Curriculum Vita
Personal Data Nancy L. Maveety
Department of Political Science
316 Norman Mayer Hall
Tulane University
(504) 862-8300
(504) 862-8745 (FAX)
Educational Record Ph.D. (1987) Political Science
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Dissertation: “Communities of Interest and the Democratic Process:
Supreme Court Supervision of Political Representation”
M.A. (1984) Political Science
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
B.A. (1982) Political Science (Phi Beta Kappa)
Arizona State University
Faculty Appointments 2007-present, Professor of Political Science
Tulane University
1992-2007, Associate Professor of Political Science
Tulane University
1987-1992, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Tulane University
1986-1987, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science
Tulane University
Experience Undergraduate Studies Advisor, 2006-present; 1994-1998
Director of Graduate Studies, 2005-2007, 1999-2000
Department Chair, 2002-2005
Training Effective Performance Management Training Seminar,
Tulane University Human Resources, November 2002
Summer Institute Workshop
Academic Centers for Learning, Research, and Technology
Tulane University, Summer 2000
1. Books:
1.-1. Queen’s Court: Judicial Power in the Rehnquist Era (University of Kansas Press, 2008)
1.-2. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor: Strategist on the Supreme Court (Lanham, MD, Rowman and Littlefield, 1996)
1.-3. Representation Rights and the Burger Years (Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 1991)
1a. Edited Books:
1a.-1. The Pioneers of Judicial Behavior (Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 2003)
1b. Book Manuscript-in-progress:
1b.-1 Concurrent Majorities: Justices Writing Separately on the U.S. Supreme Court (with Charles Turner and Lori Beth Way)
2. Journal Articles and Book Chapters (refereed):
2.-1 “Difference in Judicial Discourse,” “Gender and Judging” Critical Perspectives Symposium, Politics and Gender (S. Kenney, symposium editor)(forthcoming 2010)
2.-2 “Beginning to Write Separately: the Origins and Development of Concurring Judicial Opinions,” (with Charles Turner and Lori Beth Way), Journal of Supreme Court History 35: 2 (2010).
2.-3 “The Rise of the Choral Court: Use of Concurrence in the Burger and Rehnquist Courts” (with Charles C. Turner and Lori Beth Way) Political Research Quarterly (January 2009)
2.-4 “Low Risk and Big Ambition: the Politics of George W. Bush’s Judicial Appointments,” in Ambition and Division: the Presidency of George W. Bush (Steven E. Schier, ed.) (Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2nd ed. 2009)
2.-5 “Comparative Judicial Studies,” in Exploring Judicial Politics (Mark Miller, ed.)(Oxford University Press, 2008)
2.-6 “The Era of the Choral Court,” 89 Judicature: the Journal of the American Judicature Society 138-45 (November-December 2005) (Special Issue: “Evaluating the Rehnquist Court’s Legacy)
2.-7 “Government Lawyers and Non-Judicial Constitutional Review in Estonia” (with Vello Pettai), 57 Europe-Asia Studies 93-115 (January 2005)
2.-8 “’Constrained’ Constitutional Courts as Conduits for Democratic Consolidation” (with Anke Grosskopf), 38 Law and Society Review 463-488 (September 2004) (Special Issue: “Constitutional Ethnography”)
2.-9 “Printz v. U.S.: Judicial Decision Making as Legal Debate,” in Creating Constitutional Change (Gregg Ivers and Kevin McGuire, eds.) 153-164 (Charlottesville, VA, University of Virginia Press, 2004)
2.-10 “Concurrence and the Study of Judicial Behavior in American Political Science,” Iuridica International (Journal of the University of Tartu School of Law, Tartu, Estonia) 173-185 (Autumn/Winter 2003)
2.-11 “Justice Sandra Day O’Connor: Accommodationism and Conservatism,” in Rehnquist Justice (Earl M. Maltz, ed.) 103-139 (Lawrence, KS, University of Kansas Press, 2003)
2.-12 “The Study of Judicial Behavior and the Discipline of Political Science,” in The Pioneers of Judicial Behavior (Nancy Maveety, ed.) 1-51 (Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 2003)
2.-13 “J. Woodford Howard: Fluidity, Strategy, and Analytical Synthesis in Judicial Studies” (with John Anthony Maltese), in The Pioneers of Judicial Behavior (Nancy Maveety, ed.) 1-51 (Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 2003)
2.-14 “Observing an Emergent Judicial System: Estonian ‘Reactions’ to Problems in American Jurisprudence,” 23 American Politics Review 55-69 (Spring 2002)
2.-15a. “Representation Rights and the Rehnquist Years: the Viability of the ‘Communities of Interest’ Approach,” in The Supreme Court and the Political Process (David Ryden, ed.) 19-39 (Georgetown University Press, 2000)
2.-15b. “Representation Rights and the Rehnquist Years,” in The Supreme Court and the Political Process (David Ryden, ed.) 19-41 (Georgetown University Press, revised and updated 2nd ed. 2002)
2.-16 “Justice O’Connor: A Different Kind of Court Leader?” (with Robert C. Bradley), 21 Southeastern Political Review 39-57 (Winter 1993)
2.-17 “Reductionist Conservatism: the Judicial Ideology of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor” (with Robert C. Bradley), 15 Quarterly Journal of Ideology 45-62 (Fall 1992).
2.-18 “Liberalistic Order: the Work of Gottfried Dietze,” 32 Modern Age 335-41 (December 1989).
2.-19 “The Populist of the Adversary Society: the Jurisprudence of Justice Rehnquist,” 13 Journal of Contemporary Law 221-47 (1987).
2b. Book Chapters Under Contract
2b.-1 “A Transformative Politics of Judicial Selection? President Obama’s Federal Judicial Appointments,” in A Transformative Presidency? Barack Obama in the White House (Steven E. Schier, ed.), Rowman and Littlefield Press
2c. Journal Submissions/Article-length Work-in-Progress:
2c.-1 “The Brazilian Supreme Court during the Lula Presidency: Judicial Independence or Politicization?'” (with Anthony Pereira) (in preparation for presentation to the 2011 meeting of the International Studies Association)
3. Selected Conference Papers Read:
3.-1 “Separate Opinions in the Early Twentieth Century: An Examination of Concurrence on the Taft Court,” (with Charles Turner and Lori Beth Way, California State University-Chico), presented to the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 30-Sept. 2, 2007.
3.-2 “Beginning to Write Separately: the Origins and Development of Concurring Judicial Opinions,” (with Charles Turner and Lori Beth Way, California State University-Chico),presented to the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, March 8-11, 2007.
3.-3 “Changes in the Use of Concurrence: the Burger and Rehnquist Courts Compared” (with Charles Turner and Lori Beth Way, California State University-Chico), presented to the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2-5, 2004.
3.-4 “The Vagaries of the Founding Field of the Discipline of Political Science,” presented to the Conference for the Study of Political Thought Annual International Conference on “Sciences of Politics,” Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, January 9-11, 2004.
3.-5 “Concurring Opinion Writing and the Bifurcation of Judicial Goals,” presented to the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 28-31, 2003.
3.-6 "The Success of the Legal Chancellor in the Estonian Constitutional Review Process: Party Capability and Regime Deference Explanations," (with Vello Pettai), presented to the Comparative Judicial Research Group, International Political Science Association, Parma, Italy, June 16-18, 2003.
3.-7 “Some Unsystematic Observations about an Emergent Judicial System: Estonian ‘Reactions’ to Problems in American Jurisprudence,” presented to the Law and Society Association, Budapest, Hungary, July 4-7, 2001.
3.-8 “Does Sex Matter: Gender Equality in the Workplace and in Reproductive Choice, Estonia and the U.S.,” presented to the Fifth International Tartu Conference on North American Studies, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, May 7-9, 2001.
3.-9 “Constitutional Courts as Intermediating Powers: the Case of Latin America,” presented to the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 29-September 1, 1996.
3.-10 “Strategic Interaction in Collegial Courts,” presented to the Conference on Constitutions and Constitutionalism, Murphy Institute of Political Economy, Tulane University, February 18-20, 1994.
4. Other Publications (Reviews and Short Notes):
4.-1. Encyclopedia entries “Earl Warren,” “Warren E. Burger” and “Brown v. Board of Education,” Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History (Tim Anderson, ed.)(2010)
4.-2. Review of The United States Supreme Court: the Pursuit of Justice by Christopher Tomlins, ed., Law and Politics Book Review (December 2005)
4.-3. “How Long a Legacy?” New York Newsday (Sunday Opinion, July 3, 2005)
4.-4. “Putting the ‘Comparative Advantage’ Into Practice: Law and Courts Scholars and Judicial Training Programs Abroad,” Law and Courts Newsletter 14-17 (Summer 2002)
4.-5. Review of Responsible Selves: Women in the Nordic Legal Culture by Kevat Nousianinen et. al. eds., Law and Politics Book Review (April 2002)
4.-6. Review of Judicial Independence in the Age of Democracy by Peter H. Russell and David M. O’Brien eds., Law and Politics Book Review (December 2001)
4.-7. Review of Serving the Word: Literalism in America from the Pulpit to the Bench by Vincent Crapanzano, Law and Politics Book Review (May 2000).
4.-8. Review of Game Without End: State Terror and the Politics of Justice by Jaime Malamud-Goti, Law and Politics Book Review (December 1997).
4.-9. Review of Against the Imperial Judiciary: the Supreme Court and the Sovereignty of the People by Matthew J. Frank, 17 American Review of Politics 423-5 (Winter 1996).
4.-10. Review of The Kingfish and the Constitution: Huey Long, the First Amendment, and the Emergence of Modern Press Freedom in America by Richard C. Cortner, Law and Politics Book Review (May 1996).
4.-11. “Gottfried Dietze,” a biographical entry for Encyclopedia of the American Right edited by Gregory Wolfe (Garland Publishing, 1995).
4.-12. “The Fifteenth Amendment,” 2,000 word entry for The Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism edited by Marshall Cavendish (Salem Press, 1994)
4.-13. “Carl Brent Swisher,” a bio-bibliographic note, in American Political Scientists: a Dictionary edited by Glenn Utter (Greenwood Press, 1993), 296-8.
4.-14. Review of The Hollow Hope: Can Courts Bring About Social Change? by Gerald N. Rosenberg, 73 Social Science Quarterly 965-6 (December 1992).
4.-15. Review of A Court Divided: the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Politics of Judicial Reform by Deborah Barrow and Thomas Walker, 83 American Political Science Review 1375-6 (December 1989).
Other Books (Fiction):
The Stagnant Pool, Scholars Below Sea Level (New Orleans, LA, University Press of the South, 2000)
External Fellowships and Grants:
Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Fellowship and Scholars Program, Lecturing Award, Shandong University, Jinan, People’s Republic of China, 2007-2008
Visiting Fellow, Woodrow Wilson School, Program in Law and Public Affairs, Princeton University, Fall 2005
National Science Foundation, Small Grant for Exploratory Research (Award #0439104) 2004-2005, Project Title: “Supremely Individualist: How the Rehnquist Era Changed the Supreme Court”
Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Fellowship and Scholars Program, Lecturing/Research Award, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, Spring 2001
Richard M. Weaver Fellowship, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 1983-84 (held during attendance at the Johns Hopkins University)
Internal Fellowships and Grants:
Newcomb Fellows Research Grant, Newcomb College Institute, Tulane University, Summer
2010, Project Title: “The Papers of Beverly Blair Cook, A Feminist Pioneer in the Study of
Women and the Courts”
George Lurcy Fund for Faculty Research, Tulane University, Research Award Summer 2003
Bernstein Fellowship, Newcomb College Foundation Grant, Tulane University, 1989-90
Invited Lectures/Speaking Engagements:
Invited Lecturer, Department of Law, Beihang University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, March 2008; Lecture series on American Constitutional Law.
Invited Keynote Panelist, American Studies Association of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 2007.
Invited Speaker, Joaquim Nabuco Federation (Federal Research Institute), Recife, Brazil, August 10, 2006; Title of lecture: “Comparative Judicial Studies in the Brazilian Context”
Invited Speaker, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil, August 11, 2006; Title of lecture: “Comparative Judicial Studies: Theoretical Approaches”
Invited Commentator, Law Engaged Graduate Seminar (LEGS), Program in Law and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, May 8, 2006
Invited Speaker, Drew University, Madison, NJ, November 10, 2005; Title of lecture: “The Rehnquist Era and the Court’s Commentators”
Invited Speaker, California State University-San Marcos (co-sponsored by the University of California-Riverside), October 24, 2005; Title of lecture: “The Supreme Court and Its Commentators”
Invited Speaker, Shandong University School of Law, Jinan, China, June 7, 2004; Title of lecture: “The Role of the Supreme Court in the American Political System”
Invited Panelist, American Association of Law Libraries, Seattle, WA, July 12-16, 2003; Title of program: “The Role of the Council of Europe: Envisioning Constitutional Reform and Human Rights in the Newer Member States”
Invited Specialist and Exchange Professor, Centro de Estudios sobres los Estados Unidos, Universidad de la Habana, April 18-20, 2000, co-sponsored by the Cuban Studies Institute, Tulane University; Title of Short Course: American Presidential Elections
Other Professional Honors and Awards:
Author-Meets-Critics panel/roundtable, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 3-6, 2009.
Invited Participant, Liberty Fund Colloquium: “Liberty and the Modern Republican Government,” La Jolla, CA, February 5-8, 2004
Electoral Observer, La Alianza Civica 2000 (in conjuction with El Instituto Federal Electoral de Jalisco), Guadalajara, Mexico, July 2, 2000.
Finalist, Judicial Fellows Program, Supreme Court of the United States, 2000-2001 Fellowship Cycle
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, Tulane University, 1998-1999
Invited Panelist, Conference on Voting Rights, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, May 22-23, 1998.
Delegation Member, Citizen Ambassador Program, October 3-15, 1997; Title of Program: The Political Party: Role and Development Delegation to Eastern Europe
Invited Participant, Liberty Fund Colloquium: “Liberal Education and the Idea of a University,” Savannah, GA, May 1-4, 1997.
Paul Tulane College Award for Distinguished Service, Tulane College, Tulane University, 1995-1996
Community Service and Professional Activities:
1. Major Media Activities
Academic Consultant, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, Documentary Film on Congresswoman Lindy Boggs, Blackbird Films (Bess Carrick, Producer), Spring/Summer 2004
Panelist, PBS “The News Hour with Jim Lehrer,” Segment: “The O’Connor Court?” (airdate: January 12, 2004)
Guest Appearance, CSPAN’s “America and the Courts,” Half-hour Segment on Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (airdate: December 9, 2000)
2. Professional Consultation
Curriculum Reform Consultant, Hue University of Sciences, Hue, Vietnam, January 7-11, 2008
Doctoral Program Review, Ohio Board of Regents PhD Reauthorization Review, Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, OH, April 17-20, 2005 (continuing service as program reviewer for Ohio Board of Regents)
Advanced Placement Reader, Educational Testing Service, Government and Politics Section, 1993-present
Editorial Advisory Board, Collegiate Press, for Making Sense of Women’s Lives: An Introduction to Women’s Studies (Lauri Umanski and Michele Plott, eds.), February 2003-present
3. Community Activities
Chapter President, Louisiana Fulbright Alumni Association, 2009-present
Executive Board Member, World Affairs Council of New Orleans, 2009-present
Vice Co-Chair and Board Member, Junior Committee of Ladies Opera Guild, New Orleans Opera Association, 2007-2010