Hove Civic Society
Winter Lecture Programme 2015-16
All lectures will be held in the Courtlands Hotel, The Drive, Hove
There is no admission charge for members and visitors are welcome for a fee of £3 payable on entry
Other events will be announced via email, newsletter and website www.hovecivicsociety.org
Thursday 29th October 2015
From 6.30pm there will be a display of the three maquettes of the sculptures selected by members of the public and the Sculpture Group, and also an exhibition of some other work carried out this year by Hove Civic Society. Join us in informal discussion over wine and soft drinks.
7.15pm: Chair’s Report and Annual General Meeting
8pm: Councillor Warren Morgan, Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council
Thursday 26th November 2015
“Feasts and Festivals in Victorian Sussex”
Valerie Mainstone, local historian and member of the Brighton and Hove Heritage Commission
Based on her research, which is well respected among local historians and heritage organisations, Valerie Mainstone will take us through the feasts and festivals that were celebrated throughout the year in Victorian Sussex. For example, did you know that a wife was put up for sale at Brighton Market in 1816 on ‘Old Lady’s Day?’
Thursday 28th January 2016
“The Sussex Coastline and its Role in History”
Mark Perry Nash, educator and writer in history and the humanities
It is impossible to overstate the impact of the position of our Channel coastline on the history of Britain - and the rest of the world. We could all think of examples and imagine alternative histories if outcomes of events, such as attempted invasions, had been different. Mark Perry Nash has studied several historical periods from this perspective and will present a stimulating talk based on his academic work in both the UK and the USA. He acknowledges that his early enthusiasm for Sussex and its history was partly inspired by admiration for his ancestor, John Nash (1752-1835), the famous Regency architect.
Thursday 25th February 2016
“Thomas Cochrane – Master and Commander”
Bill McNaught, retired engineer living in Saltdean
Bill McNaught has long had an interest in the characters that have influenced history and is now well known as a speaker who can provide insight into the events of the past, based on his wide-ranging reading and research.
The subject of his lecture is the story of Admiral Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald, one of the Royal Navy’s most daring and successful captains during the Napoleonic Wars and known by the French as the “Sea Wolf”. The novelist Patrick O’Brian’s features many of Admiral Cochrane’s exploits in his books and ‘Lucky’ Jack Aubrey, captain of HMS Surprise in the film Master and Commander, is based on Thomas Cochrane with many of the events in the film based on historical facts.
Cochrane had a colourful life; he became an MP, was involved in a Stock Exchange fraud, was dismissed from the Royal Navy, and commanded three foreign navies before being reinstated in the Royal Navy and becoming an Admiral.
Thursday 24th March 2016
“Way up West – Hove’s Housing History”
Dr Geoffrey Mead, geographer, lecturer and guide
Unlike Brighton which grew up in the 18th and 19th centuries in concentric zones pulsing out from the Old Town in time bands, the development of Hove was a more modern form of urban growth: that of multiple nuclei, or the polycentric city.
Come along and discuss how previous development influences future possibilities, especially when there is a need to provide for more housing.
Thursday 28th April 2016
Public Debate
The topic and members of the panel will be selected in the New Year.