Curriculum Committee Minutes
December 2, 2011
9 am C-207
Attendees: Peter Patsouris, Rick Bennett, Ann Branchini, James Copeland, Jeff Crouch, Jen DeFrance, Dave Ferreira, Dave Fuka, Christine Hammond, Brian Kennedy, Christine Languth, Kacey McCarthy-Zaremba, Tia D’Alessandro (recorder).
Excused: Ellen Freeman
Called to order at 9:05 am
Acceptance of Minutes
Motion made and seconded to accept minutes of previous meeting held on November 4, 2011 (Patsouris/DeFrance). Unanimously approved.
New Course Proposals
¨ PHO K241 - First run online course. Motion made and seconded to approve
(Bennett/Patsouris) Unanimously Approved
New Degree/Cert Proposals
¨ None
Course changes
¨ None
Program/Catalog Changes
¨ CJS POS (Treatment and Enforcement)
This change would include the addition of the language “restricted electives: See List” to the CJS Elective requirement. There will be a list of “approved” courses listed on the second page of the Plan of Study which can be upgraded as additional courses meeting the program coordinators approval. This was brought forward in response to new courses that will be suitable as an elective for the programming, and recognizing for the potential of new courses in the future. This decision will allow additions made to the list, without having to change the POS as frequently. Motion made and seconded to approve (Hammond/DeFrance) Unanimously Approved
¨ CJS 100- (Perspectives in Criminal Justice)
Proposed removal of the language in the course description, [“Perspectives…….eligible”], that may be seen as confusing. Proposed addition of the language “this course is equivalent to IDS* K105 First Year experience.” Also, the co-requisite is to be adjusted in order to be more inclusive for students who have taken or are eligible to take ENG* K101, so they are able to use this course as their IDS* K105 requirement. Motion made to approve and seconded (Ferreira/Bennett) Unanimous
¨ ECE Degree POS Changes
This is an old business item to follow up with some questions that were raised. Jen DeFrance explained that a language change for the MAT 123 or higher – will allow better transferability to schools such as Eastern and Mitchell (highest transfer schools) and will facilitate passing of the Praxis, as supported by discussion between program faculty and the Math Department. This change is contingent on the approval of MAT* K123 by system office and will be effective for the 12-13 AY. Motion made and seconded to approve (Hammond/Bennett) Unanimously Approved
¨ Business Dept Changes
The following proposal for changes were brought for approval in an effort to align with ECSU for smoother transfer for students.
Transfer Program Changes
Adding Microeconomics and MAT* K146 to all Business degrees in order to meet the transfer requirements for ECSU.
Accounting Transfer – Addition of ECN* K102, MAT* K146, and a change of ACC* K233 to ACC* K272 and BBG* K210 to ENG* K102. Deletion of BBG* K232 and BMG* K210.
Business Information Transfer – Addition of MAT* K146 and ECN* K102, and BMG* K210 to PSY* K247. Deletion of BMG* K205.
Marketing Transfer – Change Social Science elective to ECN* K102. The addition of MAT* K146.
Business Admin Transfer - The addition of ECN* K102, MAT* K146, the change from BMG* K205 to MAT* K167 and the deletion of BBG* K232 and BMG* K210
Motion to approve Transfer degree requests made and seconded (Patsouris/Kennedy) Unanimously Approved.
Career Changes
These proposed changes will assist the student in being successful when they enter the job market upon completion.
Hospitality Mgmt - Change of MAT* K137 to MAT* K123 and BBG* K291 to Business Elective.
Marketing Career – Change from MAT* K137 to MAT* K123.
Small Business – Change MAT* K137 to MAT* K123
Business Admin – Change MAT* K137 to MAT* K123
Finance and Banking – Change MAT* K137 to MAT* K123
Accounting - Change MAT* K137 to MAT* K123 and add the language “ACC* K272, Intermediate Accounting II strongly recommended” to Business Elective.
Motion to approve Business Career Programs as presented, made and seconded (Crouch/DeFrance). Accepted with change to “Elementary Statistics”. Unanimously approved.
Pre-req changes to Business courses
Recommended changes reflect the changes in the Plan of Study for transferability to our major transfer institution ECSU.
- ACC* K111(ENG 101 eligibility and MAT 123 or higher eligibility)
- ACC* K241 (ENG 101 eligibility and MAT 123 or higher eligibility)
- BFN* K201(ENG 101 eligibility and MAT 123 or higher eligibility)
- BMG* K205(ENG 101 eligibility and MAT 123 or higher eligibility) AND Co-Req of BBG* K115
- BMG* K218(ACC 118 or ACC 233; BMG 205 or MAT 167
¨ Technology Courses
o CSA* K205 – Advanced Applications
Pre-req change – CSA* K105 OR BBG* K115.
Some “Housekeeping” on some courses to create consistency as the program is growing.
o PHO* K251 Fiber Optic Systems and Devices Prereq – PHO 101 Coreq- PHO* 252
o PHO* K252 - Fiber Optic Systems and Devices and Lab Prereq – PHO 101 & MAT 137 or permission of instructor. Coreq- PHO 101 & PHO 251
o PHO* K241 Introduction to Lasers Technology(new part of title) Prereq – PHO 101 or permission of instructor Coreq- PHO* 242
§ new course description and title as well as pre-reqs. This is a TRCC specific course, so it does not require system involvement.
o PHO* K242 Introduction to Lasers Technology(new part of title) Lab– Prereq – PHO 101 or permission of instructor Coreq- PHO* 241 and TCN 105
§ new course description and title as well as pre-reqs. This is a TRCC specific course, so it does not require system involvement.
o PHO* K102 – pre req changes MAT* K137 will remain.
o TCN* K291 - The addition of language in the description in order to clarify the student body be suited for the course.
¨ Technology Degrees
o Laser Fiber Optic Technology Associates POS – The pos will receive a reordering of courses in the semester format and the change of a “program pre-req” to be considered an official part of the program. (Patsouris/Copeland) Unanimously Approved
o Manufacturing Laser Mfg Option - replacement of statics with capstone – Motion and second (Hammond/Bennett) Unanimously (Approved Follow up with Judy)
o LFOT Certificate- A change in required courses to align with Assoc Degree Program – and the removal of option between two sets of courses. Motion and second (Ferreira/Crouch) Unanimously Approved
Additional Items –
Suggestion Box – Jeff Crouch
Students who apply and are admitted to one community college should be allowed to take courses at other sister schools. This will ease the process of taking courses at other schools in order to fulfill their degree requirements in a more timely manner. As well as allowing students to take courses which fill quickly or are extremely popular due to degree requirements. EX: A&P at a campus that does not have a Nursing program. Currently, students must go through the admissions process all over again, even if it is just to take a single course at one of the sister schools.
When a student takes a class at another school, they have to request an official transcript which then needs to be sent to the home school’s registrar office. Jeff suggests that a system be put into place that will allow system colleges to share student course records.
Ann suggests that these suggestions be taken to Student Services Division and that the Deans of Student Councils can work for a policy change.
By opening the system it increases the ability for students to acquire the courses they need to complete their degrees more efficiently. This makes us a network.
Updated approval process for course substitution – there seems to be a fuzzy line to who should be approving a substitution. The substitution should be approved by Academic PC or Dept Chair – who are the most familiar with their field and the courses.
Common Definitions of Electives –
There is a system wide issue that shows different issues in defining what meets an elective. Manchester Community College has a list of “Modes” which asks the students to choose a course from Modes 1-4 which include the arts, sciences, humanities, social sciences which will more easily define the electives across the boards.
Dean Branchini supports bringing this idea back to the departments but also suggests we look to Gen Ed Task force for guidance in making sure we will be meeting our requirements in that area.
Gen Ed cores across the board are defined differently from program to program. Gen Ed Task force needs to play a role in this conversation. Departments also need to discuss.
Title III Discussion
There is strong initiative for professional development in tandem with the Title III yearly goals. Programs include – Adjunct Faculty Professional Development, Mentoring Program, Program Coordinator/Unit Director Assessment Plans, Full Time Faculty Advanced Workshop, Second Year Success Team, etc.
There is some question about the supervisor position in being a mentor, Department Chairs fall into the supervisory “definition”, however, program coordinators or course leaders would qualify. Interested parties should contact Dave Ferreira.
The promotion process includes consideration of leadership training.
Dates and times for the workshop sessions are currently flexible based on who applies and their ability.
Dean Branchini is announcing her schedule for the Spring 2012 semester will change. She will be away for a period of time during the spring semester, in order to focus on completing her PhD dissertation. In her absence from daily operations, Dean Goetchius will be assuming administrative dean responsibilities and the Academic Division office staff (Carole, Kacey and Tia) will continue the normal daily functions of the Academic Division office. She will be gone from approximately January 30 to Mid-March and will be checking in weekly, as-well-as being available to her staff.
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2012.