/ / Seoul Art Space GEUMCHEON (SASG)
2014Open Call for Resident Artist Application
Country / Application No. / Leave a Blank
1. General information
1) Residency period / □ a.01.07. 2014~30.09. 2014 □ b.01. 10. 2014~ 31. 12. 2014
□c. 01.01.2015 ~ 31. 03. 2015 □ d.01. 04. 2015 ~ 30. 06. 2015
2) Minimum
Requisite Space
(For only artists) / □ a (16.53㎡) □ b (23.14㎡) □ c (39.67㎡)
※Check the minimum requisite space of Studio for considering applicant’s working scale (final space will be assigned after evaluation).
3)Individual / group / □ Individual □ Group
4) Resident Fields / A, C, D term Visual arts at large
□Paintings □ Photograph □ Installation □ Video
□ Other ( )Exceptional fields would fill up directly
<B term>
□ Community & Research Project
2. Personal Information
Individual / • Name:
3cm × 4cm
(within 6 months
recently) / • Passport Number:
/ • Citizenship:
• Address: (Zip Code )
• Mobile: / • E-mail:
• Phone: / • Fax:
Group / • Group name: No. of member:
Photo of representative
3cm × 4cm
(within 6 months
recently) / • Name of Representative:
• Passport Number: / • Business Registration Number:
• Address: (Zip Code ) Group or Representative address
• Mobile: Representative Mobile / • E-mail: Representative e-mail
• Phone: / • Fax:
※List of member name in group should be attached as an additional document.
3. Attached Document and List of Data
(※documented evidence for artwork result: copy of image of picture book, leaflet and others)
1) An application form.
2) A planning Statement for creation.
3) An Experience for Artwork.
4) A List of member name in group (if group applicant).
5) A copy of Portfolio (PowerPoint file or PDF).
6) A copy of the Resident Registration. (a copy of Passport for international artist, or a copy of Permanent Residency or equivalent official document for overseas Korean)

Like above statement, I submit application to residency to Seoul Art Space_ Geumcheon, and I certify the information submitted in this application is complete, accurate and true.

Day month 2014(day month year)

Applicant : (Signature)

(To) President of Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture

[attachment 2.]
/ / 2014Open Call for Resident Artist Application
Planning Statement for creation
Project plan (※Describe detailed plan as a resident artist)
[attachment 3.]
/ / 2014Open Call for Resident Artist Application
Experience for Artwork
College / (Date / Month / Year) (Major / Year ) Status (Graduated, School, Completion, Did not complete course)
Graduates / (Date / Month / Year) (Major / Year ) Status (Graduated, School, Completion, Did not complete course)
Graduates / Thesis title:
Artistic Activities (Describe major artistic activities for past 3 years)
Classify group activities, Individual activities, etc.
Awards and others
Resident career

※ Result for artwork limits for recent three years, and for group applicant, each member will prepare and submit their own documents

[attachment 4.]
/ / 2014Open Call for Resident Artist Application
List of member name in group(if group applicant)
Group member list
No. / Name / Group / Title / Area / Age

※International groups are limited to 2 members or less including representative (1 studio and 1 hostel room for 2 people will be provided for International groups).

Instruction for Application Forms

■ Applicant should submit Application to residency, Planning Statement for creation, Experience for artwork, a copy of the Resident Registration (a copy of Passport for international artist or a copy of Permanent Residency or equivalent official document for Overseas Korean) and a copy of Portfolio by PowerPoint file or PDF.

※Note that missing document required could be a disadvantage for application

I. Application to residency

○ Country: Fill out the name of the country that applicant holds citizenship in.

○ Number of Registration: Leave it a blank. SASG(Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon) will fill it in.

1. Application Overview

1) Residency Period

○ International applicant can reside for 3 months.

* Only one section can be checked after considering periods first.

2) Minimum Requisite Space

○ Choose the minimum requisite space of Studio for considering applicant’s working scale.

For example, if applicant’s working space need the least 23.50㎡, check the column b(23.50㎡).

○ Studio Scale of SASG

- Scale of SASG is composed of four, a(16.53㎡), b(23.14㎡) and c(39.67㎡), image of Studio and other supplies could be checked at the blogspot of SASG.

* As this is for presuming total quantity of the requisite space in advance and would be reflected on the evaluation process, final studio will be assigned after considering working scale by the committee of evaluation.

3) Individual / Group

○ Check to distinguish between Individual and Group.

4) Resident Fields

○ Check the related fields. Multiple checking is possible.

- Exceptional fields presented will check the others, and describe field directly.

2. Applicant Personal Information

○ Passport Number

- For international artist, passport number is filled up and for group applicant, Business Registration number is written. (Group without Business Registration can also apply but Passport Number of representative should be written)

○ Individual or group applicant should enter correct information of contactable address, e-mail or phone number at any time, and applicants can be guided the progress of applying afterward, like announcement of successful applicants, notice of evaluation date and other useful information. SASG is not liable for disadvantage caused by incorrect or missing contact information.

* Schedule of evaluation and Announcement of Successful applicants will be noticed directly to individual or the representative of the group.

○ For individual applicant, paste photo for identification (3cm×4cm size, color) taken within 6 months recently.

○ For group applicant, paste photo of representative for identification (3cm×4cm size, color) taken within 6 months recently, and fill up group name and representative information.

○ For group applicant, additional document with representative and list of other members’ name in group should be attached.

II. Planning Statement for creation

○ Describe details about working and purpose of activities after joining SASG, and present data to be verified the possibility of realizing for creation.

III. Experience for Artwork

○ Result for artwork limits for recent three years, and for group applicant, each member will prepare and submit their own documents.

○ For group applicant, name of artist should be placed the top of table.

○ In case of experience of prize awards, describe it and submit the related certificate of award (like a photocopy).

* Hope to adjust the proposed quantity as possible. Unavoidable circumstances could attach additional document.