is a result of her actions and poor coping skills?

10. Who is ultimately responsible for the life that Jessa lives and the choices she makes?

11. Explain one way Jessa can improve her situation IN ADDITION TO getting help for her addiction.

BIG PICTURE: Your everyday decisions affect your life and those who care about you. You DO control your decisions (our health class is called HEALTH DECISIONS).

Analyze how your decisions about everything you do (from what you eat, to the friends you have, to the defense mechanisms and coping strategies you use) have a direct result on your health (life).

12. Give one example of a choice you have made that has positively affected your overall health and explain in at least 3 sentences

13. Give one example of a choice you have made that has negatively affected your overall health and explain in at least 3 sentences