November 29, 2011
SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Denise T. Balboni, and Dennis Gragnolati
ALSO PRESENT: William Hamel; Town Clerk, residents, family and friends
Town Clerk William Hamel administered the Oath of Office to Selectmen Balboni & Gragnolati.
Mr. Hamel then administered the Oath of Office to First Selectman, Steven N. Wawruck, Jr.
First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.
· Michael Bracken of 12 Tinker Drive distributed an audio recording to the Selectmen regarding an incident that took place resulting with his termination of employment. He asked the Selectmen to listen to it, and stated that he has reason to believe that the recording has been physically altered or tapered with. Mr. Bracken spoke briefly on the Police Investigation Report that was done by Frank Rudewicz indicating that the Chief of Police had violated State Statue. He wanted to know if the town was going to act on the violation of the law. Mr. Bracken also spoke on the computer harassment issue within the Police Department that took place over a year ago. He stated that there is still no conclusion on that investigation.
· William Rousseau of 407 Elmwood Drive congratulated Selectman Gragnolati for winning a seat on the Board. He stated that he felt that the Board of Selectmen had the responsibility of overseeing what goes on at the Police Department. He also felt that the Selectmen should be acting on the private investigation that was done by Mr. Rudewicz.
· Selectmen Wawruck told Mr. Bracken and Mr. Rousseau that their concerns would need to go before the Police Commission. The Police Commission will be acting upon the Investigation Report from the October 29, 2010 accident in the near future. He added that the Internet harassment issue has been addressed and acted upon by the Police Captain.
(a) Marine Officer – William Fournier, Jr.
Selectman Balboni moved to re-appoint William Fournier, Jr. as the Marine Officer forthe Town of Windsor Locks. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor.
(b) Town Attorney – Law Firm of Chadwick & Stone (Attorney Christopher Stone &
Attorney Scott Chadwick)
Selectman Balboni moved to appoint Attorney Scott Storms as the Town Attorney. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion.
Selectman Wawruck stated that the law firm of Chadwick & Stone has served the town well over the last twenty (20) years. He stated that they’ve always shown expediency and professionalism in any requests put before them, and added that he did not agree with the proposed change to the town’s law firm.
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting
November 29, 2011
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With no further discussion the vote was two in favor (Selectmen Balboni and Gragnolati) and one opposed (Selectman Wawruck).
(c) Labor Attorney – Attorney Kevin Deneen
Selectman Balboni moved to appoint Kevin Deneen as the Labor Attorney for the Town of Windsor Locks. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor.
(d) Town Engineer – J.R. Russo & Associates, LLC
Selectman Balboni moved to re-appoint the firm of J.R. Russo & Associates, LLC as the Town Engineer. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Both Selectmen Balboni and Gragnolati questioned why there was no re-appointment listed for the Emergency Management Director. Selectman Gragnolati stated that the Town Charter indicates that the position should be appointed during the first meeting of the newly elected Board of Selectmen. Selectman Wawruck stated that he would look into the matter and advise the Board at the next meeting.
Items of Consideration for the 12/06/11 Board of Selectmen’s Meeting:
1) MSW Cost Comparison
2) Board of Assessors
3) FOI 1-217 Address Withholding Issue
4) CIAC Requests 2012-13
5) CRCOG Service Sharing Resolution
6) Dang Lawsuit
7) Bracken Lawsuit
Selectman Wawruck stated that the Board would begin acting on these matters at the next Board of Selectmen’s Meeting. He welcomed any questions or comments on the items that would be addressed. Information packets were distributed to the Selectmen.
Selectman Gragnolati moved to nominate Selectman Balboni as the Acting First Selectman in the First Selectman’s absence. Selectman Wawruck seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Selectman Wawruck stated that he looks forward to serving as First Selectman for the next two and in working with the new Board for the betterment of the Town of Windsor Locks. He stated that he was honored to be elected for a fourth term. He added that there are many projects on the horizon; the Rt.75/Rt. 20 Exit Ramp Reconfiguration, the relocation of the Train Station Platform back into the downtown area, and the Main Street Gateway Project that will be transpiring within the next two years.
Selectman Balboni stated that she would like to thank the voters for giving her an opportunity to serve a fifth term as a Selectman for the Town of Windsor Locks. She also thanked Attorney’s Scott Chadwick and Chris Stone for their many years of service to the town. She added that she
Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting
November 29, 2011
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thought they did a fine job representing the town with the many legal issues that were brought before them. She stated that they were always available by telephone and attended many, many meetings on behalf of the town. Selectman Balboni further stated that she felt that Attorney Scott Storms is a well known local attorney and would do an equally good job. She added that she looked forward to a smooth transition in bringing him on board.
Selectman Gragnolati thanked everyone that voted for him, and welcomed Attorney Storms as the Town Attorney. He also welcomed back all of the other re-appointments. He stated that he has been writing grants and would like to investigate installing solar panels for energy in the Town Hall building.
Selectman Wawruck encouraged any efforts that Selectman Gragnolati could bring forward to look into the matter and suggested that he also touch base with the Public Work’s Director on the subject. He stated that it would be listed as an agenda item at an upcoming meeting.
Selectman Wawruck then thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
A motion to adjourn the special meeting at 6:25 p.m. was made by Selectman Balboni and seconded by Selectman Gragnolati. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan R. Barsanti
Recording Secretary