YoloCounty Workforce Investment Board
Yolo Youth Opportunity Council
June 16, 2009
Present: Ron Piña, Ronda Adams, Panna Putnam, Brian Broadway, Vicki Rich, Karen Quintanilla., Tom Lawson, Judy Needham,
Not Present:Connie Gomez Marcia Corrigan, Michael Gangitano, Nancy O’Hara
Ken Garrett, Lori Perez, Ken Garrett
Guests: Al Konuwa- Woodland Community College
Paul Preston-
Steve McPherson-
Mark Johannessen – West Sacramento Cit Council
Edgar Lampkin-
Staff: Teri Ruggiero, Onawa Wyatt, Lisa Vincent, Maria Alvarez.
- Call to Order/Welcome and Introductions
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. with no quorum present but at 3:40 p.m. quorum was present. Ron Piña introduced himself and welcomed the council and guests in attendance. Those present introduced themselves to the council and provided updates on the activities
of their organizations.
- Public Comment & Announcements
Karen Q.-Migrant Education’s Yuba City office is merging into the Woodland Office.
Al Konuwa- Vice President of WCC: Partnering to address mentoring issues. Dr. Konuwa announced that yesterday WCC submitted title 5 grants, utilizing a 3 prong approach addresses issues related to dropouts. One of the Strategies is for early outreach, the second utilizes in mentorship for student and faculty mentorship similar to the strategy at Einstein, and the third used those strategies to propel graduation rates and transfer rates among students. Dr. Konuwa stressed that a stronger outreach program is needed.
- Consent Agenda
- Meeting Agenda Approval
Agenda approved by consensus.
- Youth Council Minutes of Prior Meetings
Tom Lawson moved to accept the minutes as written; Vicki Rich seconded; motion passed.
- Election of Chair/Vice Chair-Nominations and Election
Ron Piña announced that he was entertaining nominations, with the clarification that this position was for co-chair or vice chair for the YYOC. Panna Putnam was nominated during a previous meeting for the position. No other nominations were made. Having heard none, Vicki Rich seconds the motion to vote Panna Putnam as the Vice Chair of the YYOC; motion passed.
- Reports and Updates
WIB Report-Teri Ruggiero
Teri explained that the WIB has been meeting on a monthly basis. In January and February the WIB served as the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee, and through that they developed the strategy which was accepted, making YoloCounty eligible for grants. The One-Stop Partner’s committee has been working on a One-Stop Services Guide to identify gaps in services. During that last meeting representatives from West Sacramento Economic Development came seeking assistance in retaining C & S Wholesale, which is looking at closing facilities in their West Sacramento location. Maria Alvarez, the WIB’s summer youth WEX is working on creating a product for youth mentoring. WIB staffing is in a transition period. The best way to reach WIB is by email , so that it will reach all WIB staff. Succession decisions have been made; Lisa Vincent is here today and is replacing Doug as the analyst over WIB. Jan Wolff will be replacing Teri effective next week.
Ron Piña- WIB support will be further discussed during the August meeting when WIB staff transitions are finalized. Ron added that the YYOC meeting calendar has been set through the 2009 calendar year. Next year’s meeting schedule will be discussed during the August meeting. The YYOC thanked Teri, Doug and Onawa for their support.
Tom Lawson-Inquired about the status of any stimulus money that might be available for his area of focus which is youth career paths. Teri clarified that the stimulus money is available specifically for youth work experience. Additionally, Tom had concerns about why Teri’s position was being eliminated and questioned whether the stimulus money was reaching the people who are actually providing and supporting services to the youth. Teri clarified that while she has been released, her position has not been eliminated. The department manager position is still funded and in place but county seniority determines which managers are released when the budget requires it.
- Youth Mentoring Update
Teri relayed the history of the Youth Mentoring initiative as developed from previous YYOC and WIB meetings, and reviewed the progress from the last YYOC meeting on the topic. Teri created a board letter to approve the YYOC to work in conjunction with YCOE and others to explore and create action plan to decrease dropout rate in YoloCounty. Committee members requested additions to the proposed invitee list in the board letter. Discussion regarding the ‘warehousing of students’ as well as credit deficient students and the issues associated with keeping students in school and addressing the dropout rate. Committee recommended a two day retreat with specialists to speak about issues, with schools, cities and non profits.
During the August meeting the committee will begin to take a look at action plan that will include planning a roundtable. During that time a retreat to further develop the action plan will be discussed. Ron requested that YYOC members gather as much data as possible before next meeting.
Item moved forward through consensus.
- Information Items
Information items included
- Other Business That May Come Before the Youth Council
- Adjourn
Motion to adjourn by Ronda Adams; seconded by Judy Needham; meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m. Those present observed a moment of silence to honor of the memory of Susan Purcell, a longtime YYOC member who recently passed away.