Telopea Park School / Lycée Franco-Australien de Canberra
Parents & Citizens Association
Wednesday 4 May 2016, 7.00pm
Apologies/Attendance / 5 min
Approval of P&C Meeting Minutes of 23 March 2016 - attachment / 5 min
Business Arising
- Action Items from previous meeting
- Progress of document outlining long term-risks and opportunities for Telopea Park School from redevelopment projects such as the GWS/Grocon bid
Report from P&C President / 5 min
Report from Principal- attachment / 5 min
Report from Proviseur / 5 min
Report from Treasurer / 5 min
Report from the Playgroup subcommittee- verbal / 5 min
Report from Before and After School Care sub-committee / 5 min
Report from Grants Officer - attachment
Report from P&C Communications officer / 5 min
Need for a 2016 Fund raising sub-committee / 10 min
AOB / 5 min
Estimated closing time8.05pm
Minutes of 23 March 2016 Ordinary MeetingSubject Matter: / P&C Association Ordinary Meeting
Purpose: / Scheduled ordinary meeting / Date:Wed, 23 March 2016
Time:7.07pm – 8.45pm
Location: Secondary Staff Room, NSW Crescent, Barton
Attendees: / Paul Haesler
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Justin Brown
Emma Perkins
Lisa Wallace
Kristin Milton
Julie Glasgow / Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Derya Koc-McDonald
Anita Gardner
Ann Evans
Mustapha El Ayadi
Hugh Griffin
David Pullen
Peter Roberts / Observers:
Representatives of the Kingston Barton Residents Group
- Ian Morison
- Peter Moore
- Heather …
Apologies: / Jacinda Still
Ginny Toller
Matt Roper
Agenda Item
/ Discussion / ActionsBusiness arising / Action items from previous meeting (AGM)
Report President / President has been busy with issues around the school exchange trip to Grenoble. Cooperation of the Education Directorate was noted
Report - Principal / The Principal reported on a busy term as per tabled report.
In relation to primary students arriving prior to 8.30am, the BASC sub-committee noted if students who arrived prior to 8.30am were placed in before school care, they would need appropriate enrolment forms to be completed and there was also the potential for care ratios to be exceeded. Further discussion on this issue would take place out of session.
Report Treasurer / Treasurer presented a report as tabled.
In relation to the Uniform Shop the hours of operation presented an issue for recruiting a new shop operator. A meeting with Pickles will take place on Tuesday 29 March.
GWS & Grocon presentation / Representatives from GWS Giants Football club made a presentation to Telopea P&C on their unsolicited bid to redevelop the Manuka oval precinct in partnership with Grocon and Dowse. The consortium is currently undertaking community engagement on their $800M concept of which this presentation forms a component.
Richard Griffiths – COO GWS Giants
Dan McClellan – Development manager Grocon
Frank and open discussion ensued. Topics discussed included parking, traffic, impact on school enrollment numbers, Manuka Pool, and access for the school to new facilities.
GWS and Grocon provided assurances that Montgomery Oval and the tennis courts were not under threat from the proposal.
The P&C President noted that the P&C appreciate being consulted with an early stage in the design. We have several serious concerns, but are working within the consultation process in good faith to address these.
The Telopea P&C need to outline the risk and opportunities to the school prior to any more discussion with the consortium and consider how we will work with resident and community groups.
ACTION ITEM– Telopea P&C with advice from the school to produce a document that outlines the long term risks and opportunities of a redevelopment project such as the GWS/Grocon bid.
Report - Proviseur / As tabled
Report – BASC Sub-Committee / Held over until next meeting
Report – P&C Delegate / The P&C Delegate attended and reported on a meeting of the P&C Council held on 22 March 2016
Any other business / A copy of the Incorporated Association Extract for the Telopea Park Parents and Citizens Association Incorporated was tabled.
The P&C President noted that meetings of the P&C are open to parents and citizens however reminded attendees and observers that the focus of the meetings is on the school and school community.
Meeting closed / 9.15pm
Prepared By: / PC / 30 March 16
Approved By: / P&C Exec / not yet approved
Telopea Park School
Principal’s P&C Report
4 May 2016
Dear P&C parents
I am including here the report that I wrote for Telopea Topics last week as this contains the relevant information I would normally give you at the start of term. I would like to start however, with my sincere thanks to the parents who are actively involved in ensuring that the school is supported within the community. The staff and I are privileged to have such engaged families working with us. We, in turn, are striving for an excellent environment in which we encourage your children to do their best, to ask lots of questions and to have the opportunity to reach their potentials.
Welcome to term 2. I hope you have had relaxing holidays and are ready for the term ahead. I look forward to working with the school community to make a difference for every child. We want your children to feel safe at our school where they can be happy and learn.
Staff Changes
This term we will be saying goodbye to Tom Kobal. Tom will be moving to Narrabundah College as the Deputy Principal there. He will be adding to his already considerable skills as an educator of excellence. We wish him well at the college.
We welcome back to the secondary school Tanya Phillips (Food Technology and PE/Health) and Anne-Marie Power (Spanish teacher).
The changes in the primary sector include:
-Lisa Smail replacing Elsa Deane who has started her maternity leave. We wish Elsa all the best for the imminent birth of her baby.
-Marilyn Howell replacing Trish Scanlon in Kindergarten 4.
ANZAC acknowledgement
This year we acknowledged Anzac Day with a secondary assembly. It is always a timely reminder that people long ago fought for us to live in a free land. The War Memorial at the front of the school was upgraded last year with the support of a grant from the ACT Government. This memorial is a reminder of the lives that were lost in all wars to protect Australia. We do acknowledge however, that 42 ex-students of Telopea Park School were lost in battle during the Second World War. We also are proud that the first two principals, Mr. Cecil Henry and Mr Harold Filshie, fought in France in WW1, both were decorated on their return to Australia and neither of them would have known that the school that they led would become Lycée franco-australien 65 years later.
National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy - NAPLAN
Week 3 this term is NAPLAN week. Our students are prepared and we ask that parents be aware of the testing that will take place for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in literacy and numeracy. There will be several tests for each year group – Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Numeracy. These tests should not be daunting for any student as the school aims to make students comfortable to deliver their best work. Parents should encourage students to do their best.
French Exchange Visit
The annual school exchange visitto France is going well. The students, who left Canberra on 3 April, are accompanied by the Head of Languages, Patricia Blumstein, and French teacher, Baba Alhadji. A busy itinerary has been planned as well as time with each of their billets in Grenoble where they will be attending school at Lycée International de Grenoble. They return to Telopea in Week 3 of term.
School reports
Mid-semester reports were sent home with your children last term: primary reports in week 8 before the parent/teacher meetings in week 9; and secondary reports in week 9 ready for the parent/teacher meetings in week 10. If you did not receive your child’s report, please contact the school office for another copy.
Secondary parents will be familiar with the virtual learning environment (VLE), ManageBac. Later this term we will be giving parents their own access as well. This will enable you to see how your child is progressing, what homework and assignments have been set and to connect with your child’s teacher. You will be receiving individual information about this. It will be a great way to improve communication in the secondary school.
Road Safety
AgainI ask that you take particular care when driving, dropping off and collecting your children near the school. We acknowledge that this is a very busy school with very little parking for parents. Primary parents are asked to join the queue at the primary drop-off point, please do not park there and be patient for others to move ahead. ACT Police are supporting the school.
School times
There is supervision at the school for half an hour before and after classes.
School times are:
Primary - 9am to 3.15pm
Secondary - 8.45am to 3.15pm (3.09pm on Thursdays)
Please ensure that your children do not arrive before supervision starts for the day and leave the school promptly after classes are finished.
Best wishes for a happy, safe andrewarding term.
Kerrie Blain
29 April 2016
Report from the Grants Officer, May 2016
Grant-related opportunities emailed to the school and/or P&C for consideration in April
· ANZ netball grants (up to $20,000):
· Myer Foundation (up to $10,000):
· National Science Week Grants ($500):
· Tennis Australia Partner School:
· Canberra Southern Cross Rewards Program:
If agreed, I can submit an expression of interest for our P&C to participate in the Canberra Southern Cross Rewards Program which donates 10% of a member’s spend on food and beverages to their nominated participating group.
Also for consideration
Rolling applications are accepted for one-off funding (up to $15,000) under the ACT Health Promotion Innovation Funding (next round cut-off is 20 June):
While funding for Sporting Schools Program Delivery Grants has closed for Terms 1 and 2, stay tuned for opening dates for Terms 3 and 4: