Comments Template for FERC Order 1000 Compliance Interregional Issue Paper
Stakeholder Comments Template
FERC Order 1000 Compliance (Phase 2)
Interregional Requirements
Issue Paper (posted September 17, 2012)
Please submit comments (in MS Word) to no later than the close of business on October 2, 2012.
Submitted by / Company / Date SubmittedPlease fill in the name, e-mail address and contact number of a specific person who can respond to any questions about these comments. / Please fill in here / Please fill in here
This template is for submission of stakeholder comments on the topics listed below which were discussed in the FERC Order No. 1000 compliance initiative (Phase 2) interregional requirements issue paper posted on September 17, 2012, and during the stakeholder conference call on September 25, 2012. Please submit your comments (in MS Word) using this template to no later than close of business on October 2, 2012.
Please use the list of topics and questions below to structure your comments. At the end of the document you may offer comments on any aspect of this initiative not covered by the topics listed. When you state a preference for a particular approach on a topic or issue, your response will be most helpful if you clearly explain the reasoning and business case for your preference and, where appropriate, provide examples.
Topic 1– Proposed stakeholder process. Please comment on the proposed stakeholder process that the ISO envisions using to develop a proposal for compliance with Order No. 1000’s interregional transmission planning coordination and cost allocation requirements. (see pp. 3-6 of the issue paper)
Response: [please fill in response here]
Topic 2 –Order No. 1000 interregional transmission planning coordination requirements. Please comment on whether the requirements that the ISO has listed in the issue paper (pp. 9-12) represents a complete list and/or whether the ISO has potentially misinterpreted any of these requirements. Please also note the specific questions for which the ISO is requesting stakeholder input (p. 10).
Response: [please fill in response here]
Topic3 – Order No. 1000 interregional cost allocation requirements. Please comment on whether the requirements that the ISO has listed in the issue paper (pp. 12-14) represents a complete list and/or whether the ISO has potentially misinterpreted any of these requirements. Please also note the specific questions for which the ISO is requesting stakeholder input (p. 14).
Topic 4 – Other comments. Please comment on any other aspect of the issue paper not covered above.
Response: [please fill in response here]
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