AGENDA of a PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held on Wednesday 9th.March2011 at Cross Memorial Hall commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Notice is given that under the Council’s Standing Orders any residents wishing to raise matters with the Council should submit concerns or questions in writing, 7 days prior to a Council meeting, should they require a considered answer from the Council at that meeting, other than for an emergency matter requiring immediate attention. Other speakers are reminded that submissions to council should not exceed three minutes in the public session. Notice is also given that under the Council's Standing Orders and powers vested in the Chairman of the Parish Council items may be conducted with press and public excluded. This will only be the case if it is agreed that the business to be conducted is of a special nature, in which event this will be made clear at the meeting. Attendees at meetings will be asked to sign and complete an Attendance Sheet for Health and Safety purposes. Please note that in signing this list you agree that it be maintained as a record by the council. Residents are reminded of the need for silence during the business part of the meeting and note that no electronic recording of the proceedings is permitted.
- To receive and approve any Apologies for Absence.
- To approve the Minutes of the Council Meetings held on February 9th 2011 and to approve their signature by the Chairman as correct records.
- To note any Declarations of Interest by councillors in respect of any items on the agenda.
- To receive from the Clerk or councillors any reports of Matters Arising from the previous Minutes not specifically listed elsewhere on this agenda.
- Finance
- To approve the monthly reconciliation provided by the Clerk
- To approve the list of payments due, provided by the Clerk
- To note changes required by HMRC in respect of clerk’s salary and taxation.
- To note any new budgetary informationfrom either Somerset County Council or Sedgemoor District Council.
- To note that Mr. John Gravell has agreed the council’s internal auditor.
- To receive any further reports from the Finance Advisory Group
- Planning:
- To consider and make recommendation as a consultative body in respect of any plans provided to the council by Sedgemoor District Council (SDC) for comment as follows:
6.2.To receive a report from the clerk concerning Yeo Bridge Farm Site.
6.3.To note further reports from the Planning Advisory Group as appropriate.
- Environment Advisory Group.
- To receive an update on the local actions against the proposed route of pylons.
- To note any further events in respect of the proposed development at Hinkley Point.
- To receive an update on the parish Emergency Plan.
- To receive an update on the establishment of the the agreed “No cold-calling zone”.
- To consider problems with drainage in Old Coach Road.
- To note any further reports from the Environment Advisory Group as appropriate
- Highways Advisory Group
- To considerany next steps in respect of the Joint Parishes A38 Group
- To note proposed changes to the bus route 126
- To receive and approve a road status report from the chairman.
- To note any further reports from the Highways Advisory Group as appropriate
- To note procedures required prior to the May 2011 elections for both District and Parish Councils.
- To confirm clerk’s response to the Mayor of Weston-super-Mare for permission to wear regalia within the parish boundary.
- To receive a report from Cllr. Rix in respect of the Springfield Wildlife Site.
- To confirm arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting.
- To receive an update on the Council’s website (Cllr. Parker).
- To receive items of correspondence (listed for councillors) and to resolve actions as appropriate on any matters arising from this correspondence, not listed elsewhere on this agenda. The list of correspondence received will have been circulated to members prior to the meeting.
- To resolve the date, time and place of the next Council Meetings (13th April 2011)
P.L.PASSEY – Clerk to Compton Bishop Parish Council