Christmas 2014
Dear Friends,
As we write this Christmas greeting to you we are reminded again of the way we have partnered together with many of you over several decades of working in Africa as missionaries. We first want to again say thank you for your support and prayers for the work we have been a part of over the years. We’d also like to give you an update on some of the projects that we are involved in.
Kafakumba Pastors’ School had two sessions again this year – a Zambia session with Zambian and Tanzanian pastors that met at the Kafakumba Training Center here in Zambia as well as the larger Congo session that met at Mulungwishi Seminary in the Congo. Both sessions went really well with about 200 pastors receiving training. We would love to have the two sessions meet together in May here in Zambia if we can get the extra funding for the travel documents, etc that would be required. There is an atmosphere of fellowship and “family” when the pastors from such a large area of central Africa get together. Our long term objective remains the same. Through the work of Kafakumba Pastors’ School we seek to establish in local villages a vibrant committed Christian family who will be the catalyst for transformation and abundant life.
The development projects that we are working on are moving along. The honey project is by far the most promising area that we are working on. There are now 7000 farmers with about 40,000 beehives distributed in Zambia, Malawi and the Congo. The last harvest in May there was 50 tons of honey collected. We have begun the November harvest now and look for a larger amount. We are continually building and distributing more beehives. Our honey has organic certification from the European Union. This allows us to export our honey anywhere in the world and command a better price. We are sending our first batch of honey to England, and we hope to soon ship to Japan. Nathan has been helping John with the beehive construction and distribution side of the work. Another project that John is excited about is growing livestock efficiently. We currently have over 200 head of beef cattle and are building a small herd of dairy cattle as well. Nathan and John have been working on building up a pig operation. This has gone very well, and there are over 150 pigs. Brian and John are working on new methods of raising goats and sheep. They have imported high quality breeding stock from South Africa and are working on growing pens that can be used by village farmers. One of the keys to raising the livestock is to have a source of good inexpensive feed for them – and that is mulberries. We have about 30 acres of mulberry trees planted. The leaves are a good source of protein for the livestock, and mulberry trees are something that small scale farmers can more easily grow. The goal in this area is to have projects that can be reproduced by local small scale farmers.
Faith and Grady are with us every day and such a joy. They are finally getting to the age where Grandpa can more comfortably play with them. Both of the kids like to sit on Grandpa’s lap and play the piano! Grandma gets to “babysit” each of the kids most days, but so far has watched them separately! Faith is 17 months and is anticipating being a big sister in May! Grady will be a year next week.
In our last letter we mentioned that we would like to send email updates and we heard from some of you. We were surprised how many wrote to request a mailed letter. We will try to continue sending out a mailing a couple of times a year, and send some updates by email. Thanks to those who replied! Also, please take a minute and look at the Kafakumba webpage:
As we approach the Christmas season we think of the gifts we have received from our heavenly Father and are so grateful - health, peace, joy, and abundant life through Jesus. May we all recognize the blessings and gifts we have received and be thankful. Merry Christmas!
Together in Christ,
John and Kendra Enright
John and Kendra Enright Stateside Address/Donations:
P.O. Box 90936 Enright Flight Ministry
Luanshya, Zambia 1919 Jackson Lane
011-260-967-770735 Port Orange, FL 32128