2013 Parallel Pathways to Success

Grant Program

Texas Department of Agriculture

2013 Parallel Pathways to Success

Request for Application

Request for Application

I. Statement of Purpose 1

II. Projected Timeline of Events 1

III. Eligibility 1

IV. Grantee Responsibilities and Accountability 1

V. Funding Parameters 2

VI. Term of Funding or Duration of Projects 2

VII. Proposal Requirements 2

VIII. Budget Information 3

IX. Evaluation of Proposals 4

X. Reporting Requirement 4

XI. Deadline for Submission of Responses 5

XII. Contact Information 5

XIII. TDA Administrative Information 5

XIV. General Compliance Information 6

Application Form GTBD-103

2013 Application 1

Project Narrative

Project Narrative 1

Needs Assessment 2

Budget Narrative 3

Please read all materials before preparing and submitting the application. Failure to follow the instructions and requirements described in this Request for Application (RFA) may result in the disqualification of the application.

I. Statement of Purpose

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is requesting applications for the Parallel Pathways to Success Grant Program. The program requires grant recipients to provide matching funds equal to or greater than the TDA grant award (1:1 match ratio). The purpose of this grant is to align educational resources with workforce needs by supporting the development of programs that offer rural high school students a more flexible education system with a focus on job training. Students will have the opportunity to concurrently earn a high school diploma and vocational skills certifications or college credit towards an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree.

II. Projected Timeline of Events

Application Availability June 2013

Application Deadline July 11, 2013

Award Announcements August 2013

Start Date of Project August 31, 2013

End Date of Project May 31, 2015

III. Eligibility

Grant applications/proposals/ will be accepted from an accredited high school, institution of higher learning, chamber of commerce, economic development commission or similar organization located in the state of Texas. Partnerships are encouraged; however, a single entity must be designated as the official applicant.

Applicants must demonstrate a benefit to students in rural areas in Texas. TDA defines “rural areas” as municipalities with a population of less than 50,000, and counties that have a non-metropolitan population of less than 200,000.

IV. Grantee Responsibilities and Accountability

Selected applicants (grantees) will be responsible for the conduct of the project supported by the Parallel Pathways to Success Grant Program and for the results achieved. Each grantee shall monitor the day-to-day performance of the grant project to assure adherence to statutes, regulations, and grant terms and conditions. The grantee must carry out the activities described in the approved scope of work.

The grantee will be accountable for documenting the use of grant funds and must ensure funds are used solely for authorized purposes. This includes both TDA awarded funds and funds used to achieve the required match. The grantee must ensure:

• Funds are used only for activities covered by the approved project.

• Funds are not used in violation of the restrictions and prohibitions of applicable statutes.

• All budget and performance reports are completed in a timely manner.

Each grantee must ensure they have an adequate accounting system in place and good internal controls to ensure expenditures and reimbursements are reported and maintained for three (3) years after the conclusion of the project, or longer if required by TDA.

V. Funding Parameters

It is anticipated that selected applications will be funded in a range of $75,000 to $125,000. Grantees will be required to provide a non- federal or state funding match of not less than $1 for each $1 of state funds received through this grant. Budgets, including level of match will be reviewed in the competitive evaluation process. Grantees must have the financial capability to pay all costs up-front.

Awards are subject to the availability of funds. If funds are not appropriated or collected for this purpose, applicants will be informed accordingly.

VI. Term of Funding or Duration of Projects

A Notice of grant award is anticipated to be made by August 2013. All approved projects have an anticipated start date of August 31, 2013 and must be completed by May 31, 2015.

VII. Application Requirements

To be considered, applications must be complete and include all of the following information. Application and information can be downloaded from the Grants Office section under the Grants and Services tab at www.TexasAgriculture.gov.

1.  Application Form GTBD-103. (not counted in your page limit)

a)  Applicant organization information. This is the lead organization that will be the recipient of funds and be held accountable for reporting and project performance.

b)  Project Coordinator. This should be the individual who can answer questions about the project’s activities and performance.

c)  Authorized official. This is the person legally able to bind the organization in contracts or agreements.

d)  Budget summary. Include information based on the categories provided for the entire project, both grant and matching funds. Matching funds must be documented on the budget submission form and reported on a quarterly basis.

e)  Certifications. The authorized official must agree to all certifications presented. The authorized official must sign the application.

2.  Project Proposal. This section provides a comprehensive framework and description of all aspects of the proposed project. Each proposal may not exceed six (6) pages (not including supporting documents). Proposals must address the following information:

a)  Partner Organizations—Please list all entities providing support to this project. A signed cooperative agreement between grantee and each partner organization will be required.

b)  Project Background – Information about the primary applicant’s qualifications to meet grant program goals, including history and development of the proposed project, and how it has served the needs of the students in its community, if applicable.

c)  Project Summary – Briefly summarize the program for which you are requesting funding. (Max 200 words)

d)  Project Description. Details about how the program will function; criteria for acceptance into program; what the program will offer students (curriculum, degrees or certificates).

e)  Project Results. Anticipated results of the program and how this will benefit the local community and/or Texas. Results should be quantifiably measurable.

f)  Project Oversight. Who will be providing oversight? Provide qualifications of the person overseeing the project. How will oversight be performed?

g)  Project Commitment. Provide information on the persons, groups or organizations in support of this project and explain how that support will be demonstrated.

3.  Needs assessment. In order to assist in strengthening alternative education systems, TDA must have a clear picture and understanding of the need. This section should describe the environment and needs that will be addressed through the Parallel Pathways to Success Grant Program.

4.  Quantifiable Information. The number of students that will benefit from the program will be considered during the review process. Grantees will be required to document on quarterly performance reports the number of students participating in the program. Selected grantees will be held accountable for meeting the numbers projected in the approved project application. Any reduction to that amount may result in a reduction of in the grant award.

5.  Budget narrative. Provide details about the amounts requested for each budget line item. The budget justification should specifically describe how each item will support the achievement of proposed objectives. Do not use this section to expand on the project narrative. Differentiate between costs that will utilize state funding and those which will utilize matching funds.

VIII. Budget Information

1. Payment. This grant will be paid on a cost reimbursement basis after proportionate matching funds have been documented and expended. Grantees will be required to submit payment requests quarterly, but no more frequently than monthly in order to show significant financial and programmatic progress. Payment requests must include sufficient documentation that details each expense. Documentation may include, but is not limited to: detailed information regarding personnel, or copies of invoices.

2. Payment Schedule: Upon timely receipt of payment requests and documentation, approved reimbursement of up to 90% of the total grant award will be paid prior to submission of the Final Performance Report.

The remaining 10% will only be disbursed once all reporting requirements have been met, including, but not limited to, the final periodic report (if applicable) and the Final Performance Report.

3. Eligible Expenses. Generally, expenses that are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient performance and administration of a project are eligible. Examples of eligible expenditures are:

a)  Personnel costs – both salary and benefits;

b)  Supplies and direct operating expenses – items that costs less than $5,000 per unit with a useful life of less than one year, office supplies, postage, telecommunications, printing, etc. that are directly related to the project activities;

c)  Other expenses – any expenses that do not fall into the above categories;

d)  Contracts – agreements made with other educational institutions or private parties to perform a portion of the award; and

e)  Indirect expenses – Applicants who request indirect cost will be required to submit an indirect cost proposal to be considered allowable. Indirect costs are limited to 10% of direct costs.

6.  Ineligible Expenses. Expenses that are prohibited by state or federal law are ineligible. Examples of these expenditures include, but are not limited to the following:

a)  Alcoholic beverages;

b)  Entertainment;

c)  Tips;

d)  Contributions, charitable or political;

e)  Expenses falling outside of the contract period;

f)  Expenses for expenditures not listed in the project budget or that fail to meet the intent of the program;

g)  Tangible personal property costing over $5,000 per unit and having a useful life over one year; and

h)  Expenses that are not adequately documented.

7.  Matching Funds– This grant requires a funding match equal to or greater than the total grant amount awarded. Demonstration of supporting or leveraged funds in excess of the minimum grant match will be considered during the review process. Matching funds must be documented on the budget submission form and reported on a quarterly basis. Selected grantees will be held accountable for meeting the level of match proposed in the approved application. Any reduction to that amount will cause a proportionate reduction in the grant award and must be approved in writing by TDA.

IX. Evaluation of Proposals

TDA will conduct an administrative review to determine whether the applicant was responsive to the requirements of this RFA. In addition, a review team including external experts and/or stakeholders will competitively review all proposals to evaluate (evaluation sheet for details):

1.  the feasibility of the objectives;

2.  the ability to bridge the gap to higher education and workforce readiness for rural high school students;

3.  the sustainability of the project;

4.  the number of students estimated to receive certificates and/or college credit;

5.  the requested budget in relation to expected benefits; and

6.  the level of matching funds.

Weighted averages may also be taken in consideration during the evaluation process.

X. Reporting Requirement

Approved projects will be required to submit periodic performance reports. Reporting timelines will incorporated into the grant agreement. As part of TDA's ongoing monitoring of grant funds, grantees must demonstrate progress toward achieving project goals. Failure to comply with reporting requirements may result in the withholding of requests for reimbursement and/or termination of the award.

Performance Reports must be in a narrative format, no more than three (3) pages in length, and detail the accomplishments of the project objectives for that period.

The Final Performance Report is due sixty (60) days after project completion, or termination of the Grant Agreement, whichever occurs first. This report must be in a narrative format prescribed by TDA.

XI. Deadline for Submission of Responses

The complete application packet including the proposal with signatures must be received by Thursday, July 11, 2013. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all materials necessary for evaluation early enough to ensure timely delivery. Hand-delivered, mailed, faxed or emailed applications must be RECEIVED by TDA by close of business (5:30 p.m.) on Thursday, July 11, 2013. Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted.

TDA will send an acknowledgement receipt by email indicating the application was received.

XII. Contact Information

Complete proposal narrative and application with signature must be submitted to:

Trade and Business Development – Grants

Parallel Pathways to Success Grant Program

May 2013 RFP Page 1

2013 Parallel Pathways to Success

Grant Program

Physical Address:

Ms. Mindy Fryer, Grants Specialist

Texas Department of Agriculture

1700 North Congress Avenue

Austin, Texas 78701

Electronic Versions:

Fax: (888) 223-9048

Mailing Address:

Ms. Mindy Fryer, Grants Specialist

Texas Department of Agriculture

P.O. Box 12847

Austin, Texas 78711


Trade and Business Development – Grants

Parallel Pathways to Success Grant Program

May 2013 RFP Page 1

2013 Parallel Pathways to Success

Grant Program

The e-mail subject line must contain the RFA title as indicated above. The respondent is solely responsible for ensuring that their complete electronic bid is sent to, and actually received by, TDA in a timely manner and at the proper destination server.

IMPORTANT NOTE: TDA recommends a limit on the attachments to 10MB each. This may result in sending multiple e-mails for the submission of all documentation contained in a response. All submissions must be sent in Microsoft Word or other Word compatible format or as .PDF files. Unreadable submissions may be deemed unresponsive and will not be reviewed for funding consideration.

TDA takes no responsibility for electronic bids that are captured, blocked, filtered, quarantined or otherwise prevented from reaching the proper destination server by any TDA anti-virus or other security software.

For questions regarding submission of the proposal and/or TDA requirements, please contact Mindy Fryer, grants specialist, at (512) 463-6908, or by email at .

XIII. General Information

Selected applicants will receive a Notice of Grant Award (NGA) letter and an official Grant Agreement from TDA. The NGA is not legally binding until a grant agreement is fully executed.