Student Road Map
This document breaks down the grading scheme, learning goals and expectations for each part of the two-week Map Your Hazards! module. The entire module is worth up to 100 points.
Unit 1: Hazards, vulnerability and risk
Learning Goal for Unit 1: Students will identify and apply credible geologic and social science datasets to identify local hazards and vulnerable groups and structures, and assess risk for their community.
- Each student will complete the pre-module quiz (2points) prior to Day 1 of module (instructor will have a checklist to verify that students completed the survey). The students will be given points for completeness, not correctness.
- Group discussion or "think, pair, share" activity on hazard, risk and vulnerability. Each group will electronically submit a PowerPoint presentation with hazard maps (5 points), vulnerability (social and structural) maps (5 points), risk maps (5points), and reasoning (5 points)(20 total points).
Unit 2: Perception of hazards, vulnerability and risk
Learning Goal 2: Students will collect and analyze relevant social data on individual and community knowledge, risk perception and preparedness within their local social networks.
- PRIOR TO THE START OF UNIT 2:Each student will complete the hazards survey for themselves and three members of their social network(2points). Instructor will have a checklist to verify survey completion.
- Part A:Group and class survey data analysis. Each group will discuss data from surveys.Group discussion or "think, pair, share" activity on defining and giving examples of research questions for the module(13 points).
- Part B: Each student (or group, depending on instructor’s preference) will submit a Word document answering questions 1–8 (33points).
Unit 3: Translating the Message – Students will synthesize and evaluate data sets from Units 1 and 2 for stakeholders and generate recommendations for preparedness, resource allocation and city planning to promote building a more prepared community.
Learning Goal 3: Students will identify potential stakeholders and assess the importance of communication and interaction among these groups to make recommendations on how to define and develop prepared communities.
- Class discussion of what a stakeholder is and how it affects communication of professional recommendations and preparedness. Group chooses stakeholder (with instructor guidance).
- Each group prepares presentation, practices presentation with peers (1 point),and provides feedback to peers using the rubric (1 point).
- Each group will electronically submit a final PowerPoint presentation (1point).
- Each group will present presentation (23points).
- On the last day of the module, students will complete and turn in the post-module quiz (2points) and reflective questions (2points) where students will evaluate what they have learned and offer feedback on the module.