Healthcare Workforce Data Center

Physician Workforce Advisory Committee

July 30, 2009 9:00 A.M. Board Room #3

Attending: S. Mick, S. Bowman, R. Cummings, W. Harp, J. Cribbs

Staff: B. Beck, E. Carter, L. Chapman

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Bowman made a motion that the minutes of the June 16, 2009 meeting be approved. The motion was seconded.

DHP Healthcare Workforce Data Center Update

§ The DHP Healthcare Workforce Data Center grant was extended for three months (July-September ’09) so that funds that were not spent can be utilized. The grant for year two was for half the amount requested.

§ We will be focusing on PA’s, NP’s and CNA’s for year two.

§ There will not be a Dental survey done in year two. It was requested by the grant committee to drop this survey.

Consultant Reports: The Lewin Group

§ Mr. Tim Dall reviewed with the group (by conference call) a three page excel spreadsheet that The Lewin Group has prepared on Physician Supply and Demand for Virginia.

§ Mr. Dall said that the data that was received from Mr. Ken Studer was not able to be compared to the AMA master file data. There are several gaps in data that need to be filled. Mr. Dall said that he will be working with Mr. Studer to acquire the missing data.

Committee Discussion on the Lewin Group Report

§ The committee feels that a lot of fine tuning needs to be done before The Lewin Group findings can be presented.

§ Dr. Harp is going to provide a physician head count and possible attrition data by change of address.

§ Dr. Mick may be able to help Mr. Dall with the data that did not match. He said that he had similar problems when he did he research in 2005. (8 digit vs. 10 digit; Alpha vs. Numeric)

§ Mr. Bowman and Ms. Cumming were very surprised by the VA Eastern Region findings. Mr. Dall stated that approximately 20% of the data needed is not available.

§ The committee needs to meet prior to the August 21, 2009 DHP Healthcare Workforce Data Council meeting to review the revised Lewin Group report.

§ Mr. Bowman will be sharing with the committee a Physician spreadsheet that he has created. We need to be using actual Virginia data and step away from the national data that is being used.

§ Dr. Harp feels that we need to tackle this from the bottom up, not the top down. Ms. Cummings agreed that the Medical Society of Virginia may be able to assist in the gathering of data by contacting the society’s branch offices and finding out what their demand for Physicians are.

Physician Assistant Committee

§ Ms. Beck requested names from the committee members for PA’s that could be included on the PA Committee. The following names were provided: Mr. David Faulkenstein, Ms. Dianna Houle, Ms. Pam Bailey, Ms. Robin Cummings, Mr. Wayne Reynolds and Ms. Leslie Elwood. Ms. Beck will continue to solicit names for this new committee.

§ Ms. Beck’s goal is to have the PA Committee up and running September 1, 2009.

General Committee Discussion

§ The final Physician Survey created by Ms. Linda Lacey of Lacey Research Associates needs to be finalized by the committee. Changes are to be given to Ms. Beck no later than August 10, 2009. A line needs to be added under page 1, in the address section, for the email address. Ms. Cummings said that the Medical Society of Virginia would be happy to add to their next member mailing that the email address line is being added to the survey.

§ DHP needs a model that can be used “in house” to gather the necessary data for the surveys. Another meeting with the Sheps Center or the New York, Albany center would be very helpful in making an informed decision.

Next Meeting: TBD