TM8100 with T2020 Control Head

Product Requirements Document

Product Code TA2606-00


Approvals / Position / Signature / Date
Malcolm Forbes / Software Team Leader

Amendment/Update Record

Issue / Date / Author / Comment
A / 9 Dec 2005 / Malcolm Forbes / Initial Release

Table of Contents


Amendment/Update Record......

Table of Contents......






1.1.5Delivered Items......

1.1.6TEL contacts......


2Product Requirements......

2.1.1TA2606-01 Feature Summary......

2.1.2TA2606-01 User Interface......

2.1.3On/Off/Volume Control......

2.1.4Programmable Function Keys......

2.1.5Alphanumeric Keys......

2.1.6Enter Key......

2.1.7Clear Key......


2.1.9Function Key LEDs......

2.1.10Power Up......

2.1.11Channel / Group Operation......

2.1.12Selcall Dial Mode......

2.1.13Select Status Mode......

2.1.14(Buffered) DTMF Dial Mode......

2.1.15MENU Mode......

2.1.16Radio Programming......

2.1.17Firmware Upgrades......

2.1.18TA2606-01 Control Head......

2.1.19TA2606-02 Dummy Head......


2.1.21Software History......



This document describes the requirements to develop the Tait Custom Integration TA2606-00 TM8100 with T2020 Control Head. It has been written to ensure that TCI designs and manufactures equipment that meets agreed specifications.


While this document sets out the specific customer requirements, it is not intended to be a complete definition of the operation of the product.

Testing will be carried out in accordance to the specific customer requirements detailed in this document.


The product will be developed for TRC and Emcom according to this Requirements document.

Any subsequent modifications resulting from end customer requests or integration issues will be handled as a variance and quoted separately.

Tait Custom Integration is free to implement any modifications as it sees fit with the agreement of the customer. This includes, excluding previously available standard radio features.


[1] Product Proposal -TM8100 with T2020 Control Head TA2606-01 (pp260601c.doc)

1.1.5Delivered Items

The following items will be delivered as part of this development:

  • Product Requirements Document. (rq260600x.doc)
  • Test document (td260600x.doc) (for customer approval)
  • Prototype radios + control heads (x2)
  • Custom User Guide
  • Custom Service Manual Insert

1.1.6TEL contacts

Technical contacts: Malcolm Forbes (primary), Han Overtoom (backup)

Commercial contacts: Paul Jackson (primary), Christine Lewis (backup)


The products specified within the document will be developed according to TCI Product Development Process - TE0437

2Product Requirements

2.1.1TA2606-01 Feature Summary

Feature / TA2606-00
Number of Channels / 250
Number of Groups / 10
Preset Channels / 4 (programmable)
Alphanumeric Preset Labels
Hookswitch Monitor
Monitor Function
Squelch Override
User Selectable Norm / Econ Backlighting Level
User Selectable External Mute
User Selectable External Alert Function / 2
User Selectable Keypress Confidence Tones
User Selectable Keypress Confidence Tones Level
Short Status Display / Numeric only
SELCALL Dialling
Deferred Calling
Remote Stun and Revive
Call Diversion
Unanswered Call Queuing
Programmable Function Keys / 4
Emergency Call
Group Call
Priority Calls
LCD Display / 8-character
Tx Timer / per network
Tx Lockout / per channel
Economy Mode
Repeater Talkaround
Priority Scanning
Off Hook Scanning
User Programmable Scanning
User Programmable Group Membership
Programmable Power Up Message
Programmable Channel Signalling
Programmable Bandwidth
BCD Channel Selection
Display Message Language / English only
Alphanumeric Status Interrogation
DTMF Encode Internal
Internal Speaker
DTMF Encode Microphone
Remote Control Head
Data Capability (UART Board)
VOX (Handsfree) / fitted as standard
600 OHM Interface / optional
ANI Encode
ANI Decode
Automatic Caller ID
High Speed Data / optional
Programmable Digital IO
Programmable Audio Taps
Per Channel Selcall
Multiple Networks
Modern Platform
GPS interface / fitted as standard
FFSK modem / fitted as standard
Selcall / fitted as standard
DTMF / fitted as standard
Encryption / fitted as standard

2.1.2TA2606-01 User Interface

The TA2606-01 is the TM8100 radio with a T2000 control head. The TA2606-01 is not a direct replacement for the T2020. While most of the T2020 features are retained, it lacks some user interface refinements of the T2020, but gains many more radio features from the TM8100.

The keypad of the T2000 control head is modified to give a more modern style user interface. Instead of the previous over-loaded mode keys of the T2020, the new user interface consists of dedicated function keys and menu driven operations. This style of user interface is consistent with the Orca 5000 series and TM81 / 82 product ranges.

2.1.3On/Off/Volume Control

Key Name / Function
On/Off/volume control / Rotating the on/off/volume control clockwise turns on the radio and increases volume. This also controls the volume level of audible indicators and confidence tones.

2.1.4Programmable Function Keys

The programmable function keys can be assigned with the following actions:

Setting / Description
None / A press of the function key will result in no action. The LED will not display, and there will be no audible alert.
Audible Indicators Volume / Toggles the volume of audible indicators, such as incoming call, warning, and confirmation tones, between high (6 dB above the audio volume) and low (6 dB below the audio volume).
Action Digital Output Line / Activates an output line set to F1 to F4 Key Status. The function key will reflect the setting of Momentary or Latching (Signal State). Add another line set to F1 to F4 Key Status to display the function key LED correctly.
Backlighting Timer / Activates display backlighting. This function will automatically deactivate when the backlighting timer expires.
Backlighting Toggle / The operation of this function depends on the Backlight Mode field. When the Backlight Mode is set to 'With Activity', pressing this key will toggle backlighting between on continuously and with activity. When the Backlight Mode is set to Off or Continuous, pressing this key will toggle backlighting between on continuously and off.
Backlighting Timer / Toggle / A long press of the function key activates backlighting with the backlighting timer, and a short press toggles backlighting.
Call Cleardown / Closes monitor, creates an invalid Selcall sequence, and sends that sequence on the currently selected channel. All members of the fleet must have the Invalid Call Monitor Reset selected. The purpose of the call cleardown feature is to close monitor for all radios in the fleet, ending any active call on the channel.
Channel Preset Call / This key is used for preset calls and dialling. It applies to both Selcall and DTMF channels.
A short press sends the preset call for the current channel, specified in the Channel Setup > Channels form > Signalling Preset tab. If the currently selected channel is assigned to a Selcall network, this option will send the sequence under Channel Preset Call (Selcall). If the currently selected channel is assigned to a DTMF network, this option will send the sequence selected in the Preset Sequence field.
A long press enters Selcall Dial Mode for a Selcall network channel, or DTMF Dial Mode for a DTMF network channel.
Emergency Mode / The radio will enter a non-stealth emergency mode, as defined in the Networks > Emergency form.
Encryption / Toggles encryption mode for the radio.
Group Scanning Activity / Toggles the radio between scanning or voting (as defined in the Channel Setup > Scan Groups form), and channel selection modes. Scanning or voting can be identified on the radio by a steady amber LED.
Ignore Two-Tone / Disables or enables two-tone decode signalling on the current channel. If the current channel is not assigned to a two-tone network, the radio will give an invalid beep.
Keypress Tones Toggle / Turns audible indicators for the front panel keys on or off.
Keypress Tones Volume / Toggles the volume of audible indicators for the front panel keys between high (6 dB above the audio volume), and low (6 dB below the audio volume).
Low Power Transmit / Toggles between low power mode (where all transmissions will be at low power regardless of the channel's default), and each channel's programmed Power level.
Monitor / Toggles the radio's monitor function. This is assigned to both a long and short press of the function key. The function key LED will display when monitor is open, regardless of how monitor was initiated.
Monitor / Squelch Override / A short press of the function key toggles Monitor, a long press toggles Squelch Override.
Network Preset Calls / If the currently selected channel is assigned to a Selcall network, this option will send one of the Selcall preset calls (1 to 3) specified in the Selcall > Free Format Bursts form. If the currently selected channel is assigned to a DTMF network, this option will send one of the DTMF preset calls specified in the DTMF > DTMF Signalling form > Systems tab.
Nuisance Delete / Temporarily removes a captured channel from a scan or voting group, unless the channel is the last remaining channel in the group. Any channels removed will be reinstated when the group is reselected, or the radio is turned off then on again.
Phone Patch Call Request / Release / Sends one of the current network's four phone patch calls. An initial short press of the function key will send the Line Capture (Sequence 1 to 4) sequence (if programmed), and open the radio's monitor function. A second short press will send the Patch Sequence (Sequence 1 to 4). A long press at any stage will send the Line Release (Sequence 1 to 4) sequence.
Preset Channel / Changes the channel to the ID specified in the Settings field.
Public Address / Turns public address mode on or off. When public address is on and the microphone PTT is pressed, amplified audio is routed to an external speaker via an options board.
Quiet Operation / Turns quiet mode on or off. This silences all audible indicators except incoming call tones and warning tones.
Repeater Access Tone Tx / Transmits the currently selected channel's repeater access tone
Repeater Talkaround / Turns repeater talkaround on or off. Repeater talkaround allows the radio user to bypass repeater operation and so communicate directly with other radios. While repeater talkaround is active, all transmissions are made on the Rx Frequency programmed for the channel.
Reset Monitor / Closes monitor, if it is currently open. This is useful for closed systems so users can close monitor, but not open monitor manually.
Reset Monitor / Call Cleardown / A short press of the function key closes monitor if open, and a long press ends any active call on the network.
Silent Operation / Toggles between normal and silent mode, where all indicators are switched off.
Single In-Band Tone / Keys up the radio's transmitter and sends the network's single in-band tone (of the programmed Frequency and for the Encode Duration) after the lead-in delay. If the current channel is unable to send a single in-band tone, then the radio will give an invalid keypress beep.
Squelch Override / Opens or closes the radio's squelch (carrier) mute, and any other mutes currently active. The radio user can hear all noise and any activity occurring on the channel.
Scanning / Nuisance Delete / A short press of the function key starts Group Scanning Activity, a long press removes a captured channel from a scan or voting group (Nuisance Delete).

2.1.5Alphanumeric Keys

Key / Description
0 to 9, * and # / Enter numeric keys and [#] for channel selection
Enter numeric keys and [*] (for Group tone) for dialling selcall tones
Enter numeric keys, [*] and [#] for dialling DTMF tones
[ABC] to [WXYZ] / Not used

2.1.6Enter Key

The enter key (or [ENT]) has two actions:

Key Action / Description
Short Press [ENT] / Used to completes dialing entries, and validate selections
Long Press [ENT] / The [ENT] key is provided for entering MENU mode .
When this key is pressed for >2 seconds the [ENT] LED turns ON, and the last selected menu item is displayed. A list of the menu items can be scrolled through using the scroll keys.
A further long press of this key will cause the radio to exit MENU mode.

2.1.7Clear Key

The CLEAR key (or [X]) is used to delete dialed digits and return the radio back to default mode


Indicator Name / Meaning
BUSY / Busy Indicator There is activity on the current channel.
TX / Radio is transmitting.
SCAN / Scan Indicator Your radio is sampling each of a group of channels for any activity. When it detects traffic on a channel, scanning halts on the active channel.
WAIT / Wait Indicator The channel you are using is busy and your call has been deferred to a queue. The radio indicates the channel is available with a beep.
SCROLL / Scrolling is available and you are able to use the up and down scroll keys to move through a list of options. To select an option, press the enter key.

2.1.9Function Key LEDs

The operation of these LEDs depends on the type of function programmed for each function key

2.1.10Power Up

Displaying the Radio Firmware Version
If PTT is pressed during power up, the radio firmware version is displayed on the LCD
Displaying the Control Head Firmware Version
If any keypad key is pressed during power up, the control head firmware version is displayed on the LCD and the control head goes into its TEST mode. To exit the TEST mode, the radio has to be turned off and on again.
Displaying the Programmable Power-up Message
If neither keypad keys nor PTT is pressed at start up, max 16 char power-up message is displayed on the display. The first 8 char of the power-up message is displayed for one second then the remaining character are scrolled on to the display.
Following the power up message the radio will enter ‘Channel Selection Mode’.

2.1.11Channel / Group Operation

At power up the radio defaults to the ‘Channel Selection Mode’. Max 250 individual channels and 10 groups are supported.
Selecting a Channel / Group
The user can select a channel or group
  • Using the scroll keys. The cursor [UP]/[DOWN] keys selects the next/previous channel.
  • Using direct keypad entry. With the numeric keys, a channel is selected directly. Full 3 digits (ie ‘000’ or '012' or ‘249’) or 1 or 2 digits and [ENT] (ie ‘3’ and [ENT]) selects a new channel. If the max ID is less than 10 then only 1 digit selects a new channel. If the max ID is less than 100 then only 2 digits selects a new channel.
  • Using Preset Channel function key (if programmed)

Channel / Group Labels
An 8-character channel or group label is displayed on the LCD. The 8-character label is programmable.
Channel / Group Functions
The BUSY, TX and SCAN annuciators are used as per the standard T2020 user interface. Common radio functions operate as per standard TM8100. These include:
  • Hidden Channels
  • TxInhibit conditions
  • Hookswitch operation
  • Transmit Timer
  • Monitor Operation
  • Scanning – locked
  • Scanning – unlocked
  • Nuisance delete

2.1.12Selcall Dial Mode

Entering Selcall Dial Mode
To enter Selcall Dial mode, long press any of the programmed ‘Channel Preset Call’ functions key. The radio will enter the selcall dial mode, only if the current channel has a selcall network with at least one ‘V’ is programmed at the Call Dialling Sequence.
The initial display is the last dialled number or ‘0’.
Escaping Selcall Dial Mode (without sending a Selcall)
You can escape from Selcall Dial Mode by:
  • Pressing the [X] while the last dialled number is displayed
  • Pressing the [X] while there are no entered digits
  • A long press of the ‘Channel Preset Call’ function key

Making a call to the Last Dialled Number
When the last entered digits are displayed, [ENT] sends the bursts with the last dialled digits. The dialled tones are inserted on the ‘V’ tones in the Call Dialling Sequence and then the bursts are sent. After the bursts are all sent the radio reverts back to ‘Channel Selection Mode’.
The Last Dialled Number is stored in the radio memory and is retained following a power reset. Re-programming the radio causes the Last Dialled Number to be reset to 0.
Making a call to a new Number
Use keys 0 to 9, * and # to enter the new dialled number
Digits must be entered as the same number of ‘V’ tones from all bursts.
Pressing the [X] deletes the last entered digit
To send the dialled tones, press [ENT]. The dialled tones are inserted on the ‘V’ tones in the Call Dialling Sequence and then the bursts are sent. After the bursts are all sent the radio reverts back to ‘Channel Selection Mode’.
Accessing other radio functions
While in ‘Selcall Dial Mode’, the radio cannot enter the ‘Select Status Mode’ or ‘MENU Mode’, nor can the radio send a Channel Preset Sequence by a short press of the ‘Channel Preset Call’ function key.

2.1.13Select Status Mode

Entering Select Status Mode
To enter ‘Select Status’ mode, short press the ‘Select Status’ function key (if programmed).
The initial display is the last selected status.
Selecting a new status
Select a new status by:
  • Entering 1 or 2 from the keypad, followed by a press of the [ENT] key. If [*] is pressed, 2 ‘-‘ char are displayed which means no status. If single digit status is used, and the status value entered exceeds 16, then this also means no status.
  • Using the cursor keys can be used to choose next or previous status value. Press [ENT] to select the new status.
Once the [ENT] key is pressed the radio reverts to 'Channel Selection Mode’
Pressing [X] before a status selection is made, causes the status value to revert to the last selected status.
The selected status value is stored in the radio memory and is retained following a power reset. Re-programming the radio causes the last selected status to be reset to 0.
Escaping Select Status Mode (without selecting a new status)
[X] exits this mode if last selected status is displayed.
While in this mode, short press of the ‘Select Status’ function key exits this mode.
Accessing other radio functions
While in ‘Select Status Mode’, radio cannot enter the ‘Selcall Dial Mode’, ‘DTMF Dial Mode’ or ‘MENU Mode’.

2.1.14(Buffered) DTMF Dial Mode