North AmericanElectricReliabilityCouncil

Princeton Forrestal Village, 116-390 Village Boulevard, Princeton, New Jersey 08540-5731

June 25, 2003


Phone 609-452-8060  Fax 609-452-9550  URL

Personnel Certification Governance Committee Nominations

June 25, 2003

Page Two

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Personnel Certification Governance Committee Nominations

NERC is now accepting nominations to fill all positions on the newly created Personnel Certification Governance Committee (PCGC). This committee is responsible for the governance and administration of the NERC System Operator Certification Program.

Nominations will be accepted from regional managers only by July 31, 2003. If you are interested in being a member of this committee, please contact your regional manager.

All ten committee positions are open for the initial term. A candidate can represent more than one position, as long as all positions and all Regions are represented on the PCGC. The positions to be filled are:

  • System Operator who holds a valid Balancing/Interchange certification
  • System Operator who holds a valid Transmission Operator certification
  • System Operator who holds a valid Reliability Coordinator certification
  • Cooperative/Federal/State/Municipal Utility
  • Investor-owned utility
  • Merchant Generator
  • Canada

Nominated individuals should be generally familiar with the technical and policy issues related to System Operator Certification. NERC encourages nominations of individuals with expertise in one or more specific areas described in the committee scope (attached).

The initial terms will commence upon appointment by the NERC Board of Trustees. The term of service on the PCGC is staggered two-year terms that can be renewed. However, for the startup of the new committee, half of the terms will expire on October 30, 2005, and the rest will expire on October 30, 2006. Additional details can be obtained by downloading the: Organization and Procedures Manual for NERC Compliance and Certification Committees

Please direct any questions about the staffing process to Rick Byrne at or 609-452-8060.


Rick Byrne

Manager–Certification Programs


North AmericanElectricReliabilityCouncil

Princeton Forrestal Village, 116-390 Village Boulevard, Princeton, New Jersey 08540-5731

Phone 609-452-8060  Fax 609-452-9550  URL

North AmericanElectricReliabilityCouncil

Princeton Forrestal Village, 116-390 Village Boulevard, Princeton, New Jersey 08540-5731

Personnel Certification Governance Committee Scope

The PCGC will provide reports to the NERC Board of Trustees and NERC President regarding Governance and administration of the System Operator Certification Program.

The PCGC will:

  1. Develop and approve policies and processes used to administer the approved NERC System Operator Certification Program.
  1. Design and structure the System Operator Certification Program to meet the requirements of a nationally recognized accrediting organization.
  1. Set fees for certification and establish budgets for the Operator Certification Program.
  1. Meet the needs of NERC Certified System Operators and related stakeholder groups.
  1. Adjudicate personnel certification disputes between NERC and those personnel seeking NERC System Operator Certification status.
  1. Maintain and approve the implementation of certification exam options.
  1. Provide input to the NERC BOT on personnel certification issues.
  1. Ensure the certification exam content is current and appropriate for the system operator population.
  1. Maintain confidentiality of all information concerning personnel certification except for limited release of data to employers for compliance with NERC Standards.

Phone 609-452-8060  Fax 609-452-9550  URL