Приложение 1

Cross-word puzzle

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
7 / 8
9 / 10
11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 47 / 17
18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23
24 / 25 / 26
28 / 29
30 / 31 / 32 / 33
34 / 35 / 39 / 40
36 / 37
41 / 38
43 / 45
42 / 44 / 46


1) the Flemish painter (1577 - 1640), a representative of baroque; (Rubens) 2) in the ancient mythology a youth famous for his magnificent beauty, Venus’s lover; (Adonis) 3) a geometrical figure having a great deal of angles; (polygon) 4) the American portrait-painter (1856 - 1925); (Sargent) 5) a touch of the brush; (stroke) 6) a crowd; (throng) 13) the English portrait-painter (1723 - 1792), among his best works there is such masterpiece as “The Portrait of Nelly O’Brien”; (Reynolds) 15) belonging to the Middle Ages; (medieval) 17) paint; (pigment) 19) a shade, tinge; (hue) 21) one’s conscience, soul; (breast) 23) coarse canvas; (crash) 25) a sort of paint; (ink) 31) a disciple of Jesus Christ; (apostle) 32) a sort of paint; (oil) 33) Hilaire ... Edgar Degas (1834-1917), the French painter-impressionist; (Germain) 34) a very small village; (hamlet) 35) sterile, fruitless, vain; (barren) 39) a man who became a saint as a result of some tortures and sufferings; (martyr) 40) abundance, a horn of ~ ; (plenty) 47) a kind of radiance round the subject, similar to that of a halo. (aureole)


1) Salvator ... (1615 - 1673), the Italian painter and poet; (Rosa) 3) the mythological Cyclops blinded by Ulysses; (Polyphemus) 5) a patch; (spot) 7) Jacques ... David (1748-1825); (Louis) 8) a cliff, rock; (scar) 9) equally, smoothly; (evenly) 10) the Italian painter, architect and sculptor (1266? -1337); (Giotto) 11) the Spanish painter (1746 - 1828), among his works there are “The Caprichos”, “The Disasters of War”; (Goya) 12) the most ancient book in the world from which painters often use different themes for their pictures; (Bible) 14) a maxim; (gnome) 16) raw material for potters; (paste) 18) the heavenly garden; (Eden) 20) motley, many-coloured, variegated; (pied) 22) a bad artist; (dauber) 24) Italy’s cultural centre having many unique architectural masterpieces (temples, cathedrals, etc.); (Florence) 26) decorative; (ornament) 27) young, fresh, spring-like; (vernal) 28) in Greek mythology the Lord of the kingdom of dead; (Hades) 29) engraved line, stroke; (hatch) 30) plateau; (table) 36) mixture, medley; (olio) 37) the part of a Christian church where the communion-table (престол) is situated; (altar) 38) a sort of material for sculptors; (marble) 41) the English painter and writer (1834 - 1896); (Morris) 42) ~ landscape represents different scenes from life of some comparatively large settlement; (town) 43) tendency, tenor; (trend) 44) ~ portrait is a portrait of a man with a horse; (equestrian) 45) Gioconda, ~ Lisa; (Mona) 46) the very bright red colour; a precious stone. (ruby)