20th Century History

History: 20th Century
Question: What war ended with the Treaty of Versailles?
(a) The First World War
(b) The Second World War
(c) The Korean War / History: 20th Century
Question: Which two countries attacked Egypt in the Suez crisis of 1956?
(a) France and America
(b) England and America
(c) France and England / History: 20th Century
Question: When did India and Pakistan gain their independence from the British Empire?
(a) 1945
(b) 1947
(c) 1954
History: 20th Century
Question: What two countries went to war in the Falklands in 1982
(a) England and Argentina.
(b) Argentina and Spain
(c) Spain and America / History: 20th Century
Question: What civil conflict is known as the ‘Troubles.’
(a) The Arab-Israeli conflict
(b) Israeli-Palestinian conflict
(c) The conflict in Northern Ireland / History: 20th Century
Question: What does the Prague Spring of Czechoslovakia refer to?
(a) A reform movement in 1968that was crushed by the Soviets.
(b) A shocking Ballet performance.
(c) A novel about a prison camp.
History: 20th Century
Question: What event is often blamed for the starting the Great Depression?
(a) The Marshall Plan
(b) The postwar hyperinflation in Germany.
(c) The stock market crash of 1929. / History: 20th Century
Question: What was the name of the American policy that was aimed at ending the depression through public spending?
(a) The Marshall Plan
(b) The New Deal
(c) Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act / History: 20th Century
Question: Which country invaded Manchuria in 1931?
(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) Japan
History: 20th Century
Question: Which term is used to describe the high rate of inflation in post world war I Germany?
(a) Hyperinflation
(b) Superinflation
(c) Megainflation / History: 20th Century
Question: What was the name of the American policy to spend money to rebuild Europe to prevent the spread of communism after WWII?
(a) The Treaty of Versailles
(b) The Marshall Plan
(c) The New Deal / History: 20th Century
Question: What was the name of the alliance of socialist countries in Eastern Europe?
(a) NATO
(b) The Commonwealth of independent states.
(c) The Warsaw Pact