DP in International Business
To be included in the general course description
Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Criteria
COURSE Code and Title: BUS1LF001 Developing Entrepreneurial Competences
Grade/Learning Outcomes / 1/Min. 50% competence level / 3/Min. 70% competence level / 5/Min. 90% competence level
Knowledge / The student has a vague understanding of his/her own internal entrepreneurial attitude and the role of entrepreneurial activity in the society. He/she has some knowledge and understanding of the wide variety of expertise required in creating a business idea and founding and running a business. He/she identifies the basic marketing concepts,knows the sources of law and identifies some of the legal concepts, as well as accounting principles and percentage calculations at least in one of areas: indexes, simple or compound interest calculations.
The student’s risk awareness is limited. / The student recogniseshis/her own internal entrepreneurial attitude and understands the role of entrepreneurial activity in the society well. He/she has a good knowledge and understanding of the wide variety of expertise required in creating a business idea and in founding and running a business. He/she identifies well the marketing concepts and knows the most important legal concepts and principles, as well as accounting principles and percentage calculations at least in three of areas: indexes, simple or compound interest calculations. The student’s risk awareness is on a realistic level. / The student’s own internal entre-preneurial attitude is well developed, and the role of entre-preneurial activity is natural to him/her.
The student has an excellent knowledge and understanding of the wide variety of expertise required in creating a business idea and in founding and running a business. Without any difficulty he/she identifies the marketing concepts and is familiar with the sources of law and the legal concepts and principles, as well as accounting principles and percentage calculations in all four areas: indexes, simple or compound interest calculations. The student’s risk awareness is on a very realistic level.
Skills / The student can partly collect and analyse the marketing and legal data, and use financial and mathematical calculations needed in creatingbusiness ideas.
He/she rarely uses the viewpoints of other students to widen his/her own thinking and seldom finds some connections between different perspectives related to entrepreneurship. / The student can collect and analyse the marketing and legal data, and use financial and mathematical calculations needed in creating business ideas.
He/she sometimes uses the viewpoints of other students to widen his/ her own thinking and finds connections between different perspectives related to entrepreneurship. / The student can independently collect and analyse the marketing and legal data, and use financial and mathematical calculations needed in creating realistic business ideas.
He/she actively uses the viewpoints of other students to widen his/her own thinking and easily finds connections between different perspectives related to entrepreneurship.
Competence / The student mostly works professionally in multicultural teams in order to create a realistic business idea with the required marketing tools, legal norms and financial and mathematical estimates.
He/she seldom generates new ideas to enhance entrepreneurial activity. / The student works very professionally in multicultural teams in order to create a realistic business idea with the required marketing tools, legal norms and financial and mathematical estimates.
He/she generates new ideas to enhance entrepreneurial activity. / The student can fully professionally engage in creating a realistic business idea with the required marketing tools, legal norms and financial and mathematical estimates. Working in multicultural teams without any difficulty is natural to him/her.
He/she generates innovativeideas to enhanceentrepreneurial activity.
Modes of assessment and their weights
Course Themes / Assessment Target / % of the Theme Grade / % of the Total Course GradeTheme 1a
Entrepreneurship / Assignment/Interview of Entrepreneurs
Business idea development process and presentation
Class activity / 40 %
40 %
20 % / 16.7 %
Theme 1b
Law for a New Business 1 / Assignments
Class activity
(Evaluation on participation activity an duly transmitted assignment papers contributes to the grade of Law for a New Business 2) / passed/failed
Theme 2
Customer Oriented Operation Planning
Theme 3a
Business Mathematics
Theme 3b
Accounting for a New Business
Integrated Course Project ??
Final Grade