GR003 Farm Performance Measurement
Project No. 5 for Farms with Suckler herds
Project Title: Interpreting Suckler Herd – ICBF Data & Breeding indices
Learner Name
Name of Benchmark or visited farmer
Date of Visit: ______
Mark Awarded (15% max) ______
/Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013
Contents Page
Instructions: Complete pages relevant to your farm
Section / Page / Available Marks / Mark1 / Overview of Enterprise Performance / 1 / 10
2 / Details of Suckler Enterprise / 2 / 10
Culling / 3 / 10
3 / Breeding Management / 4 / 20
4 / Beef Calving Report / 7 / 20
5 / Suckler Cow Report / 6 / 20
6 / €urostar Index / 7 / 20
7 / Interpret your Group Calving Report / 8 / 20
8 / Breeding Strategy for home farm / 9 / 20
Total Marks for Benchmark Exercise (150 Max) / 150
Total marks for this project ÷ 10
9 / Discussion Report (40 marks Max) / 10 / 40
Total marks for this discussion group meeting participation and report÷ 10 / 4
Section 1 Overview of Enterprise Performance
Identify where your farm sits in comparison to the benchmark farm
Complete the following:
Benchmark Farm / Own FarmAll Cows - Maternal Index**(€)
Females > 12 Mts. Maternal Index (€)
Females 0–12 Mts. Maternal Index (€)
Average weaning wt (kg).
Culling %
Replacement Rate %
Calving interval (days)
List some areas that need to be improved in your herd to achieve an overall improvement in herd’s current figures:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
** Note:
- The current €uro-Star figures can be found by logging on to HerdPlus using your User Name and Password Select “€URO-STAR”.
- Select “€uro-star Report”.
- Scroll down to the “Commercial Summary”.
You will be required to carry out the following activities as part of the project:
Analyse the Calving Report
Analyse the Suckler Report
Analyse the €star Report
Section 2 Details of Suckler Enterprise
Benchmark / visited farm / Given/ home farmSystem of Production
(spring / autumn calving, selling stores, weanlings, stores, finishing) / ______
______ / ______
No. Suckler Cows
Stocking Rate
Calving start date
Calving finish date
Calving spread
Estimated average daily weight gain in grazing period
Birth to weaning (kg/day)
Yearlings (march to October)
Estimated average daily weight gain over winter period
Weanlings (kg/day)
Finishing (kg/day)
Average age and weights at sale
Benchmark / visited farm / Home / given farm
Weanling Bulls
Store Bulls
Finished Bulls
Weanling steers
Store steers
Finished steers
Weanling heifers
Store heifers
Finished heifers
Cow Culling
Benchmark / visited farm / Home / given farmNo. culled annually
Market outlet
Average value
Replacement rate
Reasons for culling 1 / ______
______ / ______
Reason for culling 2 / ______
______ / ______
Reason for culling 3 / ______
______ / ______
Section 3 Breeding Management
Benchmark / visited farm / Home / given farm
AI / Natural service used
Breeds of cow(s) in herd / ______
______ / ______
Breeds of bull(s) in herd / ______
______ / ______
Breeds of replacement heifers / ______
______ / ______
Sourcing of heifers (purchased/ homebred)
Section 4 Beef Calving Report
Print off your Beef Calving Report and insert it into section 9.
From your report, fill in the table below and answer the questions
Calving interval / National average / Benchmark/ visited farm / Home / given farmMortality % (dead at birth)
Mortality % (dead at 28 days)
Females not calved in the period
Calves per cow per year
Comment briefly on the calving pattern of your herd and that of the benchmark / visit farm.
Compare current year’s figures with previous year and the national average.
Suggest improvements for your herd
Section 5 Suckler Cow Report
1. Select the cow with the most calves or highest rating for your farm and that of the benchmark / visited farm.
2. Fill in the table and answer the questions following.
3. Print off the report and insert it into section 9.
Benchmark / visited farm / Home / given farmWhat is the breed of the cow and who was her father? / ______
______ / ______
What is the maternal star rating (within breed)
What is the terminal star rating (within breed)
What is the calving difficulty rating of the cow (within breed)
How did the cow score for calving when you look at her individual calvings?
What % of your herd has a maternal beef value of less than €100?
What % of your herd has a terminal beef value of less than €100?
Comment on your herd figures:
Section 6 €urostar index
Average maternal index of all cowsAverage terminal index of all cows
Reliability of figures
Highest suckler maternal index among cows
Breed of cow with highest suckler index
Who was the father of the highest ranking cow?
Comment on the following:
Reliability of your figures
What breed was the cow with the highest figures in your herd? Do you think the breed has any influence on this figure?
Section 7 Interpreting your Group Calving Report
The group Beef Calving Report will be presented during discussion group meetings
Attach this report to section 9 and answer the following:
Beef Calving Report:
How does your herd calving interval compare with the group members?
What are the main reasons for best calving interval in the group?
Section 8 Outline a breeding strategy for your home/ given farm under the following headings
Calving Pattern
Cow output (calves/cow/year)
Section 9 Attach ICBF Reports
Generate the following reports on ICBF and paste in here
Beef Calving report
Suckler Cow Report
€urostar Index
Section 10 Results from Discussion Day : Date ______
A. Items/topics discussed at the meeting:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
B. Lessons learned from each item discussed:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
C. Changes that I will consider/make to our farming practice as a result of this discussion meeting (to be completed before the next meeting if possible):
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______