Columbia Christians for Life

P.O. Box 50358, Columbia, S.C. 29250 * (803) 765-0916 *

“… I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

April 27, 2007

To: Rep. Greg Delleney

P.O. Drawer 808

Chester, SC 29706 (SENT ALSO BY E-MAIL TO: )

Fr: Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., CCL

Subject: The Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284)

Re: Your expressed intention to not hold a public hearing for the Right to Life Act of SC this year

The purpose of this letter is to ask you to clarify your position on the future legislative progress of the

Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284) in the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, which you chair.

This past Tuesday (April 24) in the State House, in reply to Johnny Gardner's inquiry on the matter of a public hearing for the Right to Life Act of SC (H3284), your statements indicate that you do not intend to do so this year. You said you would only be taking up Senate bills. Your statements were made with over six weeks remaining in the regular 2007 legislative session.

After you co-sponsored the Right to Life Act of SC in 2005 (H.3213), and articulately explained and defended the bill in the full House Judiciary Committee on April 5, 2005, are you now still a supporter of the bill, or have you changed your position ? The Attorney General of SC legal opinion dated March 30, 2005 stated that the Right to Life Act of SC was constitutional on its face, but if applied to abortion, would have to be adjudicated.

On the floor of the SC House on April13, 2005 you accepted what appeared to be a pre-arranged agreement to amend the Right to Life Act of SC with a rape exception amendment for the so-called "morning-after-pill." As explained in the Roe v Wade decision itself, exceptions to "personhood" undermine the legal concept and strategy of fetal "personhood." The Roe text stated clearly that if fetal personhood was established, then the abortion argument would collapse. I have said therefore, that this rape exception amendment is a "fatal flaw"

to the bill.

During the 2007 legislative session, you have noticeably not signed on to the Right to Life Act of SC

as a co-sponsor this year (H.3284), as you have done previously.

Please clarify your position on the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284). Do you still support passage of the Right to Life Act of SC, or not ? Your recent statements indicate you do not intend to hold a public hearing for the Right to Life Act. Would you be willing to explain further why that is so ? Please re-consider your position, and hold a public hearing for H.3284 as soon as possible. Thank you.

Jesus Christ (Y'shua Messiah) is Lord and King,

Steve Lefemine

cc: Rep. Ralph Davenport

Mr. Johnny Gardner, Voice of the Unborn

Mr. Ray Moore, Exodus Mandate

Mr. John Hopkins, ARP minister


  1. Audio recording of April 5, 2005 full House Judiciary Committee debate on H.3213, the Right to Life Act of SC, passed by a roll call vote of 15 to 5. Available on-line on home page of

2. Legal Opinion (2005) of South Carolina Attorney General on the Right to Life Act of SC

Available on-line, posted as # 23. on 'RTL Act of SC' page of