To the Visa Section
Embassy of Italy in …………………………
Invitation/ Declaration of Accommodation
The undersigned______
Born on ______in ______
in ______Province:______
Street______No.______Area Code______Tel______
(Only for companies, institutions or organizations)
Type of Company/ BusinessName______
Situated in______Street______No.______Area Code______
Province______City______Name of the legalRepresentative/Owner______
Born on______in______Nationality______
Resident in______Province______Street______
Street No.______Area Code______Tel______
being aware of the consequences provided for by article 12 of the Legislative Decree No. 286 dated 25th July 1998 (The Consolidated Act regulating immigration and the status of the foreigner) and subsequent amendments,
I declare that I intend to host
the foreigner Mr./Mrs./Ms______
Born on______in______
Nationality______resident in ______
Street______No.______Area Code______Tel______
For the period from______to______
for the purpose of:
The undersigned declares further:
- to have with the applicant ties of kinship/friendship/other:______
- to know for certain that the applicant in his/her country of origin
- Performs the following work:______
- Does not work and his/her means of subsistence are:______
- to pay the living expenses during the stay of the applicant.
- to have the financial resources and housing to accommodate the applicant.
- (if any) to have already made available in favor of the applicant, as a financial guarantee in the form of “bank guarantee” (I enclose the Original copy) for the sum of Euro:______at the Bank of ______
Branch:______located in ______
The undersigned, in case of a positive issuance of the visa application submitted by the foreigner, will provide for the following:
- to host the foreigner at his/her home located in ______No.______
Area Code:______Tel:______
- to bear any eventual expenses arising from healthcare assistance where the Foreigner has no medical insurance or bilateral agreement between Italy and the country of origin in this regard
- to inform the competent authority at the Police Station of the Area, the presence of the foreigner hosted at home within 48 hours after his/her entry into the Italian territory, in accordance with Article 7 of the Legislative Decree No. 286/98 and subsequent amendments
- to ensure the return of the foreigner to his/her country of origin within the deadline established by the entry visa in accordance with Article 1 of the law No. 68 dated 28th May 2007
I am aware of and agree that the data provided in this form are mandatory for the purpose of processing the visa application and that such data will be submitted to the competent authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities for the purpose of adopting a decision on the application.
Such data will be inserted and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) for a maximum period of five years, during which they will be accessible to the competent authorities for visas, the competent authorities at the external borders crossing points, the competent authorities within Member States responsible for assuring that the visa fulfills the conditions for entry, stay or residence in the territory of Member States, the authorities responsible for the asylum seekers for the purpose of establishing the Member State competent for processing the application for asylum status.
Under certain conditions, the data will also be available to the designated authorities of MemberStates and Europol for the purpose of prevention, detection and investigation of crimes of terrorism and other serious crimes.
I am aware that the authorities responsible for processing the personal data referred to in Article 41, paragraph 4 of the EC Regulation are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
I am aware of my right to access the data relating to me in the Visa Information System (VIS) and to request that inaccurate data relating to me be corrected and those relating personally to me and unlawfully processed be deleted. Upon my express request, the authority processing my application will inform me on how to exercise my right to verify my personal data and to correct or delete them.
The National Supervisory Authority under Article 41, paragraph 1 of the EC Regulation No. 767/08 is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, whose headquarters is located in Piazza di Monte Citorio No. 121 00186, Rome, Italy.
I declare to the best of my knowledge that all the data submitted by me are correct and complete. I am also aware of the criminal liability for submitting false statement, as expressly provided for by Article 76 of the Presidential Decree No. 445/2000.
( A copy of the identity document of the undersigned is attached).