PSMA Meeting Notes 11/16/17

Attendees: Cheryl Robertson Nolan, Patti Hart, Jen Sylvester, Mindy Petrucci, Richard Cicchetti, Ed Payzant, Tina Beltran, Judith Atherton, Nancy Canducci, Kim Robinson, Lisa Brown, Chris Hogan, Heather Hogan

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report expenditures were reviewed and explained. Treasurer was not present. At next month’s meeting, we will revisit this report and combine it with next month for review and approval.

Officers Elected: Kim Robinson was elected secretary

Mindy Petrucci was elected asst. secretary

PSMA Volunteer Table Opportunities

Upcoming concert dates reviewed:

Thursday, November 30th - @ PSHS South Ave Fall Invitational Concert

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Volunteer – Richard Cicchetti

Thursday, November 30th - @ PNHS PCIS Winter Choral Concert

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Volunteers – Cheryl Nolan, Jen Sylvester,

Kim Robinson

Tuesday, December 5th - @ PSHS PSMS Winter Instrumental Concert

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Volunteer -

Thursday, December 7th - @ PSHS PSHS Winter Choral and Instrumental Concert

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Volunteer - Lisa Brown

Tuesday, December 12th - @ PNHS PNHSWinter Instrumental Concert

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Volunteer - Heather Hogan, Nancy Canducci

Wednesday, December 13th - @ PNHS PNHSWinter Choral Concert

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Volunteer - Kim Robinson, Eddie Payzant

Wednesday, December 13th - @ PSHS PSMS Winter Choral Concert

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Volunteer - Richard Cicchetti

Thursday, December 14th - @ PNHS PCIS Instrumental Concert

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Volunteer - Heather Hogan

Friday, December 15th - @ Plymouth Memorial Hall - High School Coffee House

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Volunteers - Kim Robinson,

Heather Bisson ?

Chris Hogan

Friday, January 12th - @ PNHS PNHSWinter A Cappella Concert

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Volunteer - Eddie Payzant

Friday, January 26th - @ PNHS PCIS Musical Beauty and the Beast

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Volunteer - Kim Robinson

These dates have been verified with the VPA calendar on 11/20/17. Dates subject to change by the school system. Please check your dates with the VPA calendar

VPA Music Director’s Update: None discussed

Vocal Music Updates: None discussed

Instrumental Music Updates:

Mrs. Holmes made a brief appearance. The Marching Band has been accepted to perform in a Parade @ Magic Kingdom @ 11:30 AM on December 31st.

Mr. Shaw and Mr. Loretz were able to make a nice profit at their 99 Restaurant “Dining for a Cause” Fundraiser. Roughly $500.00. PSMA discussed the idea of booking another restaurant event like this in the near future.

Instrumental Donation Program:

Potential program discussed. Possibly place an add in the upcoming shout out section of the Winter Concert program. Also, email blast out to our data base.


AmazonSmile on FB, Website, Twitter, and email on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (Turkey Day), & Friday.

Meat Raffle: Mindy reviewed needs and guidelines for event this Sunday, November 19th @ 4:30pm. Ticket sellers will be Cheryl Robertson Nolan & Ed Payzant, Phyllis Cicchetti, Tina Beltran, and Richard Cicchetti. Chris and Mindy to handle the meat. Tickets are to be sold for

$1.00 for 1 ticket and

$5.00 for 7 tickets

There will be a 50/50 Raffle that Mindy has made as well as a Door Prize.

PSMA attendees will wear red T-shirts

Thank you to Richard Cicchetti for posting the Meat Raffle on PACTV. Any upcoming events will be accepted for display on their TV station as we are a 501 ©3 non-profit organization. Please provide a 3 week prior notification on future postings.

Winter / Spring Concert Programs:

Nancy will be making copies. We need to drum up business for placement of the advertisements,shout outs, etc. Idea brought up that we may have more opportunities for ad placements if we include the Plymouth Middle schools.

Chris will reach out to Mr. Shaw and Mr. Loretz to see if they would be interested in this opportunity.

Nancy Canducci will prepare the adds and make copies of these programs if the Middle School teachers would like to give this a go. She is asking for help in the area of advertising sales and program folding and prepping. Heather Hogan, Cheryl Nolan, Jen Sylvester will assist with prepping and folding of these programs.

Nancy Canducciwill email out a spreadsheet of who bought ads last year and she will make a sign up sheet so everyone can go out into the public to ask sponsors without asking the same business twice. Nancy will provide a date of when the ads need to be placed into her.

Road Race:

Saturday, April 14th, 2018: Chris and Heather will take steps needed to get the ball rolling on this fundraiser. $1200 for South Shore Road Race to run the event. We are requesting a 5K race with Down Hill Mile. We are going to ask if it would be possible to use the PNHS track for this event for the Down Hill Mile. Mr. Caple will be involved with this process. The date of April 14th was selected by the South Shore Road Race company as the best available in our area as a money maker. They will pull permits and handle all logistics and police details, and emergency vehicles of the race.

Next Meeting will be:

Thursday, January 18th at 6:30 pm Room TBD