to Mrs. Hollins’ and Mrs. Neiman’s
2nd Grade Class!
Hi Students & Families!
Welcome to my classroom! I am delighted and honored to teach your children this year! I am looking forward to working with you to establish and increase your child’s confidence and success in the new school year!
Daily Schedule:
7:40Morning Work/Class Meeting
8:00 Resources
8:30Language Arts/Reading
10:00P.I.E. (Practice/Intervention/Enrichment)
12:00Social Studies/Science
Weekly Resource Schedule:
Mon:8:00 - 8:30Music (Mills)
Tues:8:00 - 8:30P.E. (Lucas)
Wed:7:50-8:30Art (Siler)
Thurs:8:00-8:30Library (Harris)
Fri:Possible Guidance Lesson
Important Dates:
Thurs. 9/1: Open House for parents and students @ 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Sat. 9/17: Glen Allen Day!
Tues. 9/20: PTA Back to School Night @ 6:00 PM
Wed. 9/21: Student Half Day
Mon. 10/10: Student Holiday
Be Prepared:
Being prepared for school is crucial! You should have received a list of supplies that your child should have. Please assist your child in keeping their items organized. Setting up a pack-up routine at home practices their pack-up routine at school.
Stay-Connected: Ask your child what he or she is studying, and look in the Binder and Communication folder every night. The Communication folder is where you will find the newsletters, homework, notes, and behavior charts. The Binder will contain all study guides. This Communication folder should go home and return to school every day! Please check my blog ( which can also be found on the Glen Allen Elementary School website.
Ask Questions: If you have any concerns or are wondering why something is happening, please feel free to e-mail me at any time. As a partner in your child’s education, please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns, questions, ideas, or feedback that affects your child.
Homework: You should expect that your child will have some type of homework almost every day. You will always find the homework assignments on the 2nd grade newsletter. We encourage you to set up a scheduled time for homework each day.Homework is not graded (although completing and turning in homework is taken as a participation grade). It is meant to review the skills/strategies that they have already been taught in the classroom.
Snack: All students may bring a nutritious snack (fruit, breakfast bars, veggies, crackers, yogurt) and a bottle of water to school every day.Please be mindful that we do have students with Peanut/Tree Nut allergies this year. Please do not send water bottles that have twist-off caps (leak proof and spill proof are preferred). Bottles do tend to fall off of desks easily, and clean-up can be very disrupting.
Arrival Time:Arriving on-time to school is imperative! He/she must be in the classroom before the last morning bell at 7:40. The student will be asked to go to the office to receive a tardy slip if they arrive later than that time. We start the day off with Resources. Starting the school day off late sets the mood for the rest of the day. Students should have an ample amount of time to unpack, relax, and prepare for the day ahead. Rushing into the classroom at the last minute can be extremely overwhelming and stressful. We should all be able to relate to this!
G.A.R. (Glen Allen Reads):
Glen Allen no longer uses the Accelerated Reader program. The school has implemented a G.A.R. program where students will use choice boards to earn points for the books they read. More information will be released soon.
Graded Papers:
In a few weeks, corrected papers and tests will be stapled and sent home in an envelope or folder. Please sign the cover page (1/2 sheet) inside of the folder, indicating that you have seen the papers and write any comments you may have and return the papers in the envelope the very next day. Please return the stapled papers and half sheet (this normally includes assessments) in the envelope. Loose papers can be kept at home.
When your child is ill, please notify me as well as Mrs. Calhoun in the office. I will do my best to create a make-up folder to be sent home with another child or leave it in the office for pick-up at the end of the day. In order to do this, I must have enough time to collect and organize make-up work. For every one day a student is absent, they have two days to make up their work. If a test is missed, students should be prepared to take the test as soon as they return.
This year, our dismissal schedule is as follows: students that are being released to daycare will meet in the music room this year at 2:05. Bus Riders will be dismissed to their buses at 2:05. Students that will be picked up from school by a parent, will be dismissed to the gym at 2:05 and parents will be able to sign their children out at that time. For security reasons, students will not be released to adults waiting near the buses or in the parking lot. ALL students will need notes to stay after school or if there is a change of transportation. Do not forget to contact the daycare center if there is a transportation change or if your child is ill. A Change of Transportation template is located on my blog.
Grading Policy:
The grading policy for Henrico County 2nd Graders is as follows:
100-90 = A (Excellent)
89-80 = B (Very Good)
79-70 = C (Satisfactory)
69-65 = D (Marginal Progress)
64 and below = F (Failing)
Graded class work is recorded as one grade in the grade book. Tests and special projects are considered as a double grade. Interim grades will come home in the middle of each marking period.
Scholastic Book Club:
You may receiveScholastic Book Club information throughout the year. Please do not feel obligated to purchase books; however, if you do, you can either order online or make a check out to Scholastic Book Club for any purchases.
Behavior Plan:
I believe that our students’ success in lifelong learning depends on self-discipline and making wise choices. Therefore, a structured and safe learning environment is foundational. A behavior plan has been established to recognize and reinforce positive choices as well as discourage disruptive behavior. Please remind your child to come to school each day ready to pay attention, participate, and do his/her best. I will discuss the school-wide behavior plan in detail on “Back to School night (September 20th @ 6:00).
Final Thoughts:
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me or send a note and we can schedule a meeting. Please allow me at least 24 hours to check my e-mail during the week. There is very limited time to check e-mail during the school day. Conferences will need to be scheduled after teaching hours. This will allow me to be totally devoted to you and your questions or concerns. You can reach me by e-mail at
or through the school office at 756-3040.
I am excited to spend this year with your child and family!
Mrs. Hollins and Mrs. Neiman