Port Hope Heritage Business Improvement Area
Minutes of HBIA held on May 3, 2017 at 5:30pmat the Town Hall Committee room56 Queen Street, Port Hope, ON
Present: Micheline Kerswell, Gary Knight, Robert Polutnik,Melissa Sherwin, Kendra Simmons, Alexandra Byers, Martha Ciana
Staff present:Jamie Byers, Kevin Narraway
Absent with regrets:Steve Mark
5:35 Welcome
Micheline resigned from the HBIA board Melissa stepped in as chair. Was suggested to revisit chair position at June meeting. Micheline left the meeting.
Approval of Agenda – WednesdayMay 3, 2017
MOVED BY Robert Polutnik
SECONDED BY Gary KnightCarried
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the Nature Thereof– none
Approval Previous Minutes –April 5th,2017
MOVED BY Gary Knight
SECONDED Robert Polutnik
Approved with amendments parking increase in charge has not been approved it is proposed.
Be it resolved that this Committee approve the minutes of [April 5, 2017 minutes],
Business Arising –History walks are progressing met with Laurie Stevenson change route due to accessibility for morning walk (shorter walk) afternoon will be full walk including Jacobs ladder etc.
Board Reportsand/or Committee Business
Treasurer Report see attached
Approval of Treasurer Report
MOVED BYKendra Simmons
SECONDED Martha Ciana
All in favorCarried
Marketing reportGRCA Salmon Run Respect the Ganny 3 videos approx. 4 seconds long for social media OFAH will pay for videos. FYFDG counter was the biggest day with over 2000 visitors went past the counter. Filming inquiry Stars Falls permits being worked on. Notice of motion regarding the Train station up to Lent Lane. Scoped the projected project estimate on drawings and costs. Train station has been designated on the site it is located on will need to be undesignated and then re-designated in its new location. Loyalist College job creation PHAI is short RadiationProtection persons. Loyalist and the ministry approved for this program 20-25 students for local school. Port Hope brochures Sarah will be handing them out.
Heritage Port Hope N/A
Capitol has sent us a newsletter to send out. Archives have almost all pictures we need next week pick and choose them then go to Marketing to get printed then hand out July 1st they should be in all the windows. Golden ticket tourism is taking it over will investigate and get back to us.
Council report New Deputy Fire Chief has been hired. New communications person has been hired. Rate Payors Association has been disbanded. Lent Lane plan can we afford it costing will be done. Election is Oct 2018 nothing to get done after July 28, 2018.
Chair reportN/A
New Business
Kendra to contact Durham College for a student for the fall placement to help with website and fb promotion.
Melissa offered to get a fb package together to distribute to membership.
8.Next Meeting – June 7, 2017 5:30 Town Hall
Committee Room
9.Adjournment–adjourned at 6:45pm
Chair Person Name [Printed]Recording Secretary [Printed]