June 16, 2016
TO: Adult Education and Literacy Council Directors
FROM: Nancy Loftis
RE: Summer Professional Development
The Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center will once again provide a three-day Summer Professional Development opportunity. It is scheduled for July 19-21, 2016 at the AALRC. Each workshop is a one-day workshop. You can only attend ONE workshop per day.
Technology:Rob Pollan will be the presenter
Tuesday, July 19th: Integrating Technology with Google Products - This workshop will focus on: This workshop will focus on: 1) Exploring integrating technology into the curriculum versus computer aided instruction. 2) Discussing strategies for the classroom 3) Exploring resources, specifically Google Products, to use to enhance learning with different audiences Session ID: 290382
Wednesday, July 20th: Beginning Excel - The workshop will cover the basics to learn Excel. It will be hands-on to help participants learn the basics of Excel in order to edit worksheets more productively. Session ID: 290374
Thursday, July 21st: Windows 10/Computer Security & Speed Up -This workshop will help participants learn the many changes in Windows 10 version. Participants will also learn how to keep their computer secure on the Internet, backup important files, and find out how you can reduce energy consumption of computers and office equipment. SessionID: 290379
College & Career Readiness – Math: Jennifer Sadler & Nancy Loftis will be the presenters.
This workshop will focus on: 1) Reviewing college and career readiness standards for mathematical content and practices 2) Exploring essential mathematical practices and behaviors3) Discussing strategies for the classroom 4) Exploring resources to use to enhance learning with different audiences
Session IDs: Tuesday, July 19th: 290362, Wednesday, July 20th: 290363, Thursday, July 21st: 290366
College & Career Readiness – Reason Through Language Arts (RLA) – Yvonne Dougherty & Sarah Yager will be the presenters.
This workshop will focus on: 1) Reviewing college and career readiness standards for English Language Arts content and practices 2) Exploring research-based strategies for integrating reading and writing skills3) Reviewing evidence-based scoring rubric and sample anchor papers 4) Exploring resources to enhance learning with different audiences Session IDs: Tuesday, July 19th: 290356, Wednesday, July 20th: 290357, Thursday, July 21st: 290359
Adult education funded participants will be reimbursed according to state travel guidelines. Please remember that according to Adult Education Section only one car per 4 participants can receive mileage reimbursement unless prior written permission from Dr. Trenia Miles has been obtained. If attending only one day of the training: In order to receive reimbursement for lodging, participants must live or work (whichever is closer) 150 miles or more from Little RockIf attending at least two days of the training: In order to receive reimbursement for lodging, participants must live or work (whichever is closer) 50 miles or more from Little Rock. Total maximum lodging reimbursement is $91.00 plus tax. . They must also submit an original of their hotel bill.
To register for the workshops go to: Registration has begun.