To answer questions 1 – 3, please visit, section Listen and Watch, sub -section Magazine, Text “Royalty”

  1. One of the kings listed below known as Coeur de Lion, Lionheart. Who was that king?
  1. Henry I, King of England
  2. Richard I, King of England
  3. William the Conqueror, King of England
  1. Which of these kings had a tattoo over his heart?
  1. Edward the Confessor, King of England
  2. Henry II, King of England
  3. Harold II, King of England
  1. Which of the kings listed below met his end in an accident, he was killed by an arrow ricocheted off a tree
  1. William II, King of England
  2. Eadred, King of England
  3. Edgar, King of England

To answer question 4, please visit , section Listen and Watch, sub-section Word on the Street, select History and watch a video “English History”

  1. During the English Civil War King Charles’ I supporters were called
  1. Parliamentarians
  2. Beefeaters
  3. Royalists

To answer question 5, please visit , section Listen and Watch, sub-section Britain Is Great and watch a video “Heritage is Great” – Part 1

  1. In 1400s Edward the Fourth was imprisoned in
  1. Tower of London
  2. Warwick Castle
  3. Windsor Castle

To answer questions 6 -8, please visit , section Listen and Watch, sub-section Elementary Podcasts and listen to series 3, episode 17.

  1. Queen Elizabeth II has been queen since
  1. 1950
  2. 1952
  3. 1946
  1. Queen Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip who comes from
  1. Greek royal family
  2. Spain royal family
  3. Belgian royal family
  1. How many children has Queen Elizabeth II
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 1

To answer questions 9-10, please visit , section Magazine, sub-section Life around the World, text “The Royal Family”

  1. The Queen Elizabeth’s II Diamond Jubilee was celebrated in




  1. Queen Elizabeth II usually spends Christmas at
  1. Sandringham in Norfolk
  2. Balmoral Castle
  3. Windsor Castle