Tooele City Council

Business Meeting Minutes

Date:Wednesday,March 5, 2014

Time:7:00 p.m.

Place:Tooele City Hall, Council Chambers

90 North Main Street, Tooele Utah

Council Members Present:

Brad Pratt, Chair

Scott Wardle

Dave McCall

Steve Pruden

Debbie Winn

City Employees Present:

Mayor Patrick Dunlavy

Roger Baker, City Attorney

Glenn Caldwell, Finance Director

Michelle Pitt, City Recorder

Lisa Carpenter, Deputy Recorder

Jim Bolser, Public Works and Community Development Director

Rachelle Custer, City Planner

Chief Ron Kirby, Chief of Police

Paul Hansen, City Engineer

Heidi Peterson, Communities That Care Director

Minutes prepared by Elisa Jenkins

ChairmanPrattcalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.Chairman Pratt recognized Boy Scout Troops 1321, 3960 and 1615 who were working on their Communications and Citizenship in the Community Merit Badges.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led byBoy Scout Troop 1321.

  1. Roll Call

Brad Pratt, Present

Scott Wardle, Present

Dave McCall, Present

Steve Pruden, Present

Debbie Winn, Present

  1. Resolution 2014-12 A Resolution of the Tooele City Council Approving the Declaration for the Right to Libraries

Presented by Members of the Library Board

Brandon Clark, Vera Zaccardi, and Karen Loutzenhiserfrom the Tooele City Library Board presented Resolution 2014-12 to the Council. Mr. Clark said that they are asking that the Council approve the Declaration for the Right to Libraries. Mr. Clark read Resolution 2014-12 and the Declaration for the Right to Libraries which is attached to the resolution.

Councilman McCall moved to approve Resolution 2014-12. Chairman Pratt seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

Councilman McCall said that Tooele City has the best library in the state and he commended the Library Director Jami Carter for her work.

Chairman Pratt introduced Jami Carter the Director of Tooele City Library. He said that Tooele City has a fantastic library and a great Director. Ms. Carter has taken the library and moved technology forward and it is a facility that everyone should be proud of. He thanked Ms. Carter for the great job she does and the Library Board for their service.

Mayor Dunlavy said that he was the project manager on the new library before he became Mayor and it was a dream for the community to have this library. The library was built to expand and he has enjoyed watching it grow and the community’s involvement in the library. He encouraged those who have not been to the library for a while to go because there are so many great things that go on there. He thanked the Council for their support. He thanked Ms. Carter,her staff and the Library Board for all that they do.

Ms. Zaccardisaid that on St. Patrick’s Day they are going to have the Luck of the Library and there are a lot of activities going on between 5:00-7:00 and invited everyone to attend.

Ms. Loutzenhisersaid that she wanted to sincerely thank the City Council for their support of the library. They are grateful to have the extended hours. She also said that in the hall is the resolution that Mr. Clark read earlier and below the resolution is space for anyone to sign who is in support of libraries. This resolution along with the signatures will be hung in the library.

  1. Mayor’s Community Youth Recognition Awards

Presented by Mayor Patrick Dunlavy, Chief Ron Kirby, and Heidi Peterson

Mayor Dunlavy welcomed all that had come to support these students and said that it is his honor to recognize these students. He said that this award is very important to the Council and himself and it is one of the most important things that they do at City Council meeting. He also said that it is very important for youth to be recognized for the good things that they do. He introduced Chief Ron Kirby, Chief of Police and Ms. Heidi Peterson the Communities that Care Director.

Ms. Peterson thanked everyone for coming and supporting these students. She stated that the Communities that Cares department evaluates the risks that kids are up against in the community and then they put programs into place to help them. She mentioned that there are three programs that the Communities that Care program offers in the community which are; 1) Lions Quest in the Elementary Schools, 2) Life Skills Training in the Secondary Schools and 3) Guiding Good Choices which is a family program. She encouraged anyone interested in the Guiding Good Choices program to contact her. She explained that the students receiving this award will receive a backpack filled with donations from various businesses in the community and she thanked those businesses for their donations. She thanked the Tooele School District and the teachers for their support of the Communities of Care program in the schools.She also thanked the Police Department for their role in this program.

Ms. Peterson then presented the Mayor’s Community Recognition Award to the following students:

Myles Flygare, East Elementary

Ezekiel Van, Harris Elementary

Hailee Yeck, Middle Canyon Elementary

Alexanndria Veibell, Overlake Elementary

Ashlee Walker, Settlement Canyon Elementary

Kolby Boswell, West Elementary

Ms. Peterson congratulated these students for their hard work in their families and the community.

Mayor Dunlavy asked the students to stand and he recognized them and congratulated them again for receiving this this award. He said that he is very proud of these students and noted that they will be the future leaders of the City. He also recognized the families for the important role they play in these young people’s lives. He thanked the teachers in the schools for helping the Communities that Care program succeed.

A brief recess was taken for a picture with the Mayor, and the recipients of this award.

  1. Public Comment Period

Chairman Pratt invited anyone from the public who would like to come forward and address the Council to please do so. No one came forward.

Chairman Pratt closed the public comment periodat7:42 p.m.

  1. Resolution 2014-11 a Resolution of the Tooele City Council Authorizing a One-Year Extension to the T-Mobile Cell Tower Site Lease with Option

Presented by Roger Baker

Mr. Baker explained that in 2011 the Council authorizedT-Mobileto put a cell tower on top of a light pole in Elton Park. T-Mobile would raise the height of the light pole to accommodate the antenna. T-Mobile has asked for the ability to extend that lease for an additional year. They have not constructed their tower yet, they want to preserve the option to keep the lease for another year. This will be the third time that the lease has been extended for a year. Mr. Baker asked them what their construction schedule is and they indicated that it is slated for construction in 2015. They are offering to pay $1,000 for the ability to lease for another year. If they do build and exercise the lease option they will be paying a greater sum.

Councilman Pruden said that this is beneficial for the City.

Mr. Baker noted that the only thing the Council could not do is lease the same light pole to someone else.

Councilman Pruden moved to approve Resolution 2014-11. Councilwoman Winn seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Project Monarch Public Improvements Exemption Request for Industrial Loop Road

Presented by Jim Bolser

Mr. Bolser said that there is a warehouse distribution project preparing to go into the Ninigeret Industrial Depot.The State of Utah’sEconomic Development Office has dubbed the development “Project Monarch” as not to reveal the name of the business, which has yet to be publically announced. They have requested according to the City Code an exemption to the right-of-way improvements that are required for that development for Industrial Loop Road. They have submitted a formal request which is included with the Council’s packet. Mr. Bolser has reviewed the request as well as the City Code requirements and he has forwarded a positive recommendation that the exemption be approved.

Councilman Pruden said they are very excited for this business to come to the Ninigret Industrial Depot.

Councilman Pruden moved to approve the Project Monarch Public Improvements Exemption request for Industrial Loop Road. Councilman McCall seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Canyon Village Subdivision Phase 3 a 10 Lot Single Family Residential Subdivision Located at 1600 North Broadway Avenue

Presented by Jim Bolser

Mr. Bolser explained that the preliminary plat has previously been approved by the Council. The preliminary plat was for 16 lots, six of those lots had a portion of the lot within the City’s flood mitigation area, so only the remaining 10 have been proposed for final plat at this time. This is a multi-family zone and the developer has proposed single family lots in the preliminary plat. This is for final plat for only 10 lots, none of which are in the flood mitigation zone. Staff hasreviewed the plat and they recommend approval on the plat.

Councilman McCall moved to approve Canyon Village Subdivision Phase 3 a 10 Lot Single Family Residential Subdivision Located at 1600 North Broadway Avenue. Councilwoman Winn seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Innovative Subdivision A5.101 Acre Two Lot Subdivision Located at 315 and 317 South 1200 West

Presented by Jim Bolser

Mr. Bolser said that this is for final plat approval. The preliminary plat has been approved. This will take an existing building and allow it to essentially be split in half so the tenant of each half of the building owns their own portion of the building along with the land that goes with it. The building has gone through some renovation on the interior for the separation of the properties along thewall. They have abided by the building code and fire code standards. Staff has reviewed this and they recommend approval.

Councilman Wardle moved to approveInnovative Subdivision a 5.101 Acre Two Lot Subdivision located at 315 and 317 South 1200 West.Councilman McCall seconded the motion. All approved. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Utah Industrial Depot Master Subdivision 3A a Two Lot 86 Acre Subdivision to Subdivide One 4.21 Acre Lot from the 86 Acres at 135 S Lodestone Way

Presented by Jim Bolser

Mr. Bolser stated that this is for final plat approval. The Council also has approved a preliminary plat which follows the prior approval of a condominium plat for building 630. The intent is to take this building and split it off on its own lot from the master subdivision. The plats have met the requirements of the City Code. Staff has reviewed and recommends approval on the plat.

Councilman Pruden recognized Peter Corroon, former Salt Lake City Mayor who works for Ninigret Industrial Depot in the audience. He asked Mr. Corroon to take just a few moments and explain what is being done.

Mr. Corroon said that building 630 has a tenant who wants to buy his own building. They are going through the process to separate the building.

Councilman Pruden moved to approve Utah Industrial Depot Master Subdivision 3A a Two Lot 86 Acre Subdivision to Subdivide One 4.21 Acre Lot from the 86 Acres at 135 S Lodestone Way. Councilwoman Winn seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Sunset Estate Phase 5B on 18 Lot Single Family Residential Subdivision Located at 2100 North 220 West

Presented by Jim Bolser

Mr. Bolser said this is the second time that the Council has seen this final plat. The first time the plat was approved it was not recorded and so the plat expired. Nothing has changed since the prior approval. The applicant is asking that the plat be approved so they can get it recorded. Staff reaffirms their recommendation for approval.

Councilwoman Winn stated that at the Planning Commissionmeeting the Planning Commission voted for a favorable recommendationto the City Council on this but included a condition that this phase of the subdivision be annexed into the North Tooele Special Service District. She does not see that as a recommendation by the staff.

Mr. Bolser said that the staff did some research as requested by the Planning Commission and said that this phase has not been included in the North Tooele Special Service District. If that is the Council’s desire to reaffirm the Planning Commission’s recommendation they would need to include it in their decision.

Councilwoman Winn moved to approve Sunset Estates Phase 5B an 18 Lot Single family Residential Subdivision Located at 2100 North 220 West subject to the conditions that the staff recommends and specifically not having the plat be annexed into the North Tooele Special Service District. Councilman Wardle seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Minutes: Work Session and Business Session February 19, 2014

CouncilmanPruden moved to approve the Tooele City Council Minutesfor the meetings held February 19, 2014as presented. CouncilmanMcCall seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Invoices

Ms. Pitt presented the following invoice for payment:

  • Widdison Turbine Service for installing and removing test pump at the Rodeo Grounds Well in the amount of $56,680.00.

Councilman Pruden moved to approve the invoice as presented by Ms. Pitt. CouncilmanMcCall seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

  1. Adjourn

CouncilmanPrudenmoved to adjourn the meeting. Councilwoman Winnseconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Councilman Pruden, “Aye”, Councilman Wardle, “Aye”, Councilman McCall, “Aye”, Councilwoman Winn, “Aye”, and Chairman Pratt, “Aye”.

The meeting adjourned at7:56 p.m.

The content of the minutes is not intended, nor are they submitted, as a verbatim transcription of the meeting. These minutes are a brief overview of what occurred at the meeting.

Approved this 19thday of March 2014


Brad Pratt, Chair Tooele City Council

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