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UFO Triangles... "Theirs" or Ours?

Answer: BOTH


It has been rumored for years that the military's black operations have perfected incredibly advanced gravity-defying triangular super-secret aerial platforms at least partially derived from ET technology. It now appears the proof of such vehicles is to be released in a new book entitled Alien Rapture - The Chosen by Edgar Rothschild Fouché and Brad Steiger, due out in late June, 1998 from Galde Press.

Tonight, the World's most exotic and classified aerospace vehicle could be stealthily hovering somewhere over Phoenix, Arizona; Gulf Breeze, Florida; the country of Belgium … or your city. It is known as the TR-3B.

Science fiction or fact, you ask? Alien Rapture - The Chosen details the astounding Government cover-up effected by the MJ-12 Committee, and reveals for the first time ultra top-secret information about alien technology and reverse-engineered technology that we have developed as a result of the recovered alien artifacts.

The TR-3B is NOT fiction and was built with technology available in the mid-1980s or earlier. The triangular-shaped nuclear-powered aerospace platform was developed under the Aurora program with SDI (Star Wars) and "black budget" monies.

The Aurora program is a top-secret development program for advanced aerospace vehicles and has been responsible for development of the hypersonic strategic reconnaissance SR-75 "Penetrator" --which replaced the SR-71"Blackbird" spy plane -- and the SR-74 "Scramp", which rides piggy-back the SR-75.

The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's first operational flight was in the early 90s. Technology assuredly developed from reverse-engineering of recovered alien artifacts and programs such as the SR-74 and SR-75 was used in the TR-3B. At least 3 of the billion dollar-plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994.

The TR-3B vehicle's outercoating is reactive to electrical stimulation and can change color, reflectiveness, and radar absorptiveness, thus making the vehicle look like a small aircraft or a flying cylinder or even tricking radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several aircraft at various locations.

A circular, plasma-filled accelerator ring called the "Magnetic Field Disrupter" surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology. Sandia and Lawrence Livermore laboratories developed the reverse-engineered MFD technology. The Government will go to any lengths to protect this technology.

The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field that disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity by 89 percent. This is not "anti-gravity". Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for propulsion. The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth's gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator.

The mass of the circular accelerator -- and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule and the nuclear reactor -- are reduced by almost 90%. This causes the effect of making a vehicle extremely light and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed. Eexcept, of course, those UFOs that we did not build. The TR-3 is a reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. "Indefinite" because it uses a nuclear reactor for power.

Many sightings of triangular UFOs are notalien vehicles but are instead the ultra top-secret TR-3B. The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been playing a shell game with aircraft nomenclature creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B, and the Tier 2, 3, and 4 with suffixes like 'Plus' or 'Minus' added on to further confuse the fact that each of these designators is a different aircraft and not the same aerospace vehicle. A TR-3B is as different from a Tier 3B as a banana is from a grape. Some of these vehicles are manned and others are unmanned.

The TR-3B's propulsion is provided by 3 multi-mode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l00,000 feet. Then only God knows how fast it can go!

Alien Rapture: The Chosen

by Brad Steiger & Edgar Rothschild Fouché

Galde Press 800 777-3454

A book filled with the Government's most classified secrets and documents, fantastic scientific technological breakthroughs, and a story written about one individual's saga to regain his destiny against all odds. Brad has published 140 books, thousands of articles, and has 15 million books in print. Ed has worked Black, Special, and Secret programs in top military headquarters' positions and as a civilian defense contractor.

Alien Rapture is not just another novel about little green men and bug-eyed monsters. It is written in the style of Michael Crichton's The Sphere, Sidney Sheldon's The Doomsday Conspiracy, and the smash hit "Independence Day". The amazing difference is that Alien Rapture - The Chosen is filled with incredible facts -- inside information and plausible details of who controls the UFO conspiracy. Alien Rapture explains how the government conspiracy is accomplished, why it exists, and what the MJ-12 Committee's plans for our future are.

Not since Orson Welles stirred the imagination and fears of the American public with his Martian invasion broadcast has the subject of aliens, government conspiracies, and UFOs been hotter. Now, Edgar Rothschild Fouché -- an ex-Department of Defense insider -- and Brad Steiger -- a universally-respected UFO expert and author of the best-selling Project Blue Book -- have teamed up to produce the most exciting and comprehensive novel yet on the official cover-up of classified "Black Programs" and the astounding new engineering marvels being developed via the exploitation of alien technologies through reverse-engineering.

Presented in Alien Rature are a myriad of never before released astounding FACTS and much secret information about the Government's black covert conspiracy to not only cover-up alien and UFO contact, but to reverse-engineer these "alien artifacts" in a race with the Devil to protect our species from alien control.

Alien Rapture is written as a science-fiction novel to protect individuals who have unwittingly been manipulated by the Government and those who for security reasons can not come forward. The facts -- revealed for the first time -- are startling.

Chapter One

"From the Darkness Comes The Light"


The Top-Secret SR-75 had far exceeded the classified military speed and altitude records set by the old SR-71. Lockheed's Advanced Developmental Projects Division -- known as the "Skunk Works" -- had developed the A-12 (or SR-71) for the CIA in the early 1960s. For the last few years, high-tech buffs speculated that at least one new and exotic aerospace vehicle existed.

One of the Aurora vehicles -- the SR-75 -- had gone operational after 2 years of flight testing and modifications. The SR-75 attained altitudes of over 120,000 feet and speeds exceeding Mach-8 (or 5000 mph). From take-off to landing, the stealthy 75 could make the round trip to Northeast Russia and back in under 3-hours.

The explosive Pulsed Detonation Wave Engines that pushed the huge SR-75 greatly awed Joe. He had watched the first flight of the big black Air Force SR-75 carrying the little unmanned SR-74 piggy-back on its upper raised platform. The small SR-74 -- called the "Scramp" because of its exotic scramjet engines -- couldn't take off from the ground. It could only launch from the SR-75 "mothership" at an altitude above 100,000 feet. And then it could attain orbital altitudes. The Air Force used the Scramp to launch small, highly-classified, ferret satellites for the National Security Agency. The NASA Space Shuttle was an antique by comparison. Joe found little humor in this, knowing that the joke was on the U.S. taxpayers.

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Biographical/Professional Data of Ed Fouché

Edgar Rothschild Fouché was born in rural South-central Georgia to 5th generation French-Americans. Edgar and many generations of his relatives have historically been involved with the government and military in fields of intelligence, black programs, crypto, secure communications, and classified development projects.

This is true as far back as the French revolution. Joseph Fouché was the Prime Minister under Napoleon, the head of his secret (or national) police force and a direct ancestor of Mr. Fouché. Joseph Fouché started and controlled the World's first professionally-organized intelligence agency. The CIA, KGB, MI-5, Mossad, etc. used and expanded on his methods of intelligence gathering, networking information, and political survival. Some French historians consider him a 'scoundrel' because he survived many of his leaders -- including Napoleon and the King of France -- instead of "going down with the ship", so-to-speak. The current Fouchés are proud of being descended from the Free French who opposed slavery -- at great financial and personal expense -- before-and-during the Civil War.

The Fouché family moved from city to city frequently during Edgar's childhood. After leaving Americus Georgia, they settled for a few years in San Antonio, Texas. Yes, the move to S.A. from Georgia in Alien Rapture that little Joe Green experienced really happened as written. Go figure! Edgar's mother's family -- the Rothschilds- Russells -- are of French-German heritage, and his grandfather Russell was a Nazarene preacher.

Edgar graduated from Longview high school in East Texas where he was a Thespian, an Honor student, a member of the Student Council, and on the football team. The Vietnam War was escalating, and many of his friends and peers were sucked into the tragic political vortex. In February of 1968 while attending Kilgore College and working as a machinist making bombs for R. G. LeTourneau Industries, the military drafted a record high number of young men into the services -- one of which was Edgar Fouché.

Edgar went to Lackland AFB for Air Force basic training where he volunteered for pararescue training. Pararescuemen jump out of helicopters to rescue downed pilots, usually under fire in a hot zone. He fractured his ankle before jump school at the Fort Benning and was then shipped off to Keesler AFB, Mississippi. Edgar initially went through a year of electronics, communications, intelligence, and cryptological schools. During the years 1967-1974, Edgar was stationed or worked at many Tactical Air Command (TAC), Air Training Command (ATC) bases, and Pacific Air Command Air Forces (PACAF) bases. He was at Kadena AFB Okinawa; Udorn AFB Thailand; Ben Hoi AFB Vietnam; and spent anywhere from a day to a month at many other Southeast Asian military bases.

He attended the University of New Mexico, the Air Force College, and the University of Maryland. He received degrees in Electronics and Avionics Technology from the Air Force and a BS in Business. Somewhere along the line, Edgar joined the Masonic Lodge, became a licensed diver, and received pilot training.

With his training and experiences in intelligence, special operations, black programs, and cryptologicial areas, he received other government opportunities . Edgar filled positions as Major Command (MAJCOM) Liaison, Headquarters manager, and DoD factory representative for Tactical Air Command, Strategic Air Command, Air Training Command, and Pacific Air Forces following the Vietnam War. As a manager of defense contractors, he dealt with classified "black" programs developing state-of-the-art electronic countermeasures, cryptological, avionics, and satellite communications test equipment.

Edgar participated as a key member in design, development, production, and Flight-Operational-Test and Evaluation (FOT&E) in aircraft development programs; state-of-the-art avionics; electronic countermeasures; satellite communications; cryptological and automatic test equipment (ATE).

During his military career, Edgar was "hand picked" (Development Cadre) for many of the Air Force's newest fighter and bomber development programs. He was cadre for the F-111 (General Dynamics) swing-wing fighter-bomber at Edwards, Cannon, Plattsburg, and Mt. Home AFBs; the F-15 (McDonnell-Douglass) Eagle air superiority fighter at Nellis and Kadena AFB; the A-10 (Fairchild) Warthog close air support fighter at Edwards AFB, the B-1 (Rockwell and GD) at Edwards AFB; and the F-16 (General Dynamics) Falcon fighter at Kadena AFB.

His involvement with "black" programs developing stealth aircraft is classified. Edgar is perhaps the only person who has worked at Groom Lake Air Base (top-secret Area-51), the Nellis Range, the Nevada Test Site, and Nellis AFB in Las Vegas Nevada and written about these experiences.

During his career, he was awarded the Air Force Meritorious Service Medal 3 times, the Air Force Commendation medal twice, the Presidential Unit Award, the Vietnam Service Medal with Valor, the Air Force Excellence Award, and the A.F. Outstanding Unit Award. He received numerous other awards, decorations, and honors during his military career.

He was considered an Air Force expert with classified test equipment for cryptological equipment owned by the NSA, electronic counte measures and tactical jamming, avionics, and satellite communications. He has worked with many of the leading aircraft and test equipment manufacturers in the US.

Edgar performed as a civilian Engineering Program Manager and Site Manager for DoD contractors involved in classified research, electronic engineering, logistics support, and technical data development from 1987-95.

Edgar Rothschild Fouché is now CEO of Fouché Media Associates. He has written Alien Rapture - The Chosen and developed a revolutionary software product called 'Neurosync M.I.M.E.' (copyright 1998 - Fouché Media Associates as seen on

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