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I AM THAT I AM, YHWH, The LORD, JEHOVAH; Self-Existent, Manifested and Revealed

Ex 3:14 Gn 4:1

The LORD who reigns, The LORD of heaven, The LORD of heaven and earth, The LORD of all the earth,Worthy to be praisedPs 97:1 Dn 5:23 Mt 11:25 Jh 3:11 Ps 18:3; 2 Co 11:31

One LORD, Our LORD, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, The First and the LastDt 6:4 Ps 8:1 Rv 21:6 Is 44:6

Lord of lords,God of gods, Heaven is His throne, The earth is His footstool, From Him and through Him and to Him are all things
Ps 136:2-3 Is 66:1 Jb 26:7-13; Ps 102:25; Rm 11:36


The Attributes of God

His Names, Nature and Character

K.J.V./N.I.V./N.A.S.B./Amp. Bibles

Compiled by Patricia A. Psooy

Ha Shem; The Name

Adonai-Jehovah; Lord GOD,
Sovereign LORD, Master

Lv 24:16 Gn 15:2

The Great and Awesome God,Majestic in Name, The God of gods and the Lord of kings, A Great God, and a Great King above all godsNe 1:5 Ps 8:1 Dn 2:47 Ps 95:3

The Majesty, Enthroned above the circle of the earth, Enthroned on high, Enthroned in heaven
He 1:3 Is 40:22 Ps 113:5 Ps 2:4

Enthroned in Zion, Enthroned above the cherubim, Enthroned upon the praises of Israel, Enthroned over the flood, Enthroned as King forever
Ps 9:11 Ps 99:1 Ps 22:3 Ps 29:10; Ps 55:19


El-Olam; The EverlastingGod, The Eternal God

El-Roi; The God who sees

Gn 21:33 Gn 16:13

The King, Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, The Only God, Infallible, Invincible, Unfathomable
1 Tm 1:17 Dt 32:4 Pr 21:30 Is 40:28; Rm 11:33

Great in Name,The LORD God Almighty, Who is, and Who was, and Who is come, Who sits on the throne and Who lives for ever and ever
1 Sm 12:22; Jh 7:9 Rv 1:4,Rv 4:8 Rv 4:9

The God of Glory, Holy in Name, Holy and Glorious, Great and Marvelous, Unfailing Love, Gracious and Merciful, Full of Compassion, Lovingkindness, Goodness and Mercy foreverAc 7:2 Ps 30:4 Is 63:15 Jb 36:26; Ps 48:1; Ps 86:10 Ps 36:7; Lm 3:32 Ne 9:31 Ps 116:5 Ps 63:3 Ps 100:5 4

Elohim; God, Strong and
Faithful, Three in One

Jehovah-Elohim; LORD God

Gn 1:1 Gn 2:4

Our Lord God Almighty, The God of heaven, The God of heaven and earth, The God of all the earth,He counts the stars and calls them each by nameRv 19:6 Ne 1:4; Dn 2:37 Gn. 24:3 Is 54:5 Ps 147:4

The True God, The Living God, The Godhead, The Deity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Jr 10:10 Ac 17:29 Cl 2:9 Gn 1:26; Mt 28:19

The Only True God, The Only Wise God, The Blessed God, The God of Truth, The God of Hope
Jn 17:3 Rm 16:27 1 Tm 1:11 Is 65:16 Rm 15:13


El-Shaddai; Almighty God, God Almighty, All Sufficient, Nourisher, Giver of Strength

Gn 17:1

The Mighty One, The Mighty One of Israel, The Mighty One of Jacob, The Almighty, The LORD Almighty
Ps 50:1 Is 1:24 Gn 49:24; Is 60:16 Ps 91:1. Jr 32:18

The LORD on high, Robed in majesty, Armed with strength, Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, Mightier than the breakers of the sea
Ps 93:1, 4

The God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, In whom and with whom nothing is impossibleEp 3:20 Gn 18:14; Jr 32:27; Mt 19:26; Lk 1:37

El-Gibbor; The Mighty God,
The God of Power

Ps 24:8; Jr 32:18

A Mighty God, A Mighty Warrior, Mighty in power, Mighty in battle, Mighty to save
Dt 3:24 Is 42:13; Jr 20:11 Ps 147:5 Ps 24:8 Zp 3:17

The God who thunders, The God who thunders with power and majesty,The God who roars, The God who laughs at the plans of the wicked and rebukes the nations in His anger, The God who reigns
1 Sm 7:10; Ps 18:13; Ps 77:17, 18; Is 29:6; Jb 37:4-5;
Ps 29:3-9 Am 1:2 Ps 2:1-6; Ps 37:13 Is 52:7

The whole earth is full of His glory, The mountains melt like wax before Him, The heavens declare His righteousness, Angels do His biddingIs 6:3 Ps 97:5-6 Ps 103:20


Jehovah-Kavod; The LORD of Glory

Ps 24:8

The Glory of Israel, The Majestic Glory, Majestic in holiness, Awesome in glory, Resplendent with light,More Majestic than mountains rich with game1 Sm 15:29 2 Pt 1:17 Ex 15:11 Ps 76:4

TheHigh and Lofty One, Clothed with splendor and majesty, Radiant in glory, He alone is to be worshiped,He alone is to be servedIs 57:15 Ps 104:1 Ek 1:28 2 Ki 17:36 Mt 4:10

The heavens declare His glory, His kingdom will not be destroyed, His dominion will never end, His is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever
Ps 19:1 Ps 145:13;Dn 6:26 Mt 6:13

El-Elyon; The Most High God,
God Most High

Jehovah-Elyon; The LORD Most High

Gn 14:18 Ps 7:17

The Most High, The Blessed One, The Blessed
and Only Ruler, The Ruler of all things
Lk 1:35 Mk 14:61 1 Tm 6:15 1 Ch 29:12

The God of the spirits of all flesh, A God of order, Sovereign, Incomparable
Nu 27:16 1 Co 14:33 Dn 4:25 Is 46:5; Ep 1:19

The Exalted God, Exalted in the earth, Exalted over all the nations, Greatly Exalted, Highly Exalted, Exalted in power, Exalted as Head over all, Exalted far above all gods
Mc 6:6 Ps 46:10 Ps 99:2 Ps 47:9 Ex 15:1 Jb 37:23
1 Ch 29:11 Ps 97:9

Jehovah-Or; The LORD of Light

Ps 89:15; Ps 104:2; 1 Tm 6:16

The Light of Israel, The Shekinah Glory, Majestic, Perfect Light in whom there is no darkness
Is 10:17 Ek 10:3, 4 Ps 45:4; Is 24:14 1 Jn 1:5

Impartial, Incorruptible, Immutable, Unchanging, Spirit, The God who does not lie,Who does no wrong,His word is flawless, powerful and eternal
Rm 2:11 Jm 1:13 Ml 3:6 Jn 4:24 Nm 23:19; Tt 1:2 Zp 3:5 Pr 30:5; Gn 1:3; Jr 23:29; He 4:12; Ps 119:89

The God who turns our darkness into light, The Giver of every good and perfect gift, The Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning
Ps 18:28; Pr 4:18; Is 42:16; Mc 7:8-9; 1 Pt 2:9 Jm 1:17


Jehovah-Kadosh; The Holy LORD

Ps 99:9

The Hope of Israel,The Holy One, Holy, Holy, Holy, The Holy One of Israel, The Holy One of Jacob,The God of the covenant promises
Jr 14:8 Ps 22:3 Is 6:3 2 Ki 19:22 Is 29:23 Gn 9:9-11

Perfect in Beauty, Excellent in Greatness, Greatly to be feared, Wonderful in counsel, Magnificent in wisdom, Perfect in knowledge, Infinite in understanding, Majestic in power, Divine in nature
Ps 50:2 Ps 150:2 Ps 89:7; Ps 90:11 Is 28:29;
1 Sm 2:3; Jb 37:16 Ex 15:6; Ps 147:5 Rm 1:20

The One of Sinai, The Upright One, The Righteous One, A Holy God, A Pure God, A Perfect God
Ps 68:8 Is 26:7 Is 24:16 Lv 19:2 Hk 1:13 Mt 5:48


Jehovah-Hoseena; The LORD our Maker

Ps 95:6

The Creator, Forever praised, Worthy to receive glory, honor and power, Omnificent, All Creative, Omnipotent, All Powerful, Omnipresent, All in all, Omniscient, All Knowing
Rm 1:25 Rv 4:11 Gn 1:1 Jr 32:17 Jr 23:24 He 4:13

Our Creator, In Him we live and move and have our being,The Faithful Creator,The Architect, Builder and Maker
Ec 12:1 Ac 17:28 1 Pt 4:19 Ps 127:1; He 3:4; 11:10

The Creator of the ends of the earth,The Possessor and Creator of heaven and earth,The Maker of heaven and earth,The Maker of all things
Is 40:28 Gn 14:19;Ne 9:6; Ps 24:1 Ps 121:2 Ec 11:5

12Jehovah-Hayah; The Self-Sufficient LORD

Ps 50:9-12;Jr 51:15; Ac 17:24-25

The God of all mankind, The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The God of the living
Jr 32:27 Rm 15:6; Ep 1:17 Mk 12:27

Ancient of Days, Prince of the host, Prince of princes, King of kings and Lord of lords, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
Dn 7:9 Dn 8:11 Dn 8:25 1 Tm 6:15 Ps 50:10

He endures forever, The King of Glory, The Great King, The King of heaven, King over all the earth, King of the nations, King of the ages, King of saints, The Eternal King, The Everlasting King,
Ps 33:11; 111:3; 117:2; 136:1-26 Ps 24:10 Ps 48:2
Dn 4:37 Ps 47:2, 7 Jr 10:7; Rv 15:3 Jr 10:10


Jehovah-Eloheena; The LORD our God

Jehovah-Elohay; The LORD my God

Ps 99:5 Zc 14:5

The Father, God the Father, God our Father, One God and Father of all, Who is over all and through all and in all, The Living Father
Jn 3:35 Tt 1:4 Rm 1:7 Ep 4:6 Jn 6:57

The Father of Glory, The Glorious Father, The Holy Father, The Righteous Father
Ep 1:17 Jn 17:11 Jn 17:25

Our Father who is in heaven, Our God and Father, Our Heavenly Father, Abba Father, Husband, Friend, The Father of our spirits
Mt 6:9 1 Th 3:11 Mt 5:48 Rm 8:15 Is 54:5; Jr 3:14 Ex 33:11; Jb 29:4; Pr 18:24 He 12:9

Jehovah-Ezer; The LORD our Help

Ps 33:20

Our Father, Our Savior, Our Redeemer, Our Deliverer, Our Defender, Our Protector, Our Avenger,Our Rear Guard
Is 63:16 Ps 42:5 Is 43:14 Ps 18:2 Pr 23:11
Ps 32:7 Ps 18:47 Is 52:12

Our God, Our God in whom we trust, Our God forever and ever, Our LORD and God,Our Song, Our Praise, Our Light and our Salvation
Ps 118:28 Ps 91:2 Ps 48:14 Rv 4:11 Ps 118:14
Dt 10:21;Jr 17:14 Ps 27:1

A Very Present Help in trouble, His works are Awesome, Wonderful, Glorious and Majestic, Great and Marvelous
Ps 46:1 Ps 66:3; Ps 107:15; Ps 111:3; Rv 15:3


Jehovah-Ahavah; The LORD of Love

Is 63:9; Jr 31:3

Love, Amazing, Lavish Love, The Compassionate and Gracious God, Slow to anger, Abounding in Love and Faithfulness, Maintaining love to thousands, Forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin, Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished
1 Jn 4:8, 16 Jn 3:16; Ep 2:4, 5 1 Jn 3:1 Ex 34:6, 7

He is faithful to all His promisesand loving toward all He has made, He is near to all who call upon Him, His love reaches to the heavens, His faithfulness reaches to the skies, His righteousness is like the mighty mountains, His justice is like the great deep, When we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive usour sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Jh 21:45; Ps 145:13, 18 Ps 36:5-6 1 Jn 1:9

Jehovah-Mekadeshkem; The LORD who Sanctifies

Ex 31:13

The Potter, The Vinedresser, The Gardener, The True and Faithful Witness, The God who searches the hearts and minds of men
Is 64:8; Rm 9:20, 21 Jn 15:1 Jr 42:5 Jr 17:10

The God who humbles, exalts, hardens, disciplines, tests, refines, teaches and instructs
1 Sm 2:7 Rm 9:18 Dt 8:5 Jm 1:12; Zc 13:9 Ps 32:8

The God who sanctifies, makes holy, sets apart, confides, reveals, inspires, encourages, consoles, leads us and teaches us to profit
Rm 15:16; 1 Co 1:2; 2 Th 2:13 Ps 25:14 1 Co 2:10
2 Tm 3:16 Ps 10:17 Ps 94:19 Is 48:17


Jehovah-Chesed; The LORD of Mercy

Dt 4:31

The God who remembers, receives, reconciles, restores, revives, refreshes and rewards, A Forgiving God,Rich in MercyPs 98:3; Is 49:15, 16 Ps 27:10 2 Co 5:18 1 Pt 5:10 Is 57:15 Ac 3:19 Jr 17:10; He 11:6 Ne 9:17 Ep 2:4

Omnibenevolent, A Good God, A Kind God, A Gentle God, A Patient God, The God who caresPs 107:1 Rm 11:22; Ep 2:7 Is 40:11 Ne 9:30 1 Pt 5:7

With Him a day is like a thousand years, a thousand years are like a day, He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance, His mercies are new every morning
Ps 90:4; 2 Pt 3:8, 9; Ek 18:23; 1 Tm 2:3-4 Lm 3:22-23


Jehovah-Tsedek; The LORD of Justice

Is 30:18

The Judge, A Righteous Judge, An Upright Judge, The Judge of all the earth, The Judge of all men, One Lawgiver and Judge, He alone is to be feared
Jg 11:27 Ps 7:11; Rv 16:7 Ps 75:2 Gn 18:25
He 12: 23 Jm 4:12 Ps 76:7; Mt 10:28

Our Judge, Our Lawgiver, Our King,Our Witness, A Just God, A Righteous God
Is 33:22 1 Th 2:5 2 Th 1:6 Ps 11:7

His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts
are higher than our thoughts, Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne, Love
and faithfulness go before Him
Is 55:8-9 Ps 89:14

Jehovah-Sabaoth; The LORD of Hosts

1 Sm 1:3

The LORD who dwells in Zion,The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The God of our fathers, The God of Israel,The God of the Hebrews
Jl 3:21 Gn 17:2; Ac 3:13 Is 24:15 Ex 3:18

The Fear of Isaac, The Pride of Jacob, The Rock of Israel, The King of Israel, The King of Jacob
Gn 31:42 Am 8:7 2 Sm 23:3 Zp 3:15 Is 41:21

The Dew of Israel,The Portion of Jacob,The Shepherd of Israel, The God of the armies of Israel,The Sword of Israel’s majesty
Ho 14:5 Jr 10:16 Ps 80:1 1 Sm 17:45 Dt 33:29

Jehovah-Nagad; The LORD of Prophesy

Is 42:9; Jr 33:3; Dn 2:22

The Spirit of the LORD, The Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, The Spirit of council and of power, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD, The Spirit of wisdom and revelation
Is 11:2 Ep 1:17

The God of the spirits of the prophets, Our Lamp, Our Light, Our Guide, Our Counselor
Rv 22:6 2 Sm 22:29 Mc 7:8-9 Ps 73:24

A God of signs and symbols, The God who ordains and establishes, The God who makes known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come
Gn 9:12-17; He 2:4; 1 Pt 3:20, 21 Ps 8:2; Gn 17:7
Is 46:10; Dn 2:47; Jn 16:13

Jehovah-Qanna; The LORD
whose name is Jealous

Ex 34:14

A Jealous God, A Zealous God, God of gods and Lord of lords, The Great God, Mighty and Awesome
Ex 20:5; Zc 8:2; Jm 4:5 Ek 39:25 Dt 10:17 Ne 9:32

A God of Anger,Vengeance and Wrath,A God who hates,A Stern and Severe God, A God of Retribution, A God of Recompense
Ps 78:49; Is 66:15; Is 30:27 Dt 32:35; Na 1:2 Pr 6:16; Is 61:8;Zc 8:17; Ml 1:3; 2:16; Rm 11:22 Jr 51:56

A Terrible and Awesome God, A Consuming Fire, A Wall of Fire, A Devouring Fire
Dt 7:21; Ps 68:35; He 10:31 Dt 4:24; Ps 21:9;
Is 10:17; Is 30:27; He 12:29 Zc 2:5 Dt 9:3; Is 29:6


Jehovah-Magen; The LORD our Shield

Gn 15:1

Our Hope, Our Helper, Our Confidence, Our Beloved, Our Keeper, The Shade upon our right hand, The Horn of our salvation, Our Stronghold
Ps 71:5 He 13:6 Pr 3:26 Is 5:1 Ps 94:18 Ps 121:5
Ps 18:2 Ps 61:3

A Secure Fortress, A Sanctuary, A Sun and Shield, Our Glory, The Lifter of our heads
Pr 14:26 Ek 11:16 Ps 5:12; Ps 84:11; 1 Pt 1:5 Ps 3:3

The Rock, The Everlasting Rock, The Rock of Ages,The Rock of our Salvation, A Strong Tower, A Tower of refuge, The Everlasting Arms
Dt 32:4 Is 26:4 Ps 95:1 Pr 18:10 Dt 33:27


Jehovah-Nissi; The LORD our Banner

Ex 17:15; 1 Co 15:57; Rv 20:6

The God who does not slumber nor sleep, The God who does not grow tired or weary, A Man of War,A Destroyer, He contends with those who contend with us, He comes and will not be silent
Ps 121:3-4 Is 40:28 Ex 15:3 Jr 51:56; Zc 12:9
Dt 20:4; 2 Ch 20:15; Is 49:25 Ps 50:3

The God who rescues, protects, honors, avenges, defends, guards, keeps and preservesCl 1:13; Ps 91:14, 15 Ps 94:1; Zc 12:8 Ps 121:7-8

The God of hosts, The Victor, The Breaker, The God who breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of ironAm 5:27 Ps 60:12; Pr 21:31 Ps 107:16; Is 45:2

Jehovah-Jirah; The LORD our Provider

Gn 22:14; Pp 4:19; Rv 7:16

A God of wonders and miracles, blessing and abundance, The God of our lives,Our True Pasture, Our Fruitfulness, Our Portion, Our Sustainer,Our Exceedingly Great Reward
Ex 15:11; Dt 26:8; Ps 77:14; Ep 1:3; Ps 65:9;Ps 67:6, 7 Ps 42:8 Jr 50:7 Ho 14:8 Ps 73:26 Is 46:4 Gn 15:1

The God who satisfies, The God who satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things, A Giving God, A Faithful God
Ps 103:5 Ps 36:8; Ps 107:9 Rm 8:32 Dt 7:9; Dt 32:4

The God who gives us our daily bread, forgives us our debts, delivers us from the evil one
Mt 6:11-13


Jehovah-Raah; The LORD our Shepherd

Ps 23:1; Jn 10:7-16; Rv 7:17

The God of the lonely, the barren, the poor and the stranger, The God of the weak and the weary
Ps 68:6; Ps 113:7-9; Lv 23:22; Dt 10:18 Is 40:29-31

The God who helps us when we are tempted, The God who is able to keep us from falling
1 Co 10:13; He 4:15, 16 Ps 37:23-24; Ps 94:18; Jd 24

He searches for the lost and brings back the strays, He binds up the injured and strengthens the weak, He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart, and gently leads those who have young, His banner over us is love
Ez 34:16; Is 40:11 Ps 60:4; SS 2:4


Jehovah-Rapha; The LORD our Healer

Ex 15:26; Mt 8:16-17; Rv 22:2

Our Life, Our Joy, Our Strength, Our Comforter
Dt 30:20 Ps 4:7; Ps 43:4 Ps 59:9;Is 41:10 Ps 71:21

A God of Mercy, A God of Refuge and Rest, A God of Freedom, A God of Joy and Gladness
Dn 9:9 Dt 33:27; He 4:9 Jm 1:25 Ps 16:11; Ps 30:11

The Fountain of Living Waters, The Fountain of Life, The God of Life, The Light of Life
Jr 2:13 Ps 36:9 Ne 9:6; Rm 8:11 Jb 33:30

The God who redeems, delivers, saves, heals, pardons, justifies, purifies and cleanses
Ps 49:15 Ps 34:17 Ps 68:20 Ps 41:3 Ps 103:3;
Ps 107:20;Jr 30:17 Is 55:7 Is 50:8; Rm 8:33 1 Jn 1:7, 9


Jehovah-Shammah; The LORD is there

Ek 48:35; Mt 1:23; Rv 21:3

The God who dwells with us, fellowships with us, summons us by name and calls us His own, The God who serves, He rises to show us compassion
Ex 25:8 1 Jn 1:7 Is 43:1 Lk 22:27 Is 30:18

The God who watches, listens, sees, smells, hears, speaks and touches, The God who answers, The God who answers before we call, and hears while we are yet speaking
Ps 145:20 Jr 29:12 Ex 3:9 Gn 8:21 Gn 16:11 Is 6:8;
Is 30:21 Ps 139:5 Ps 91:15; Is 58:9 Is 65:24

The God who takes great delight in us, quiets us with His love and rejoices over us with singing,
The God who will never leave us nor forsake us
Zp 3:17 Dt 31:6; Jh 1:5; He 13:5

28Jehovah-Shalom; The LORD our Peace

Jg 6:24; Ep 2:14-15; Rv 21:4

Our Rock, Our Mighty Rock, The God who daily bears our burdens The God near to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit, Ps 92:15 Ps 62:7 Ps 68:19 Ps 34:18

Our Rock in whom we take refuge, Our Refuge and our Fortress, Our Hiding Place, Our Dwelling Place, Our Resting Place, Our Shelter
Ps 18:2 Ps 32:7 Ps 61:3 Ps 90:1 Ps 62:1 Ps 91:2

The Father of Compassion and the God of all Comfort, A Father to the fatherless, A Defender of widows, His perfect love drives out all fear, His peace transcends all understanding2 Co 1:3 Ps 68:5; Ps 146:9; 1 Jn 4:18; Pp 4:7


Jehovah-Tsidkenu; The LORD our Righteousness

Jr 23:6; 2 Co 5:21; Rv 7:14

The God of Peace, The God of all Grace, Glorious, Lavish, Abundant, Saving Grace, The God who chooses, predestines, adopts and seals
1 Th 5:23 1 Pt 5:10 Ep 1:6-8 2 Co 9:8 Ep 2:6-9
Ep 1:6-8 Ep 1:4 Ep 1:5 Rm 8:15; Gl 4:4-5 Ep 4:30

The God of our salvation, God our Savior, The Savior of all men, The LORD of the harvest, The LORD of Peace
1 Ch 16:35; 1 Tm 2:3; 1 Tm 4:10; Mt 9:38; 2 Th 3:16

The God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were, Blessed are all who trust and take refuge in Him
Rm 4:17 Ps 34:8, 22; Ps 125:1, 2; Pr 3:5, 6; Jr 17:7-8


I AM THAT I AM, YHWH, The LORD, JEHOVAH; Self-Existent, Manifested and Revealed

Ex 3:14 Gn 4:1

The LORD who reigns, The LORD of heaven, The LORD of heaven and earth, The LORD of all the earth,Worthy to be praisedPs 97:1 Dn 5:23 Mt 11:25 Jh 3:11 Ps 18:3; 2 Co 11:31

One LORD, Our LORD, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, The First and the LastDt 6:4 Ps 8:1 Rv 21:6 Is 44:6

Lord of lords,God of gods, Heaven is His throne, The earth is His footstool, From Him and through Him and to Him are all things
Ps 136:2-3 Is 66:1 Jb 26:7-13; Ps 102:25; Rm 11:36


I AM THAT I AM, YHWH, The LORD, JEHOVAH; Self-Existent, Manifested and Revealed

Ex 3:14 Gn 4:1

The LORD who reigns, The LORD of heaven, The LORD of heaven and earth, The LORD of all the earth,Worthy to be praisedPs 97:1 Dn 5:23 Mt 11:25 Jh 3:11 Ps 18:3; 2 Co 11:31

One LORD, Our LORD, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, The First and the LastDt 6:4 Ps 8:1 Rv 21:6 Is 44:6

Lord of lords,God of gods, Heaven is His throne, The earth is His footstool, From Him and through Him and to Him are all things
Ps 136:2-3 Is 66:1 Jb 26:7-13; Ps 102:25; Rm 11:36


The Attributes of God

His Names, Nature and Character

K.J.V./N.I.V./N.A.S.B./Amp. Bibles

Compiled by Patricia A. Psooy

Copyright The Life Project.

The Attributes of God

His Names, Nature and Character

K.J.V./N.I.V./N.A.S.B./Amp. Bibles

Compiled by Patricia A. Psooy