Tooele City RedevelopmentAgency of Tooele City, Utah

Business Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday, December 7,2016

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Place: Tooele City Hall, Large Conference Room

90 North Main St., Tooele, Utah

RDA Board Members Present:

Chairman Steve Pruden

Scott Wardle

Dave McCall

Brad Pratt

Debbie Winn

City Employees Present:

Mayor Patrick Dunlavy

Glenn Caldwell, Finance Director

Jim Bolser, Director of Community Development and Public Works

Paul Hansen, City Engineer

Michelle Pitt, Recorder

Roger Baker, City Attorney

Randy Sant, Economic Development and Redevelopment Agency Director

Minutes prepared by Michelle Pitt

  1. Open Meeting

Chairman Prudencalled the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

Steve Pruden, Present

Brad Pratt, Present

Scott Wardle, Present

Dave McCall, Present

Debbie Winn, Present

  1. RDA Resolution 2016-05 A Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of Tooele City, Utah, Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Boyer Company Regarding the Development of 33 Acres of Land Located at Main Street and 1000 North Street

Presented by Randy Sant

Mr. Sant stated that for the last year the RDA has been working with the Boyer Company on the property at 1000 North to pursue a regional retail development. Mr. Sant said that he has been working towards getting a property purchase agreement with Boyer.As they have been discussing the property purchase agreement, they felt that a better approach would be to adopt a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining an agreement with Boyer. The MOU would outline certain obligations that the RDA would be required to do, and certain obligations that Boyer would do. Mr. Sant explained some of the obligations of Boyer to be: work on a preliminary site plan, retain architects and civil engineers, lay out the retail as required by City ordinance, review the environmental, tenant acquisition, letters of intent, andwork with the RDA to prepare a master plan for the property. RDA responsibilities include: title commitment, do an Alta survey, give Boyer access to allfiles regarding the property, andthe environmental and geotechnical studies.

Mr. Sant further explained that the RDA could, at any time, convert over to a purchase property agreement, development agreement, or purchase sale agreement. After the MOU time period has expired, the RDA would have to make a decision about whether to enter in to a purchase property agreement with Boyer. Mr. Sant stated Mr. Baker worked with him on the MOU and felt that it was a better agreement.

RDA Board MemberPratt moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Boyer Company. RDA Board MemberMcCallseconded the motion. The vote was as follows: RDA Board Member McCall “Aye,”RDA Board Member Wardle “Aye,” RDA Board Member Pratt “Aye,” RDA Board Member Winn “Aye,” and Chairman Pruden “Aye.”

  1. Adjourn

RDA Board MemberWardlemoved to adjourn the meeting. RDA Board MemberWinnseconded the motion. The vote was as follows: RDA Board Member McCall “Aye,”RDA Board Member Wardle “Aye,” RDA Board Member Pratt “Aye,” RDA Board Member Winn “Aye,” and Chairman Pruden “Aye.”

The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.

The content of the minutes is not intended, nor are they submitted, as a verbatim transcription of the meeting. These minutes are a brief overview of what occurred at the meeting.

Approved this 4thday of January, 2017


Brad Pratt, Tooele City CouncilChair

Page | 1Tooele City Council December 7, 2016