Undergraduate Standards Petition

To be completed by the student. Please type.

Name: / ASU ID (10-digit): / Major:
Phone: / ASU Email: / Mailing Address, City, State, Zip:
One category per petition. Specific instructions must be followed.
Register for Overload
Total Hours:
*List all courses for which you wish to register including their corresponding credit hours.
*Include graduation plan outlining courses you will take each semester. / Enroll in Course for Third (or More) Time
Semester for 3rd time:
1st Attempt sem and grade:
2nd Attempt sem and grade:
*Include factors why you were previously unsuccessful and how you will ensure success now. / Pursue Concurrent UG Degrees
Current degree(s):
Second degree:
*If both degrees are within the Fulton Schools, eachdegree program must approve the petition. If one degree program is outside Fulton Schools, you will need to file a separate petition with that School/College.
* Include graduation plan outlining courses you will take each semester.
Enroll in 500-level Course for Undergraduate Credit
*Obtain 500-level course instructor signature:______/ Variance to General Studies
Requirement to be fulfilled (L, HU, SB, G, etc.):
*Include course syllabus and criteria checklist, which is completed and signed by ASU instructor. / Graduate Under Old Catalog
Current catalog yr:
Requested catalog yr:
*Submit a DARS report or major map/curriculum check sheet showing completed coursework for both your current and ‘old’ catalog. Explain any consequences for remaining under the new catalog.
Justification for exception (attach additional sheet if necessary):
You must sign and date your petition. The decision of the committee will be based on the information you have provided on this petition and in the supporting documentation. Submit this form to your Academic Advisor once completed. You will be notified of the petition result by postal mail.
Student Signature: Date:

To be completed by the Academic Advisor/Program.Do not write below this line.

Current plan code(s): / ASU GPA: / ASU+Transfer GPA:
Catalog Year: / Total Hours Completed: / Proposed Graduation (Sem/Yr):
Statement from Academic Advisor/Program Chair:
Academic Advisor Recommendation: Approve Disapprove
Advisor Signature: Date: / Academic Advisor Recommendation for Concurrent Engineering Degrees:
Approve Disapprove
Signature: Date:
Program Recommendation: Approve Disapprove
Authorized Signature: Date: / Program Recommendation for Concurrent Engineering Degrees:
Approve Disapprove
Signature: Date:
Action of Standards Committee: Approve Disapprove No Action
Signature: Date:
