To: Lead Table Members

Thank you for your participation in this morning’s meeting. Below I have summarized key action items with relevant contactinformation:

  1. Margaret will send PD survey to members who have not yet completed it. (will be attached in separate email)
  2. Space inventory – Margaret will post list of organizations that have OTN/videoconferencing capabilities. Our current inventory of available space for meetings etc. will be updated (Margaret)
  3. Shared HR/Policy Resources – members interested in sharing resources (human and written)related to common policies/proceduresto contact Sue Poldervaart ()
  4. Executive Director Networking – there was a discussion about resurrecting the networking breakfasts; an opportunity for EDs/managers to meet informally to discuss common issues etc. If interested please contact Lorena Crosbie ()
  5. Triple P – Key message: planning for Triple P will be done by workgroup

Action: please review your agency membership in the workgroup.

Contact Emily Castle () with questions/interest in workgroup

  1. Read to Every Kid – Please contact Margaret if your agency needs support/training to implement the program.
  2. Bartholomew Hub – Kristina will set up a community partners meeting to develop a common calendar.
  3. Brockville Hub – members interested in information about locating in planned “Brockville Hub” can contact Sue Watts ()
  4. Support for Every Kid -- Members are asked to review the summary/recommendations from our June 27 “Think Tank” and be prepared to discuss/prioritize recommendations.(attached)

•EKIOC and Best Start co-chairs will meet with United Counties re: early childhood planning.

•Jane/Lorena/Margaret to set up meeting with Lanark co-chairs and coordinator to discuss common issues

•Co-chairs of 4 South East region tables will send a letter to MCYS thanking them for their financial support of planning tables and requesting ongoing support.

The meeting notes with a summary of presentations etc. will be distributed asap.

Next Meeting: October 5 – presentation by DAC on EDI results.


Margaret Fancy