TNU Lesson Plan Format


The followingpre assessmentwill be given to a 2nd grade class midway through the 2nd semester of the year. The pretest contains a list of characteristics of fiction and non-fiction. The students will demonstrate their knowledge of these 2 genres of literature by writing F for fiction or N for non-fiction.

Standard(s) and/or Goal(s)

0201.2.8 Participate in group discussion

0201.4.4 Visit library/media center as a source of information for research

0201.5.4 Compare and contrast information and ideas

0101.8.3 Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction

0201.8.5 Begin to create and utilize graphic organizers

Instructional Objective(s)

The first fourof these instructional objectives are completed in the library after a lesson about the differencesbetween fiction and non-fiction. The library block is 45-50 minutes long. The last objective will be completed in the classroom. It is expected thatthe teacherwill review the lesson before providing them with an assessment activity. (Venn diagram)

TLW examine both fiction and non-fiction resources for characteristics. This will be achieved through a visit to the library.Mastery is 100%.

TLW compare and contrastthe characteristics of fiction and non-fiction genre.Selected library materials will beprovided.Mastery is 100%.

TLW distinguish between fiction and non-fiction media resources. Librarian will present a lesson about these genres.Mastery is 90%.

TLW summarize the differences between fiction and non-fiction resources. Librarian will lead group discussion.Mastery is 90%.

TLW arrange characteristics on graphic organizer to demonstrate understanding. AVenn Diagramwill be provided as an assessment to be completed individually. Mastery is 85%.

Materials, Media, and other Resources

Classroom review and assessments

Teacher materials include: printed assessments (to be completed in classroom) board and markers to review concepts taught by librarian.

Student materials include: scissors and glue stick, pencil to write name on paper

Library lesson

Librarian materials include: the following fiction and non-fiction books: Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly by Alan Madison (Schwartz & Wade Books, 2007) and Butterflies and Moths by Nic Bishop (Scholastic, 2009)

10 non-fiction books about animals, 10 fiction books about the same animals.

Extra Large rubberbands (large enough to fit around each pair of books)

Set Induction:

The teacher will most likely leave her classwith the librarian while she takes release time.The librarian will state: "Your teacher has asked me to show you where you can find information about animals for a report that you willbegin today, we will learn about non-fiction resources. I want to start by sharing this "way cool"book. It is called Velma Gratch and the Way CoolButterfly. It is written by Alan Madison and was wonderfully illustrated by Kevin Hawkes."

Instructional Sequence

After the librarian reads Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly, she leads a brief discussion of whether the book was true. She identifies it as fiction. She then introducesa non-fiction book called Butterflies and Moths and begins to slowly flip through it, noting the extremely large photographs of real butterflies and moths, pointing out the captions, large print subject introductions, the content, and the glossary in the back of the book. She tells the class that if she wanted to do a report of an animal, she would go to the 520's and shows them where they are located. She explains that for the rest of the time, they will do an activity where, as partners,they get to examine 2 books, one fiction and one non-fiction about the same animal. She reminds them to look for ways the two books are alike and different. The librarian pairs up partners and sends them to a table of banded book pairs to choose one. The students take 10-12 minutes to examine their book pairs, then they are asked to band them and return them to the table. Once again,they gather around the librarian and through questioning,she invites them to share what they discovered.


After the students have completed their book pair activity, they gather around the librarian who allows them to share what they discovered. She reviews with them the differences between fiction and non-fiction and then reads directly from their pre-assessment, asking if the characteristics indicate a fiction book or non-fiction book.The students will call out answers together. The librarian will also add specific book titles for them to respond to as well.

Adaptation and Extensions

To accommodate for ELL students and those with special needs, the librarian will choose the pairs of students who will work together. She will pair them up with an excellent reader. She will encourage them to participate in the group discussion about the differences between fiction and non-fiction, by asking them questions she is certain they know the answers to. The librarian will monitor the activity and assist students who have questions.

In her review, the teacher will provide a visual, by writing FICTION and NON-FICTION on the board and have students remind her of what they had learned were the differences. She will write each characteristic under the genre.

The post assessment (Venn Diagram) requires no writing, only cutting and gluing for those who have difficulty writing in small spaces.


After the library lesson and teacher reinforcement lessons, the post test will be taken. It consists of a Venn diagram which is labeled Fiction, Non-fiction, and both. The students will use their new knowledge to determine where each characteristic belongs. They will use scissors and glue and work alone for this assessment. The objectives will have been met if the students receive 85% or above on this post assessment activity.


I actually taught this lesson to a first grade class for a shorter amount of time. I felt rushed. My actual lesson did not include the assessments, but I visually assessed their knowledge through observation of group participation and responses. This is the kind of assessment I would prefer to do in the library. The class enjoyed the story, and the non-fiction book as well. They rushed with excitement to the non-fiction books to choose a book to check out. I would prefer teaching the lesson to 2nd or 3rd graders because they have better reading skills. I enjoyed teaching this lesson and I felt that it was successful.It makes me smile to watch the children learn.

AASL-2007 Standards


Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.


Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.


Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats.


Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses.


Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.


Recognize that resources are created for a variety of purposes.

Fiction/Non-fiction Quiz continued

Directions: All of these words are characteristics of fiction, non-fiction, or could be both. Use scissors to cut each of these characteristics and glue them to the Venn Diagram so that they are correctly placed.

True facts / Pictures look real / Glossary / Encyclopedia
Pictures don’t look real / Entertains / Charts and labels / Enjoyable to read
Tells a story / Gives information / Setting / Goldilocks & Three Bears
Main character / Make-believe / Author’s creation / Life Cycle of the Butterfly