Mason Creek Roadrunners

Roadrunners originated in 1993 by Kelly Williams, a physical education teacher at Lithia Springs Elementary, in Douglasville, Georgia. Since then, Roadrunners has been incorporated into 9+ schools in Douglas County, making this after school program one of the largest running groups in the state of Georgia. The purpose for Roadrunners is to not only promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles, but to provide an after school running enrichment program for children that offers the opportunity to improve running knowledge and skills, to participate in running events, and to give children a chance to meet other students in the school and the community. The program is also designed to be a self-esteem builder for children, giving them a feeling of success when he/she finishes a race and challenging them to improve their personal run times for future events.

This running program is for anyone interested in Grades Kindergarten through 5th-grades. Practices are held every Monday evening from 5:30 - 6:30ish p.m. (unless it rains) at Clinton Nature Preserve. We share practice time with Mirror Lake Elementary Roadrunners and Bill Arp Elementary School Roadrunners. Weather permitting, we will be running on the various courses Clinton provides. Since practices will be held off school grounds it is MANDATORY that at least one parent, guardian, relative, or other Roadrunner parent sign up with the child(ren) involved. The following is a typical agenda that will be followed at most Roadrunner practices:

1.  Short time of fellowship

2.  Check in, upcoming events, or other related information

3.  Warm-up and stretching

4.  Cardiovascular exercise (25-30 minute jog on track, trail run)

5.  Water or sport drink cool down (optional)

6.  Record laps completed. Laps will only be logged for practices and races. Roadrunners can earn fitness charms for reaching certain mile-markers:

26,200 steps= 13.1 miles charm

52,400 steps=26.2 miles charm

80,000 steps= 40 miles charm

120,000 steps=60 miles charm

160,000 steps= 80 miles charm

200,000 steps=100 miles charm

Practice will end approximately around 6:30 depending on the agenda. In no way will children be allowed to be dropped off and picked up at the end of practice unless it was prearranged with Coach Hurley. If your child is riding home with someone else, please write the physical education department a note or leave a phone message stating whom your child will be riding home with after practice.

Children should try to attend all practices in order to develop and maintain cardiovascular endurance. NOTE: practicing only once per week will not improve cardiovascular endurance and race performance. It is recommended that your child exercise at least 3-4 times per week to see noticeable differences in fitness and finishing times. The season goes approximately from August-November and February –May.


It is important that children maintain both academic and behavioral responsibilities in the classroom. Only three discipline strikes will be allowed for each session. I understand that students go through difficult times, therefore, they will be placed on a probation in order to provide them time to “get back on track.” Children receiving four paybacks during the school year will be dismissed from the team. Parents please help keep me aware of any academic or behavioral problems your child may be having in the classroom.

Roadrunner Responsibilities

·  Maintain academic and behavioral responsibilities

·  Attend practice

·  Participate in a minimum of 2 races during the fall, and 2 in the spring for a total of 4 races for the year.

Ways to be dismissed from Roadrunners

·  Not running in at least 2 races in the fall

·  Grades don’t improve during a probation period

·  Receive 3 strikes in P.E. during a 9 week period



On practice days, runners need to wear tennis shoes and clothing that is appropriate for running. Something loose fitting and appropriate for the season will be fine. In Roadrunners, the safety of your child is the most important priority, especially when we attend race events. Therefore, I suggest that you purchase a Roadrunner T-shirt for $10.00. The shirt is a neon yellow dri fit shirt with the DC Roadrunner logo on the front of the shirt and a Roadrunner Shor print design on the back! It will be easier to spot your child when he/she is running. A form is attached for T-shirt orders. I look forward to having your child as a Roadrunner and we hope that together we can make this program a fun and successful experience for everyone.

To participate, a Roadrunner membership fee of $10.00 is required. This fee will cover the following:

1. Purchase of Roadrunner letters and bars (a bar represents one Roadrunner season)

2. Any necessary Roadrunner equipment including pedometers


Races will be posted throughout the school year on our school web site. If you are unable to have access to a computer or printer, please have your child come see me and I will have them a hard copy to bring home. For help finding the race forms online, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cost for all races is approximately $10.00 - $15.00, which usually includes entry registration and a T-shirt. I encourage both parents and students to run as many races as possible. I do require though, that all runners participate in a minimum of four races throughout the year in order to receive a “letter” (like the ones on a high school letterman’s jacket). Once the runner has received their letter after their first year of participation, they will receive a participation bar each year thereafter of participation, if they meet the race requirements. Parents will always need to provide transportation to and from the races. I try to attend as many of the races as I can, however, if I am not able to be there, please email your child’s time and participation so that I can log it in!

2017-2018 Race Schedule

Date / Race / Location
Sunday, September 24 / Get Your Pink On Obstacle Run / Winston Elementary
Saturday, September 30 / South Douglas Fastest Feet / South Douglas Elementary
Saturday, October 21 / Douglasville Moonlight Run / Downtown Douglasville
Saturday, October 28 / Holly Spring Hawks Run / Chapel Hill High School
Saturday, November 11 / PET Run $$ / New Manchester High School
Saturday, November 11 / Day Spring Run (afternoon race) / Central Baptist Church
Saturday, December 9 / Wolf Run / Mason Creek Middle School
Saturday, March 3 / Diamond Run / New Manchester Elementary
Saturday, March 10 / March Madness Run / Clinton Park
Saturday, March 24 / Bear Run / Arbor Station Elementary
Sunday, April 22 / Cool Cat Run (Glanton Hindsman) / V-Plex @Villa Rica
Saturday, April 29 / COPS Fun Run $$ / Chapel Hill High School

$$ These races raise funds for our physical education program

Coach Hurley



****Please return this form with your money to Coach Hurley!

Roadrunner Name: ______Grade: ______Teacher’s Name: ______

Parent’s name: ______

Parent’s Email Address:______

Address: ______Home Phone: ______

______Work Phone: ______

Any illness we need to be aware of: ______

Any medications taken on a regular basis: ______

Name of Doctor: ______

Phone Number: ______

Hospital Preference: ______

In the event of an emergency, I give permission for the person(s) in charge to initiate transportation for my child to the appropriate medical facility.


Parent Signature


Please detach and send bottom portion ASAP


Student’s Name: ______Grade: ______

YS / YM / YL / AS / AM / AL / AXL / Total


The yearly membership fee is $10.00.

The cost of the T-shirt is an additional $10.00 unless you use last years t-shirt.

*All monies received are non-refundable*

If paying by check, please write the amount and the check #: $______(Payable to MAES)

If paying cash, please write the amount and initial: $______