2010 Goals/Objectives

Agency Goals:

External Goals: Those goals that are designed to have an effect upon the community at large.

Internal Goals: Those goals that are designed to have an effect upon the internal operations of the Utica Police Department and its members.


  1. Reduce crime through creative and proactive measures, as well as through the efficient use of manpower.
  2. Strengthen existing community relationships and foster an environment that creates new community bonds.
  3. Improve the quality of life of the people that live and work in the City of Utica through initiatives that foster cooperation between members of the department and outside entities.
  4. Reduce personnel complaints through the use of proactive training measures.

The units within the Criminal Investigation Division have goals that will lead them to success. When the units achieve their goals, the division will achieve our goals. When the division achieves its goals we will do our part in helping the agency achieve our overall goals. The following are unit goals and where they will help the agency achieve our overall goals.

A)The Warrants Unit will assist the agency achieve our goals by actively seeking people with warrants and arresting them (a 5% increase to 1410 warrants served) and by partnering with members of other agencies to use manpower in the best and most cost efficient way (UPD External goal 1).

B)The Sex Offender Unit will help to achieve our goals by actively seeking out sex offenders that are in violation of NYS laws and arresting them. The SOU will also make home visits to every registered sex offender in the City of Utica, approximately 270 offenders (UPD External goal 1).

C)The Burglary Unit will assist the agency in achieving our goals by running a proactive, unique operation targeting the stores in Utica that buy/sell stolen property. They will also work with the Utica Corporation Counsel’s Office to create new legislation for the operation of such stores. With the successful completion of these two tasks the Burglary Unit will increase closure rate on burglary cases by arrest by 5% (UPD External goal 1).

D)The Juvenile Aid Unit will assist the agency in achieving our goals by assisting other agencies within Oneida County with issues concerning the juvenile justice system. They will provide county wide training and speak to other entities where issues pertain to juveniles (schools, MVPC) (UPD External Goal 2).

E)The Domestic Violence Unit will assist the agency in achieving our goals by meeting the guidelines set by the state regarding notifying parole and probation of all domestic incidents involving persons that are under their supervision (UPD external goal 3).

F)The Oneida County Drug Enforcement Task Force will assist the agency in achieving our goals by working cases that involve mid and upper level drug dealers and dismantling their organizations. This will be achieved by working with other local and federal agencies. There is a long history of narcotics units in Oneida County not working well together; as part of this goal the members of the Utica Police Department assigned to the task force shall be responsible to overcome the issues and improve these important working relationships (UPD external goal 3).

G)The Metro Unit will assist the agency in achieving our goals by increasing the number of street level drug dealers they execute search warrants on by 10%. They will work with other units within UPD and other agencies to achieve this goal (UPD external goal 3).

  1. The Sex Offender Unit will assist the agency in achieving our goals by using funds from the USMS ($12,000.00) to offset the cost of home visits. The visits will be done by 2 officer teams and are to ensure compliance with residency requirements. All checks will be documented with the goal being that all registered offenders within the City of Utica are checked (UPD Internal goal 5).
  1. The Crime Scene Unit will assist the agency in achieving our goals by seeking a Coverdell Grant (with the assistance of the Grants Unit) which will help purchase equipment and off set overtime costs. The equipment and overtime will be used to examine older cases with the hope that modern forensics can aid in bringing these cases to closure (UPD Internal goal 5). If the CSU does receive the grant we will review at least five (5) old homicides.