Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
TITLE:Infant Food Sanitation
To ensure that infants are fed only healthy foods that have been properly stored and that are served in a sanitary manner.
The OLC HS/EHSProgram Centers will feed infants only nutritious and healthy food items that are stored and served in a sanitary manner.
General Feeding
(1)When parent/guardian provides infant foods, we ask the food be labeled with the child's name and dated.
(2)No egg whites or honey and Karo Syrup will not be given to infants less than 12 months of age.
(3)Before preparing formula or food, staff washes their hands, cleans and disinfects preparation surfaces. A separate food preparation sink is provided, away from diaper changing/hand washing area.
(4)The center will not heat formula, breast milk or baby food in a microwave oven because there is the possibility of a bottle exploding, or part of the liquid could get much hotter then other portions (called "hot spots"), which could result in burning a child's mouth. Microwaving also destroys the essential components in breast milk.
(5)A note from the child's health care provider will be required if an infant is to be on a limited food/formula intake, diluted formula, Pedialyte, or any type of elimination (allergy) diet.
(6)Children will not be allowed to walk around or be laid down to sleep with bottles.
Infants: Breastfeeding/Formula
(1)Infants will be fed when they are hungry unless the parent/guardian specifies, in writing, and the health provider verifies special feeding scheduled.
(2)The staff will not overfeed infants. When feeding an infant we watch for cues to know when the infant has had enough. These cues include: infant no longer sucking on nipple, lengthy pauses or turning head away from the bottle.
(3)The OLC HS/EHSProgram Centers encourage the use of breast milk for nursing infants. Breast milk and formula are labeled with:
- Child’s name
- Today’s date
- Time of preparation
(4)All breast milk and formula is refrigerated after mixing, feeding or immediately upon arrival at the center.
(5)No medication will be added to breast milk or formula.
(6)Powdered formula in cans will be dated when opened and stored in a cool, dark place. If within one month after opening the powdered formula is not completely used, then the remaining powder will be discarded or sent home. This is done due to the number of times formula is opened, touched, etc. in a Head Start setting.
(7)Bottles prepared at the center will be mixed as needed.
(8)Used bottles and warmed, unused formula will be discarded 1 hour after preparation to prevent bacterial growth. Unconsumed portions of formula will not be re-heated for re-use. All unused prepared formula will be discarded at the end of each day.
(9)Frozen breast milk will be thawed overnight in a refrigerator and warmed in lukewarm water, just prior to feeding. Frozen breast milk which has been stored for more than 3 months or that is not dated will not be accepted or will be discarded. Thawed breast milk will be refrigerated and used within 3 hours. Thawed breast milk will not be refrozen.
(10)Bottles, nipples and other eating utensils cleaned at the Center will be washed with soap and water and boiled for 5 minutes or washed in dishwater with water temperature of 1500F.
(11)Infants will be held when being fed, until they are able to hold a bottle or drink from a cup. Bottles will not be propped while infants sleep or are going to sleep.
Transitioning Foods:
(1)Solids are discouraged before 4-6 months of age without health care provider consent, due to increased food allergy risks.
(2)Chopped safe table foods are encouraged after 10 months of age.
(3)Cups and spoons are encouraged around 9-10 months of age.
(4)Whole milk is not recommended for children under 12 months of age. Whole milk is encouraged for children aged 12 months through 23 months. Parent/guardian requesting 2% milk must do so in writing.
(5)Bottle feeding will be discouraged after 18 months of age.
Breast milk labels
Parent/guardian request
WIC verification
Head Start Performance Standards 1304.23(a)-(e)
CACFP regulations
Revised: 09/14/06
PC Approval: 10/23/06
BOT Approval: 11/21/06