To be approved at the November 2017 meeting


Thursday, September 21, 2017 4:00 p.m.

Minutes of the Meeting

Members Present: Darbe Brinkoetter, Adam Flack, Kevin Horath, Mike King, Brian Lockwood, Mirinda Rothrock, Paul Skowron, Cris Valdez, and Robert Yuhas.

Members Not Present: Melody Bodine, Marian Brisard, Laurie Brown,Tom Dilbeck, Mark Greenawalt,Bruce Jeffery, Jeanne Jones,Anastasia Lingle, Beth Payne,Joe Riley, Joshua Sapp, Deborah Sarko, Julienne Shields, Tesa Stephen, Wegi Stewart, Darsonya Switzer and Dennis Trump.

Others Present:

Rocki Wilkerson, Workforce Investment Solutions

Donna Meachum, Workforce Investment Solutions

Karen Allen, Workforce Investment Solutions

Debbie Wright, Workforce Investment Solutions

Larry Peterson, Sector Based Project Manager

Ryan McCradyEDC

John OliverRCC

Brock TaylorDove

Beth AndrewsChristian Homes

Jody WanlassIllinois Department of Employment Security

Mike King welcomed members and guests to the Workforce DevelopmentBoard meeting for Macon and Dewitt Counties.

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting onMay 18,2017 were presented to the Workforce Development Board for approval.There was a motion byDarbe Brinkoetter toapprove the minutes as presented. Adam Flack seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Slate of Officers

Mike King presented the Slate of Officers

  • Chairman: Tessa Stephen, Akorn Manufacturing
  • Vice chairman: Laurie Brown, Christian Homes

Mike asked for a vote to appoint Tessa Stephen as the Chairman and Laurie Brown as Vice Chairman of the Workforce Development Board.

There was a motion by Mirinda Rothrock to approve the Slate of Officers as presented. Cris Valdez Seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Rocki reported that she met with Laurie Brown and Tessa Stephen on Tuesday at the Center. They were given a tour of the One-Stop. This meeting was to provide the Slate of Officers a Tour the One Stop Center and an overview of the One Stop process. Due to the fact that this meeting was at 4:00 on Thursday, they were unable to attend.

Directors Report-Rocki Wilkerson

Program Year 2016- Year in Review

Rocki presented the Year End Review for July 1, 2016- June 30, 2017.

Highlights are as follows:

  • $3,516,580.00- Total Grants/Revenue
  • High Growth Occupations- Health Care, Transportation and Manufacturing
  • $439,103.06– Spent on Tuition/Fees/Books for Customers
  • $103,054.51–Spent on OJT Reimbursements to Employers
  • $58,266.71– Spent on Work Experience (Wage-Fringe) for customers
  • $207,875.92- Spent on Youth Contracts for Customers

One Stop Operator Selection

Rocki reported that at the last board meeting the Board approved the request for hiring the One Stop Operator by the procurement process. The One Stop is responsible for coordinating service delivery among One-Stop partners and service providers. Services were in place by July 1, 2017. As required by law the process is required every 4 years. This was submitted and approved, and accepted by the State.

One-Stop Certification Update

Rocki reported that Melody Bodine, Beth Payne and Mark Greenawalt Volunteered to do the certification of the One-Stop Center. They were required to make sure all of the services as required by WIOA were being offered to customers. This was a huge process. We are in compliance but we have several things to work on and improve. Customer service is critical.

PY’16Workforce Investment Grant

Allocation: $1,334,932 July, 2016-June, 2018

Rocki reported that the Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker funding Expenditures are on track.

Sector Based Grant-NEG

Allocation: $450,000 December 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018.

This grant focuses on short-term training, on-the-job training, work experience and career services for dislocated workers. This grant has been extended to June 30, 2018. We continue to recruit for this grant. 43 customers are enrolled in this grant.

Trade Adjustment Grant

Allocation: $66,794.00 October 1, 2016-September 30, 2017. This grant is on target for expenditures. Career Planners continue to work with customers; we currently have 9 customers enrolled.

PY 2017 Allocations

Rocki reported that our 2017 allocations have been presented to us. Carry forward, transfers, wage, fringe, overhead costs and obligations, the remaining balances are:

  • 1A- $335,099
  • 1D- $92,510
  • 1Y- $192,545
  • Remaining for Programs- $522,329

RCC/Workforce Consortium Update

The Adult Education grant was submitted and approved by ICCB. Workforce and RCC have met several times to discuss the process. Currently we are waiting on a contract between the Decatur Public Library and Workforce. We hope to have space available at the Decatur Public Library for FREE adult and youth program such as:

  • Bridge Training Programs
  • Personal and Professional Development Classes.

The overall goal is employment or transition on to post secondary education. This is going to be a strong partnership between RCC and Workforce.

Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) Grant

Rocki reported thatas the lead operator of the One-Stop, Workforce will support this project and commit to the delivery of services and career pathway training along with Bridge programs that will lead to employment. We will build cross agency partnerships and focus on industry sectors, which include healthcare, manufacturing and transportation. This grant will focus on improvements needed to make their existing career pathways system fully inclusive of and accessible to individuals with disabilities. Applicants may apply for up to 2.5 million of funding. This will be a 3year grant and we are waiting to see if we will receive this grant and the funding amount.

Workforce Wednesday Update

This marking effort with WAND was to get people through our doors at the One-Stop. Rocki worked closely with several employers and tried to raise the awareness piece for hiring in the community. 1,156 people entered the doors in June, July and August. 449 people entered our doors in March, April and May.Workforce Wednesday was a success. We hope to continue to work with WAND and create a program that will highlight customer success in the future.

Business Service Team Update

Rocki presented the PowerPoint from Rob Newbold with IMEC. The presentation was for the Central Region Workforce Area,Business Engagement Project. LWIA#19 has currently completed the following:

  • Process Mapping
  • Developed Action Plan
  • Developed Meeting format
  • Formed Work Groups
  • Create/pilot Business Needs Assessments

The good news is that we bought the Talent Component of Synchronist.

We are sharing this with Carlinville. We will use this tool to:

  • Gather marketplace information that is not otherwise available
  • Drive decisions and set priority internally and with partners
  • Provide context with national comparative data
  • Paint a demand driven view of the workforce marketplace gap’s in our region

We had our annual Representative Sue Sheer Job Fair. Attendance was down but the people looking for work were better prepared. Workforce held Resume workshops before the Career Fair was held. Job seekers were dressed better and had resumes.

Other Business

One-Stop Operator (OSO)Update- Karen Allen

Karen reported that a lot has happened since we last met. Adam Flack with DRS, Jody with IDES and Karen Allen submitted an RFP and we were selected as the Decatur One-Stop Operators with Workforce Investment Solutions having the lead role in the operation of the One Stop.

The WIOA envisions high quality One-Stop Centers that are:

  • Business driven
  • Customer-centered
  • Tailored to meet the needs of our area

One -Stops Centers are designed to serve job seekers by increasing access to employment, education, training and support services and helping them to overcome barriers. Succeed in the labor market and secure high paying jobs. Additionally, One-Stops are structured to assist businesses, by finding workers who possess the skills required. The One-Stop Operators entered into a contract, and are required to provide quarterly reports to the Workforce Investment Board.

Some of the OSO responsibilities include:

  • Convening monthly Partner meetings to discuss One-Stop Services
  • Develop agendas, track attendance, document minutes
  • Work towards better alignment of the services that are offered

Staff training:

  • WIOA 101 – was the first training offered in August

Staff wanted to know how it would affect them and there were concerns with terminology.

  • The second training was wellreceived; concerns from previous training were addressed, better tracking of services that are offered in the One Stop.
  • Continuous professional development and staff training will be scheduled throughout the next few months

Referral System – WIOArequires tracking of referrals and outcomes

  • Partners wanted a better way to do this
  • RCC designed a program specifically for the One-Stop
  • DRS/IDES state partners have not been able to access it yet – firewall

One Stop Certification

WIOA requires all comprehensive One-Stops to meet Certification requirements.

OSO reviewed the certification application, and then worked on attaining the necessary requirements.

Three areas of compliance included:

1. Effectiveness Criteria 2.Accessibility and Infrastructure Criteria 3.Continuous Improvement Criteria

Evidence of each indicator was made available through a desk review as well as on sight observations (tour).

The WIB – Convened a Local Certification TEAM to conduct the One Stop Center Certification Process

  • Reviewed the completed application (BOOK)
  • OSO explained all WIOA Certification requirements and supporting documentation
  • Conducted on-sight evaluation / tour
  • Interviewed staff
  • Interviewed customers
  • Reviewed the One-Stop handouts / workshops / flyers
  • Reviewed the facility layout and infrastructure – accessibility / customer flow

The Team voted to certify the One-Stop and submitted the required documentation to the Dept of Commerce by the July 1st deadline.

One-Stops are required to re-certify every three years.

WIOA branded One-Stops nationally as the American Job Center (AJC) network – we will continue to use the Illinois workNet name – but also a tag line “A Proud Partner of the ACJ network”

Customer Success/Individual Achievement Award-Karen Allen

Karen reported that she and Rocki belong to the Illinois Workforce Partnership (IWP) which is an association of Workforce Directors and Program Managers. They meet monthly and work closely with the Dept of Commerce in helping draft Policy and identify challenges as well as best practices across the state. IWP hosted a Workforce Development Awards Program.

Each local workforce area was able to submit a local individual achievement award nominee.

In June, when we convened the One Stop Certification Team, we asked them to review the nominations that staff had submitted. They chose a winner to be submitted for our local area.

They chose Henry Hill. He was presented with an award from Sean McCarthy - Director of Dept of Commerce. Henry received training, paid tuition, books and fees from our Adult funding.

He obtained his RN degree from RCC, passed his state boards, and obtained an RN position with Decatur Memorial Hospital. Henry said, “My Career Planner was an angel who put her wings around me and helped encourage me through every step of my training. I looked forward to meeting with her, especially during the rough patches while trying to attain my degree.”

Henry wished to thank everyone at Workforce Investment Solutions and he said “he couldn’t have done it without their assistance.”

Training Providers and Program Certifications

Mike King presented the following training program for certification:

  • Richland Community College-Early Childhood Education degree

There was a motion by Adam Flack to approve the training programs as presented. Kevin Horath seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Service Animal Policy

Mike King presented the Service Animal Policy and asked for approval

There was a motion by Bob Yuhasto approve the Policy as presented. Mirinda Rothrock seconded the motion. Motion carried.



There was a motion byDarbe Brinkoetter to adjourn. Mirinda Rothrockseconded the motion. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30 p.m.

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, November 16, 2017 @ 11:30 a.m.