The bidder shall state firm, fixed prices for providing services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. PLEASE NOTE: This page shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside “PRICING PROSPOAL Exhibit A.

Unit Prices:

The Unit Prices shall include all overhead, any appropriate manufacturer price increases, profit, insurance, and other incidentals to cover the complete work. These prices will hold for the duration of the contract.

Bid Option #1 with installation to begin July 1, 2015 and competition of July 31, 2015

Tag Number / Gould Evans Furniture Specification Page / Manufacturer / Style Name/Model Number / Qty. / Unit Price / Extended Price
C1 / Page 1 / RT London Hudson Settee / Settee
HDSE1X3155+W / 131
C2 / Page 2 / RT London Hudson Lounge Chair / Lounge Chair
HDLC1X3133+W / 165
T1 / Page 25 / RT London / Coffee Table
60TBZZ6643-M50 / 132
MSC1 / Page 37 / RT London / Full Bed
MXBERL5585-LS / 331
MSC2 / Page 38 / RT London / Chest - 2 Drawer
MXDR2X36-YS / 331
MSC3 / Page 39 / RT London / Pedestal Desk
MXDEAK44-YS / 330
MSC3 – ALT / Page 40 / RT London / Desk - non pedestal option
MXDEDJ44-YS / 330

Bidder shall state the following:

1.  Payment Terms: ______

2.  Educational Discount: $______

3.  Installation/Setup Cost: $______

4.  Shipping/Tailgate Delivery Cost: $______

5.  Total Cost for Bid Option #1 including MSC3 with installation, including any discounts offered:


Total Cost for Bid Option #1 including MSC3-ALT with installation, including any discounts offered:


6.  ALTERNATE - Premium associated with afterhours work:

Hourly Rate $______Estimated Number of Hours ______

Total estimated Alternate cost $______

7.  Is your company a: MBE______WBE______BOTH______N/A______

Bid Option #2 with installation to begin July 13 2015 and competition of July 31, 2015

Tag Number / Gould Evans Furniture Specification Page / Manufacturer / Style Name/Model Number / Qty. / Unit Price / Extended Price
C3 / Page 3 / Grand Rapids Chair / Siren Chair
850 / 384
C4 / Page 4 / Grand Rapids Chair / Siren barstool
850BS / 278
C5 / Page 5 / Herman Miller / Caper Chair
WC420PMSROU463 / 2
C6A / Page 6 / Herman Miller / Caper Chair
WC410NMSROY7 / 8
C6B / Page 7 / Herman Miller / Caper Chair
WC410NMS79Y7 / 8
C6C / Page 8 / Herman Miller / Caper Chair
C7 / Page 9 / Hightower / True Love Sofa
GZ-2750 / 2
C8 / Page 10 / Hightower / True Love Lounge Chair
GZ-2000 / 4
C9 / Page 11 / Hightower / True Love Outdoor Lounge Chair
GZ-2010 / 6
C10A / Page 12 / Feek / Feek, custom shape, hexagon / 8
C10B / Page 13 / Feek / Feek, custom shape, hexagon / 4
C11A / Page 14 / Nienkamper / Gateway Lounge - Straight Sofa Element
11416 / 2
C11B / Page 15 / Nienkamper / Gateway Lounge - Straight Sofa Element
11416 / 2
C12A / Page 16 / Nienkamper / Gateway Lounge - Concave Sofa Element
11414 / 4
C12B / Page 17 / Nienkamper / Gateway Lounge - Concave Sofa Element
11414 / 4
C13 / Page 18 / Hightower / Fourcast Line High Barstool, polyamide seat
FC13900 / 12
C14 / Page 19 / Hightower / Fourcast Line Stacking Chair, polyamide seat
FC13200 / 14
C15 / Page 20 / Steelcase / Campfire Big Lounge / 2
C16 / Page 21 / Arcadia / Nios Chair / 6
C17 / Page 22 / Landscape Forms / Chill Lounge / 4
C18 / Page 23 / Sit On It / Sitonit Focus
5623 B1 MC1 Z2 Y/e3 A95 B0 C15 FG1 KD / 3
T2 / Page 26 / Grand Rapids Chair / Traverse table
TRV363630 / 27
T3 / Page 27 / ERG / Dome Round Café Table
DM36D / 9
T5 / Page 29 / Martin Brattrud / Martin Brattrud-Manele
2003-01O / 2
T6A / Page 30 / Hightower / True Love Outdoor stool
GZ-2020 / 3
T6B / Page 31 / Hightower / True Love Outdoor stool
GZ-2020 / 3
T7 / Page 32 / Hightower / Four Standing Bar Table
FC12380 / 4
T8 / Page 33 / ERG / Dome Square Café Table
DM36S / 2
WS1 / Page 34 / Kimball / Priority Workstation / 1
S1 / Page 35 / Nexel / Chrome Wire Shelving
184749 / 4
S2 / Page 36 / Global Industrial / Gray Steel Shelving
WG255510 / 4
MSC4 / Page 41 / Mannington Commercial / 10' diameter round rug
24290 / 2

Bidder shall state the following:

8.  Payment Terms: ______

9.  Educational Discount: $______

10.  Installation/Setup Cost: $______

11.  Shipping/Tailgate Delivery Cost: $______

12.  Total Cost for Bid Option #2 with installation, including any discounts offered:


13.  ALTERNATE - Premium associated with afterhours work:

Hourly Rate $______Estimated Number of Hours ______

Total estimated Alternate cost $______

14.  Is your company a: MBE______WBE______BOTH______N/A______

The contractor certifies, by submitting this bid or proposal, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction (contract) by any governmental department or agency.

By submitting your proposal, you understand and agree that the terms and conditions provided throughout this solicitation are the governing terms and conditions of the Agreement. Any exception or additional terms you may wish to propose must be presented in your initial proposal at that time.


By signing this Proposal, the offeror signifies agreement with and acceptance of all the terms, conditions and

specifications shown in this RFP, signifies that this is an accurate estimate for providing the requested services, and agrees

to hold prices firm as required in the RFP. The person signing below represents and warrants that he/she has authority to

bind his/her company.

I (We) received Amendment Number ______(Fill in number(s) received. If none, write none.)

Please complete all the information requested below:

Company name: ______

Address: ______



Telephone number: ______

Signature: ______

Typed or printed name

of individual

signing proposal: ______

Date: ______