TO: Local Association Presidents and Treasurers

FROM: Tyra Holt, Chief Financial Officer

RE: 2014-2015 Local Association Dues

The GAE Membership Processing Staff is preparing for the 2014-2015 membership year. Enclosed is the 2014-2015 GAE and NEA Membership Dues Categories and Schedules. To complete the setup process GAE needs to update your local association dues on the membership database for 2014-2015.

Please complete and submit the enclosed forms for your 2014-2015 local association dues no later than August 1, 2014. The local dues amounts will be applied to all forms of members’ dues payments including Payroll Deduction, EasyPay/EFT, Cash/Check or Credit Card. This information is used to set up the direct payroll deductions and for members using the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) bank draft pay method.

GAE will be creating the 2014-2015 membership data file in mid-July. Once we receive your local association membership dues amount(s) we will update the members’ records. Please note GAE will send statements to Cash/Check, Credit Card, and EasyPay/EFT members in August so it is important that we have your updated local association membership dues.

The following forms and schedules are enclosed for your review and use:

1.  local association membership dues form (for the LEA’s to complete)

2.  GAE/NEA membership dues schedule in PDF format. You can share this with your local associations and use it to recruit members.

3.  GAE/NEA Membership Categories and Dues in PDF format. This is a list of all of the current NEA and GAE Categories and Dues. Share this with your local associations.

4.  GAE-NEA Membership Dues Schedule in Excel Format. Important! This file has four worksheets –

·  The standard membership dues schedule

·  The pro-rata dues schedule

·  A new worksheet for your local associations to use to calculate the monthly deduction for their local associations – this worksheet can be updated simply by entering the name and the local dues for each category in the blue sections. Please note – if your local association has a payroll deduction schedule different from 12 months then please contact your membership associate for assistance in creating a customized schedule. Note – this worksheet is protected to keep it from being changed inadvertently. You can easily unprotect the sheet by using the password GAE.

·  The standard membership categories and dues schedule.

For those local associations that use payroll deduction, please be sure to notify your local payroll department office personnel of the changes in NEA/GAE/LEA dues.

If you have questions regarding this information, please contact your Membership Associate.

We appreciate your continued support of NEA/GAE and public education!