April 22, 2010


Due date: Monday April 26, 2010 by email attachment to

Take-Home Assignment

Note: What needs to be turned in is the completed Report #1, Report #2, and Report #3 templates included in the MIS4600Lab11Report.doc file posted to the Assignments section. You may do the assignment in the computer lab or at home since you have the required program (md5deep-3.6.zip and hashcalc.zip). If you don’t have them, you may download them from the Notes section. The assignment is due by Monday April 26, 2010 by email attachment to .

1)Log on to the web site to download the trial version of the VMware Workstation 7.0.1 for Windows. You should download the Main Installation file without Tools (335 MB).Check the Support & Download section. You need to register to be able to download. While on the download page, make sure you print (or write down) the MD5SUM and SHA1SUM.

2)Take the necessary steps to generate the hash for the downloaded software using MD5deep making sure that you capture the screenshots (Crtl+Alt+PrintScreen) of the Windows command prompt because you will need to paste them to your report (see next step).

3)Use the Report #1 template in the MIS4600Lab11Report.doc file to explain what you did to generate the MD5 hash and determine the authenticity of the downloaded program.

4)Take the necessary steps to generate the hash for the downloaded software using SHA1deep making sure that you capture the screenshots (Crtl+Alt+PrintScreen) of the Windows command prompt because you will need to paste them to your report (see next step).

5)using Sha1deep

6)Use the Report #2 template in the MIS4600Lab11Report.doc file to explain what you did to generate the SHA1 hash and determine the authenticity of the downloaded program.

7)Use the HashCalc program to generate the MD5 and the SHA1 Message Authentication Codes for the downloaded file assuming that the key is cryptolab.Making sure that you capture the screenshot (Crtl+Alt+PrintScreen) of HashCalc window showing the result because you will need to paste it to your report (see next step).

8)Use the Report #3 template in the MIS4600Lab11Report.doc file to report your results.
