7thManufacturing Engineering Society International Conference – Vigo, Spain – June 2017


Title of the Contribution to be Presented in the 7th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC 2017)
A. Author 1(1), B. Author 2(2), C. Author 3(3),…
(1)Full address of the First Author, including e-mail.
(2,3)List all distinct addresses in the same way.

Keywords: List the keywords (max. 5) covered in your paper

7thManufacturing Engineering Society International Conference – Vigo, Spain – June 2017


1. Introduction (Calibri, 10p, bold)

This document explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready manuscript for theAbstracts Book of the MESIC 2017. Please, read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. The length of your abstract must not be longer that one page (210 x 297 mm, A4 format, upper and lower margins 20 mm and left and right margins 25 mm). Please, use this document as a template for writing your abstract. The title of the future contribution must be in Calibri-bold 12p, followed by authors’ names (10p) and addresses (9p) and a list of keywords (8p).The text (Calibri 10p) will be written at double column (68.7 mm wide separated 12.5 mm, single line spaced, 2p paragraph spaced).

Abstract should include the main objectives, results and conclusions of the research work to be presented in the Conference and it must be written in English. A brief introduction will show the objectives and, if necessary, the antecedents [1] of the research with the corresponding references [2,3], which will be indicated by squared brackets [1-3] and placed in the final section.

Please, send the abstract by e-mail(Word 97 orupper) to , including in the subject "ABSTRACT MESIC2017-FIRST AUTHOR"

2. Methodology or Experimental Procedure

A brief description of the methodology and/or the experimental procedure followed for the development of the work can be shown in this section, including, if necessary, equipment, materials, etc. Tables and/or Figures can be used if necessary.

Tables can be referencedin the text using Table I, Table II,… and canbe placed as shown in the example, Table I.

Table I. Heading of table. Example


/ Nominal (mm) / Mean (mm)
X / 225.855 / 225.842
Y / 345.679 / 345.668
Z / 50.383 / 50.382

On the other hand, figures must be referenced using Figure 1, Figure 2,… and can be inserted as shown in the example, Figure 1.

If necessary, tables and figures can be placed occupying the width of the page.

Figure 1.An example of afigure inserted in the abstract.

3. Results and Discussion

If possible, the main obtained results would be summarized and discussed in this section. Include Tables and/or Figures if necessary.

4. Conclusions

Please, summarise the main conclusions and original contributions of your work.

5. Acknowledgements

It is permitted to include an acknowledgements section

6. References

[1] T.Y. Masp, Manuf. Eng. 4 (2015) 25.

[2] L. Jeag, F.E. Tolez and S.From, “Manufacturing Optimisation”, Marcel Dekker, New York (USA), 1998.

[3] A.W. Head, J. Two-Eagler and Y. Lu, Revolutions and Evolutions in Manufacturing Engineering, Proc. MESIC2015, Barcelona (Spain), 2015.

[4] SIF-MES, MESIC 2017 CFP, (last access: october 2017)