History of Galatia
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I. History of the Gauls
A. Where did Galatia get its name?
1. Galatia was named after Celtic Gauls which settled there in 270 BC.
2. Barbarians of Thrace – Greek Savages.
B. What is the History of the Gauls?
1. Gauls from Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland.
2. Gauls under Brennus (chieftan) sacked Rome circa 390 BC.
3. A large group Speaking Celtic Language settled in Thrace in 300 BC.
4. Celtic speaking Gauls who were part of invasion of Greece in 281 BC.
C. When did they enter Galatia?
1. They invaded the area at the invitation of Nicomedes I of Bithynia, who required help in a dynastic struggle against his brother.
2. Three tribes crossed over from Thrace to Asia Minor.
a. They numbered about 10,000 fighting men and about the same number of women and children, divided into three tribes, Trocmi, Tolistobogii and Tectosages.
3. They were eventually defeated by the Seleucid king Antiochus I, in a battle where the Seleucid war elephants shocked the Celts. Invasion was stopped, but the Galatians remained.
4. There they ultimately settled, and joined by people of the same clan from Europe, they overran Bithynia and supported themselves by plundering neighboring countries.
II. History of Galatia following its Establishment
A. Roman Rule
1. In 189 BC Rome sent Gnaeus Manlius Vulso on an expedition against the Galatians. He defeated them.
2. Joined Rome in Regional Battles.
3. 64 BC Galatia became a client-state of the Roman empire.
4. 25 BC were incorporated into the Roman Empire.
B. Paul and Galatia
1. In Acts 14:8-23, at Lystra the multitude tried to sacrifice to Paul, assuming that he and Barnabas were gods (calling them Hermes and Zeus) after Paul healed a man who "was crippled from birth and had never walked" (Acts 14:8).
2. Paul emphatically urged them not to do so; he was later stoned by a crowd of Galatians (Acts 14:18-19) and left for dead.
The modern capital of Turkey, Ankara (ancient Ancyra), was also the capital of ancient Galatia.
I. Vital Statistics
A. Author: Paul
B. Date Written: 50 AD; After council Mtg.
1. Visited Galatian Cities on each of the Missionary Journeys
a. 1st – 44-48 AD
b. 2nd – 50-53 AD
c. 3rd – 54-57 AD
C. Theme: The Gospel of Christ vs. The Law of Moses
II. Galatian History
A. Basic Information about
III. Chapter 1 – Paul’s Greeting, An Admonishment, and Validation His Teaching
A. Vs. 1-5 – Greeting to Galatians
1. “Apostle not by man”
2. “Churches of Galatia” – Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe
3. Christ gave himself – according to the will of the Father. He was willing.
4. “Present Evil Age” – World, for salvation not just for a time frame.
B. Vs. 6-10 – Paul Chastises the Galatians
1. No commendation – Unique letter intro for Paul.
2. Deserting Who? Father
3. Quickly Deserting?
a. Readily accepting
b. Time Frame Accepting
4. Another Gospel
a. It’s not another, it is a distortion.
b. Why? Eph. 4:5 – “one faith”, Phil. 1:27 – “the faith of the gospel”, and Jude 1:3 “Contend for the faith which was once for all delivered” – These are singular, there is only one gospel.
c. Why would someone want to distort the gospel?
5. Vs. 8-9 - Paul identifies anyone teaching a different message is to be cursed.
a. This is important to note regarding Paul’s teachings.
· He tells the Corinthians in I Cor. 4:17 that what he teaches is the same in all churches. Such that Timothy can come and teach the same thing.
· Paul had all truth John 16:13, He was inspired!
· He said he didn’t shrink from proclaiming whole council of God. Acts 20:27
· Paul didn’t preach opinion or culture, because what he taught according to I Corinthians 1:2 is “to all who in every place call on the name of the Lord.”
· There was nothing else that needed to be preached.
6. Vs. 10 – Paul’s purpose in preaching the truth? To Please God!
a. Later He Says - Gal 4:16 - Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth?
b. Either way, Paul served Christ.
C. Vs. 11-17 – Paul Begins a Validation to them about his teaching being from God.
1. Purpose: So they will know it is in complete and nothing else is needed.
2. Vs. 11-12 – Where did Paul Get the Gospel Message? Christ. Not Man.
a. Galatians don’t worry about my teaching.
3. Vs. 13-14 - Paul’s Upbringing
a. I was well versed in Judaism, not Christianity. (Paul was no dummy).
4. Vs. 15-17 - Conversion
a. Father called him to the work.
b. His didn’t consult anyone on what to teach.
c. Acts 9:19-22 - Immediately began preaching Christ Soundly.
d. Shortly after went to Arabia
· Some say he got his inspiration or studied there. It is obvious he had knowledge before the trip.
D. Vs.18-24 - Ministry 3 yrs later
1. Alleged Bible Discrepancy
a. Acts 9:22-26, Acts 22:17, Acts 26:20 do not mention Arabia or 3 years?
· Ex. Yesterday, Tim and I had lunch together and when I went to the church building he arrived right behind me. So I saw him a lot.
- This happened. But how much time between?
- Was it necessary to share all the events in between for the message I wanted to convey? – ie. That Tim and I saw each other a lot.
- In reality, there was about 4 hours in between where I did a lot of other things.
b. Point: Paul did not have to share all information in all cases, it was irrelevant.
c. No Discrepancy in the text.
2. Vs. 18-20 - First Visit to Jerusalem following Conversion
a. Purpose: To become acquainted with Peter – not to learn gospel
- He was there only 15 days.
- He saw Peter, James, Barnabus, and some disciples (Acts 9)
- He hardly had the opportunity there to be schooled in Christianity.
· Question: James an Apostle? – In that time – “Someone specially selected”
· Not Christ’s Apostles: Qualification: Acts 1:2, Luke 6:13, Acts 9:15 – Chosen
3. Vs. 21-24 – Went to Syria and Cilicia to Preach
a. Paul’s teaching was glorifying God.
b. Notably, folks knew this was someone who had spent his life against Christianity.
· Importance: Confirmation: This was not someone taught the gospel.