To:ASTM E6.51.11 Group Members and Interested Parties
From: Chris Mathis – M C Squared
Subject:Revised Structure of ASTM Efforts on Window Installation - (Formerly E2112)
Date: January 23, 2007
We agreed at the October, 2006 meeting and again at the January 2007 meeting, to revise our approach at bringing window installation standards to ASTM and the marketplace. Our plans include a governing set of Guiding Principles, multiple “How To” documents and several supporting standards to address Ancillary issues. The following graphic generally summarizes our plans and desired structure:
The following teams are taking the lead on the revision to these ASTM efforts:
A. Guiding Principles Standard - This document summarizes the guiding principles that all subsequent “How To” documents will strive to follow. It focuses on “Guidance” on major themes of selecting products suitable for a given application, fundamentals applicable to any window/wall combination and basic guidance on proper integration.
Guiding Principles Team:
Chris Mathis (leader), Jim Katsaros, Leonard Dorin, Ben Cross, Kevin Knight, Mark Bomberg
Guiding Principles Action Items from January 23, 2007 Meeting:
1.This group will draft the first version of the GP document (ASTM EXYZ-2007).
2.Jackie will put the working draft on the Section08 web site.
3.Jackie will also put the PowerPoint organizational presentation from the October meeting on the Section08 web site.
B. Window and Wall Type Standards – These documents are intended to address how to apply these guiding principles to specific window and wall combinations. These “How To” documents are intended to be brief, detail-oriented and performance assurance based. There may be many “How To” standards developed as our understanding of best practices for various window and wall combinations are better understood. This group will also identify what window/wall combinations where we still need additional information before we can give guidance or describe best practices.
Window/Wall Team: Cordell Burton (leader), Steve Johnson, Monte Jones, Chris Mathis, Jim Krahn
Window/Wall Team Action Items from January 23, 2007 Meeting:
4.This group will develop the questions for a decision tree to lead the user to the end construction desired
5.This group will also draft Steve's 3-d matrix of windows, wall types and risk. Two matrices will be created.
6.When completed, Jackie will put the draft decision tree and matrices on the Section08 web site.
C. Ancillary Products Standards – These documents are intended as essential supporting materials for the “How To” documents described above. Ancillary standards may include, but are not limited to, issues related to flashings, sealants, anchoring, maintenance, material protection and other topics.
Ancillary Products Team: Phil Sumang (leader), Bob Braun, Collins O.Y. Ofori-Amanfo, Lucas Turner
Ancillary Products Action Items from January 23, 2007 Meeting:
7.This group will continue the work presented by Phil on Wednesday.
8.This group will consider whether Applications of the Guiding Principles should (first) be developed in this group.
9.For the next meeting this group will create the first drafts (one or two) of installation processes extracted from sections of E2112.
10.Jackie will put the working drafts of all these standards on the Section08 web site.
Everyone Interested in Window Installation Issues:
PLEASE join in on these 2007 efforts – especially where you may have additional information or data that may help these efforts along. Contact the team leaders in the areas where you’d like to volunteer. Thanks. Chris