To: Seniors, Class of 2018

Senior Parents

Re: Senior Projects

Date: November 10, 2017

As you think about the possibility of pursuing a senior project during the fourth quarter of this school year (the seven weeks from Monday, April 2 to Friday, May 18, 2018), read the following criteria, taken from our school handbook, and pay special attention to the sections in bold:

“During the last quarter of senior year, students may elect to complete a project which assists the community, pursues a personal passion, or involves some depth of study and experience in a curricular area of particular interest. The last quarter in the senior year represents a threshold--the transitional time when seniors are stepping out of high school and into their post-secondary educational and professional lives. In recognition of this threshold, the school gives seniors this opportunity to put their high school experience to use in the focused pursuit of something meaningful to them, and something that demonstrates that they have learned how to learn, and learned how to do. To support Senior Projects, we free seniors from the confines of school and the school day, allow them wide latitude in their choice of project, and expect full, energetic engagement in the preparations and execution of the project.”

The customary expectation is that students during that period will be actively engaged in project work a minimum of 30 hours per week (excluding travel time). All students, upon completion of their senior projects, must present to the community; presentations will be scheduled for some time within the week leading up to commencement.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

By this deadline, if you are interested in pursuing such a project, discuss the possibility with your parents and one or more of your teachers. Consider the relative merits of a senior project (as opposed to regular classes), and brainstorm about potential project ideas with some accounting of the strengths and weaknesses of each idea. Begin the process, too, of considering, and talking at length with, the faculty member you would like as your project advisor.

Monday, December 11, 2017

After consultation with your parents and a more focused investigation, you will be asked by this date to declare, in writing, your intentions regarding the fourth quarter. The Senior Project Declaration Form is included on the back of this sheet. If you intend to pursue a project, by this time you must have chosen a project advisor (who must be on staff at TFS) and have turned in this form with its required signatures. This proposal should be well beyond the “it would be cool if . . .”-stage; at this point, you should be able to discuss in detail specific activities, as well as goals, advantages, and potential difficulties of your plan.

Monday, January 22, 2018

You will be asked by this date to hand in a more formal, detailed proposal. This proposal will include a project description, goals of the project, its location and site administrators--including all contact information and signatures. This proposal will be reviewed by a TFS committee, which will make final decisions regarding your project by the beginning of February.

Senior Project Declaration Form

I, ______, intend to spend the fourth quarter of my senior year engaged in a Senior Project.

Please describe and document your work on that project so far, specifying especially all legwork you’ve done and actual contacts you’ve made with potential site supervisors. You may, if you wish, type this out and attach it; attach supporting documents as necessary.






Student: ______

Project Advisor: ______

Parent / Guardian: ______Date Rec’d: ______

Failure to turn in this form with all signatures by December 11, 2017 commits the student to attending a full schedule of regular classes through the end of the fourth quarter.