Barry County Board of Commissioners

December 13, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Commission Chambers


  1. Chair Stolsonburg called the regular session of the Barry County Board of Commissioners to Order at9:00 a.m. in the Barry County Commission Chambers.
  1. Moment of Silence/Invocation by Commissioner Conner.
  1. Those present stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
  1. Roll Call was taken. The following members were present: Vivian Conner, James Dull, Ben Geiger, Howard Gibson, Jon Smelker, David Jackson and Craig Stolsonburg. Also present: Clerk Pam Palmer.
  1. APPROVAL OF WRITTEN AGENDA: (including consent items & items for discussion)

Commissioner Stolsonburg asked to have item (8-d) removed from the Consent Items. Moved by Commissioner Geiger, seconded by Gibson to approve the agenda as amended. All ayes. Motion carried.

  1. LIMITED PUBLIC COMMENT: (3 minutes per person)

-Dar Leaf listed five year comparison numbers as to complaints, citations, accidents & fatalities for Barry County.

  1. CONSENT ITEMS: (voted upon at one time by roll call vote):
  1. Approval of November 29, 2016 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes.
  2. Approval of December 6, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting minutes.
  3. Approval of the Audit Engagement Agreement with Walker Fluke & Sheldon, P.C. to perform the 2016 Barry County Road Commission annual audit.
  4. (Removed from consent Agenda).
  5. Approval of the renewal of the employment agreement between the Barry County Board of Commissioners and the Barry County Administrator for a three year period commencing on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2019. (roll call vote)

Moved by Geiger, seconded by Smelkerto approve the amended consent items as listed above. Roll call vote. Ayes: Conner, Dull, Geiger, Gibson, Jackson, Smelker & Stolsonburg. Motion carried.


Barry County Board of Commissioners

Minutes of December 13, 2016

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  1. Items for Consideration (roll call vote indicated)
  1. Approval of transfers and disbursements:

Approval of pre-paid invoices in the amount of $2,524,520.27

  1. Approval of claims in the amount of $237,527.06
  2. Approval of Commissioner Reimbursements (mileage) in the amount of $1,099.82(roll call vote)

Moved by Dull, seconded by Geiger for approval of pre-paid invoices in the amount of $2,524,520.27, claims in the amount of $237,527.06, and Commissioner Reimbursements (mileage) in the amount of $1,099.82. Discussion. Roll call vote. Ayes: Conner, Dull, Geiger, Gibson, Jackson, Smelker & Stolsonburg. Motion carried.

  1. Approval of the appointment of Dr. John Bechinski, Medical Examiner for Barry County.

Commissioner Stolsonburg informed the commissioners that Dr. John Bechinski D.O. has withdrawn his name as medical examiner for Barry County. Dr. Bechinski will no longer be with Sparrow Hospital.

Moved by Dull, seconded by Geiger to approve the appointment of Dr. Michael A. Markey, M.D. as Medical Examiner for Barry County. Roll call vote. Ayes: Conner, Dull, Geiger, Gibson, Jackson, Smelker & Stolsonburg. Motion carried.

  1. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Commissioner Geiger asked about Planning Commission fees. PCI enforces soil erosion permits for construction only, but are not certified to issue the permits.
  1. NEW BUSINESS: None.
  1. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Commissioner Geiger commented on Governor Snyder’s appointed a 21st Century Infrastructure Commission to look at all aspects of infrastructure, and the resulting report which includes broadband for rural areas. The report is available
  1. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: Commissioner Stolsonburg reminded the commissioners that they will be having their picture taken by Jean Gallup after today’s meeting.
  1. VICE CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: Commissioner Conner reported that she attended the Parks & Recreation Executive Committee meeting & Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting.
  1. COMMISSIONER REPORTS (FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA) - Each commissioner commented on their various committees, boards & meetings recently attended.

-Rick Moore invited the public to attend the open house at the old post office (now the Community Room) prior to the meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2016.

Barry County Board of Commissioners

Minutes of December 13, 2016

Page 2 of 3

  1. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Gibson, second by Jackson to adjourn at 9:14 am. Motion carried.


Craig Stolsonburg, Chair

Barry County Board of Commissioners


Pamela A. Palmer

Barry County Clerk

Approved: _12/27/16 PPalmer______

Date & Initial when approved

Barry County Board of Commissioners

Minutes of December 13, 2016

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