Sheffield City Council

Job Description

Informal Enquries: Nalin Seneviratne – 0114 273 4120


POST TITLE: Business Change and Delivery Manager
(Change and Delivery Management – Collaborative Systems)
GRADE: SUG 13 (current grade)– (Equal Pay Review grade11)
RESPONSIBLE TO: Director of Property & Facilities Management

RESPONSIBLE FOR:Change delivery project teams

HOLIDAY AND Cover as appropriate for the Director of Property and FM SICKNESS RELIEF: and Senior Management colleagues


  • To take the lead on the co-ordination, management and delivery of the Council’s roll out of Corporate Property & Facilities Management Functions, through its Service Partner, across the Council, with responsibility for ensuring the Council’s property strategy aims and objectives are achieved as set out in the Corporate Asset Management Plan and Property Policies and to assist in the development of such plans and policies.
  • To run a programme office, which monitors and co-ordinates with all other property based projects and programmes of work across the Council and with partner organisations, including the likes of “Building Schools for the Future”, The Primary Capital Programme, NHS Local Investment Finance Trust and the Local Housing Company to name a few, including the Council’s capital programme in order to ensure maximum benefit is derived from all programmes of work.
  • To undertake investment appraisals, in accordance with the Council’s procedures in order to formulate and prioritise projects and programmes of work for approval.
  • To develop and enhance where necessary in line with best practice, existing Council investment appraisal, business case production and project management systems and procedures working with other departments and services where required.
  • Assisting the Director of Property and Facilities Management in the maintenance of an “intelligent client” function for outsourced property and facilities management functions.
  • To deputise for the Director of Property & Facilities Management (Head of Service) where required.


  1. To take the lead role on the Council’s delivery of key outcomes and milestones of the outsourced partner services in relation to the Property & Facilities Management contract,ensuring contract management occurs in conjunction with the Commercial Director and designated staff and the Council’s Contract Management procedures.
  2. Maintain effective liaison with all Council directorates in relation to property and facilities management matters via the Business Partners in each directorate and to liaise with key staff in each directorate in order that property related projects and the capital programme is co-ordinated, linked to the Corporate Asset Management Plan and is in line with Property Policy to ensure maximum benefit of the investment being made. This will involve understanding the council’s strategies and policies such that the greatest strategic benefit and value is realised from the capital investment, working with colleagues in the Commercial Directorate to achieve efficient procurement and value for money.
  3. To liaise/consult with internal and external partners / stakeholders and to ensure, where possible, that strategies and initiatives are properly co-ordinated with those being pursued in the City and set out in the City Council’s plans and strategies.
  1. To input to major corporate projects and programmes.
  2. To be a member of the Service’s management team and assist the Head of Service with the management and development of the Service.
  3. To deputise where required for the Head of Service.
  4. To prepare, monitor and review the programme of Property & Facilities Management (P&FM) projects and initiatives for the Corporate Resources Department. To ensure that this programme matches and complements the Corporate Plan and is integral to the overall programme managed by the P&FM Service.
  5. To provide over-arching monitoring, co-ordination and support to all of the Council’s services involved in the delivery of capital projects,advising on corrective action where necessary to ensure the programme does not slip nor over spend, whilst achieving the outcomes for the City and its community.
  6. To develop, where necessary, and monitor the implementation of a programme and project management framework, providing a standardised process across all Services.
  7. To ensure that all new projects being developed through the project framework are subject to the required process level, business case and investment appraisal procedures, taking into account the existing asset base, ensuring that best value is achieved.
  8. To develop and maintain procedures for tracking capital receipts arising from the disposal of Council property as well as S.106 contributions from developers.
  9. In time and where appropriate, to run the Council’s strategic level ‘Project Office’. This office will be the co-ordination hub of the capital programme as well as providing best practice support and guidance to those delivering capital projects throughout the Council.
  10. To assist in the development of the Corporate Asset Management Plan, ensuring this complies with best practice guidelines, and meets critical submission dates. To take responsibility for implementing this plan (with the Head of Service).
  11. To prepare reports/documents and associated presentation material to internal and external stakeholders where required. To deliver presentations and attend public meetings, Cabinet meetings, Community Assemblies / Area Committees, delegation meetings, Scrutiny Panels and other such meetings to present the service as required.
  1. To commission and monitor the internal implementation Teams and/or the management of external partners/others carrying out investigations, feasibility studies, design and implementation stages in accordance with procedures.
  2. To ensure the procurement and management of contractors is carried out in accordance with the Council’s policies and procedures.
  3. To receive overall direction from the Head of Service, but exercise considerable discretion in, and take responsibility for, the detailed conduct of his/her area of responsibility affairs.
  4. To be innovative in the discharge of his/her duties and to promote and manage changes in ways of working and procedures.
  5. To undertake such other duties appropriate to the grading of the post as required.

This document outlines the duties and indicates the level of responsibility of the post for the time being. It is not a comprehensive or exclusive list of duties. Duties may be varied from time to time, which do not change the general character of the job or the level of responsibility entailed.

Property & FM Client Side – Business Change and Delivery Manager (Change and Delivery Management – Collaborative Systems)

Business Change and Delivery Manager(Change and Delivery Management – Collaborative Systems)
7. / Appropriate experience in managing a complex programme of projects.
Full working knowledge of the business planning process including investment appraisal and techniques.
A full understanding of the role of asset management in organisations.
A full working knowledge of project management techniques and procedures.
Ability to represent the department at a senior level to internal and external stakeholders
Knowledge of relevant legislation, procedures and good practice guidelines.
Knowledge and/or experience of setting, monitoring and reviewing performance standards to obtain service delivery of high quality together with full awareness of Best Value issues / 1.
7. / Knowledge and/or experience of Private Finance Initiatives, Public Private Partnerships and other joint venture delivery vehicles.
Knowledge of government policy and wider planning and procurement issues and the relationship to property management.
Experience of providing coaching/training in project management
An understanding of funding regimes and resource management applicable to public sector projects
Experience of communicating and presenting to the public and others.
Experience or working knowledge of effective community consultation techniques.
Experience of reporting to Committees and/or public meetings
7. / Ability to demonstrate personal qualities of leadership, drive and enthusiasm including innovation, and motivation, effective communication, advocacy and negotiating skills.
Ability to express information, ideas and proposals effectively in a clear and concise manner, including verbally and in formal reports.
Ability to achieve and maintain effective work performance, including several concurrent projects to meet deadlines.
Ability to work as part of a team and to contribute effectively to the achievement of wider service and corporate objectives and policies.
Ability to develop and maintain good relationships with all stakeholders
Demonstrable skills in using PC based applications, as a minimum MS Office and other systems relevant to the post
Good numerical and analytical skills. / 1.
2. / Knowledge of the submission of funding bids process.
Ability to prepare consultant briefs and managing external consultancies.
QUALIFICATION / 1. / A degree, equivalent or a related discipline or a qualification enabling eligibility of an appropriate Institute. / 1. / Membership or eligibility for membership of an appropriate professional institute.
9. / A strong lateral thinker, able to manage in a complex multi-discipline organisation.
Leads by example.
Commitment to the Council’s vision for Sheffield.
Highly motivated and not easily discouraged.
Personal and professional demeanour and credibility which commands the confidence of Members, senior managers, staff, external partners and other stakeholders.
A high degree of probity and integrity.
A commitment to learning.
A commitment to the Council’s core values of public service, quality, equality and empowerment.
A commitment to tackling poverty and creating equality of access to services and employment. / 1. / None.
WORK RELATED CIRCUMSTANCES / 1. / Must be able to work flexibly to meet the demands of the job including some out of hours working at either evenings or weekends.

Business Change and Delivery Manager, April 15th 2009

Property & FM Client Side – Business Change and Delivery Manager (Change and Delivery Management – Collaborative Systems)